Hey Reav3, are we still keeping the same schedule with Fiddle being the next release? Or have things changed? Thank you so much! I can't wait for him to release!
Fiddle is still planned to be the next Champion release after Sett, yes
Hey Reav3, are we still keeping the same schedule with Fiddle being the next release? Or have things changed? Thank you so much! I can't wait for him to release!
Fiddle is still planned to be the next Champion release after Sett, yes
Is Dark Candy going to be amazing too?
If you'd rate his skins, what would be the best 3?
I mean they all are, but Surprise Party is a Legendary, so we have more room to go crazy with that one
Wait so we are getting a champion roadmap today?
I'm almost bummed cause the skins I have for him are Pumpkin Head, Fiddle me timbers, and surprise party. I'm not gonna wanna use any of those anymore cause that base skin is incredible and I feel like the ones I have will take away from the spookiness. I'm really excited to see Praetoran, I always loved that skin when everyone else hated on it, but I can imagine that's gonna be some spooky robot thing.
Also they might do something to him like they did with Thresh where the closer you are to someone determines what auto animation you have. Like maybe when he's closer he can swing the scythe?
Surprise party is going to be amazing
What animal is he supposed be if he is vastaya?
Is there a chance he ever returns to LoL? His champions really pushed the boundaries.
It's always possible
in all honesty, CertainlyT is a huge loss for Riot Games. I can't believe he left. He has made this game much more fun and more popular. I can't imagine the amount of revenue he has singelhandedly brought in as a result of his contributions
He i still at Riot Games, just not working on LoL anymore
As someone who has an unhealthy amount of hours playing Invoker on Dota, this is the first League champ that I’m super interested in. Very different than Invoker in terms of mechanics, but you are thinking about the same things in terms of strategy. Asking yourself the same questions.
I’ve seen a lot of people saying he isn’t that complex and he’s basically just auto attacking, and while Invoker has a little more going on mechanically, you are still on both characters thinking about CD timers, what ability needs to come next and how to get there, what combos do I have access to in this very moment, what combos should I prep for a fight, etc. the main difference is that Invoker has freedom of choice and Aphelios doesn’t.
The 2 biggest question marks I have are:
1) is there going to be a way to “dump ammo” quickly in order to get the weapons you need to set up a combo going into a teamfight?
2) if the W will be a true toggle or not.
The W is a true toggle. It has no Cool down. Sometimes when I'm just walking around and spam W because it looks so cool when he plays the weapon swapping animations (Which he can keep moving during)
Aphelios looks absurdly hard, was that one of his product goals
Kind of. The product goal for Aphelios was to make a Champion with a high mastery curve through many different combinations of abilities rather then reflex based mobility tools, where most of our high mastery curve Champions reside
Yasuo mains can go somewhere now maybe.
I also have my doubts about your statement. Unless they have a mechanic that is detached from them (think Orianna), requires mechanical positioning (Vayne), requires a lot of inputs (Lee Sin), buffs/objects to track (Yasuo/Irelia), and also and most importantly knowledge of every skill in the game and their cues and often just body language in order to counteract them (spellshield/riposte).
I'll bet you do 2 of them, with such a bold statement; 3. Never 5 and almost never the last one.
Does it seem hard enough for you?
Yeah, a "whimsical" jungler, which means it will be boring and braindead to play just like all "whimsical" champs. Jungle is absolutely starved for mechanically intensive champs, Lee is basically all we get.
Hmm Zoe, Fizz and Lulu are all whimsical Champs that aren't brain dead to play
so his winratio on release will be worse than yuumi? I hope so, otherwise he's not that mechanically intense
I feel like it will be, but we will see. Yuumi's winrate being low was less about her mechanical difficulty and more about the fact that Yuumi players were learning to play her at the same time that ADCs also had to learn to play with her, so it's hard to say
With the voli and fiddle reworks, what lanes are you primarily wanting them in?
wait does that mean the juggernaut is a jungler? we havent had a new toplaner since Ornn
The juggernaut is not the jungler
I’m getting kind of annoyed at them seemingly never releasing junglers anymore.
We have a jungler in development. We are also working on both a Fiddle and Volibear VGU
Hey u/Reav3, can you answer if he'll be released this year?
I don't ever comment on release dates
/u/reav3 said he believes this will be the most mechanically intense champ in the game with a lot of outplay potential. I am so excited.
Mastery of this Champ will require almost fanatical faith
That an odd coincidence
I think they likely planned that, Senna could have been pushed back(intended to be after sylas then put on a stand by)
Lol, I wish I could say we did. I didn’t even realize this until just now
The main reason we didn’t do this is that Kassadin doesn’t actually know Kai’Sa is alive so his character didn’t change with her release