

21 Feb


Originally posted by peruanToph

Yeah IK. I do hate him after he compared Taliyah incrased pickrate in jungle patch with Yasuo’s pickrate and said that Taliyah mid is broken bc of having 50% winrate (with 0.2% btw) lmao what a dumbass dude

don't worry i hate me too

12 Feb


This post and the replies to it give me life. Well played!


Originally posted by Kaitrii

what i meant was im not surprised the twitch clip was deleted ESPECIALLY CAUSE ITS ABOUT RIOT AUGUST the "i will fix invis nunu w on monday" clown. he prob had to delete it because, once again, he talked absolute bullshit and got made fun of ONCE AGAIN.

Clowning is all I know

11 Feb


Originally posted by Infinite_Delusion

How is he possessing her if shes 15/0 and hasn't died? Hmmm

You say he killed a 15/0 Trist but her score clearly shows that she has never died



Originally posted by ElaborateRuseman

Kinda unrelated but what do you think about the state of Viego in lane? Are you planning on cutting some of his sustain from minions? Because he seems way stronger there.

Right now Viego mid has like a 1-1.5% higher winrate than jungle, but that (by itself) doesn't mean jungle is bad or lane is OP. Would be kinda like saying Ekko jungle is bad because Ekko mid wins more.

We're keeping an eye on lane Viego and will adjust if necessary. We primarily want him to be a viable jungler, but hopefully we can also let him lane as there are quite a few players who enjoy him there (assuming we can still make jungle good and he isn't a flex problem in pro-play). If we needed to nerf lane further we'd likely hit the minion sustain again.


Originally posted by GodlyPain

August I have a question about his design;

Back when Yone was released Blaustoise (RIP) and Endless Pillows made it sound as if Riot was intending to make more Yasuo-Like kits (following the success of Yasuo, Riven, and Yone) ... Is Viego meant to be in that category?

As he feels relatively Yasuo-Esque given his Q stab motion and just general playstyle.

Just curious what made his gameplay fantasy really.

Edit: Also weird balance question; how do you feel about changing the way his bounty works when possessing someone? It's kind of annoying if you have a high kill teammate who say has a 700g bounty... Viego possesses them and now you have to kill that exact same person except you only get whatever Viego is worth? Should his bounty be changed to reflect who he currently is?

Viego is intended to be more Yi/Jax like. There's a lot of mindshare that goes into taking over other champions, so wanted to make the base kit a bit more straight forward.


If it's true that Viego ONLY uses possession for the ult reset and its a TRAP to make use of the champions he takes over, that would be a problem I'd look to resolve in the future. Not sure that's true from what I've seen of him however.

That said, it's intended that a meaningful part of the reward for possessing an enemy champion is in resetting the R, a spell that puts a melee basic attacker directly on top of you.

Two reasons for this:

  1. We avoid the OTHER problem of, "It doesn't matter how far behind Viego is, he just takes the fed Kai'sa and kills everyone." The R reset being strong means a Viego trying to pop off still relies on power that comes from his personal success/items. It means the best course of action isn't just to build straight tank every game and KS possessions.

  2. I'd like the key skill test for Viego's passive to be HOW he uses the bodies. Some bodies are best to stay in and use all the spells (Taking Leona late gam...

Read more

Originally posted by BlueNinjaTiger

If the purpose is to give people a chance to react, why not make the channel take a little longer? I mean sure he's invulnerable, but finding the right window to give people a chance to process what's happening seems key.

Alternatively make him untargetable, not invulnerable.

he's untargetable, not invulnerable

28 Jan


Originally posted by Smoother1997

It could be just on my end, I might be seeing double.

double sad


Originally posted by Smoother1997

It could be just on my end, I might be seeing double.

double sad


Originally posted by Blaustoise

love y’all, I’ll come around to shitpost and maybe post some data analysis from time to time (hey using external data sources this time)

oh and sorry (not sorry) about the yasuo games over the years

I'm cry


Originally posted by Blaustoise

love y’all, I’ll come around to shitpost and maybe post some data analysis from time to time (hey using external data sources this time)

oh and sorry (not sorry) about the yasuo games over the years

I'm cry

22 Jan


Originally posted by Sleepydog217_YT

I would imagine because neeko and viego use assets that are already loaded in via the other players but changing skins need new assets entirely. Im not into coding or anything but thats probably most likely the case.



It's an attack on the lowest health enemy. It procs the Q passive instead of applying it


Originally posted by F0RGERY

There’s nothing more kingly than being carted around in a litter, so August tried a kit similar to Yuumi’s.

Viego attached to an ally and followed them around the map, leaping out and attacking enemies whenever the opportunity struck. As fun as that design was, it didn’t feel like a king. He was bound to the whims of whoever he was attached to, incapable of commanding them to do his bidding.

If Riot was looking to make League's Big Bad, I can't imagine something more horrific than the concept of "assassin Yuumi".

Thank god they decided not to make that his kit.

Edit: Honestly kind of impressive how many ideas this Champion Insight talks about regarding scrapped kits. We get Assassin Yuumi, Full Rift Mist effect (Camo and spawning an army), starting with a broken blade of the ruined king that upgrades over the game. I love hearing about the scrapped kits and hope that more of beta kits are shared in the future.

Yuumi life

15 Jan


Wait...what's the catch? You even mentioned Ekko without bringing up his tank build or R CD!

12 Jan


Was told Renekton's weakness is his poor scaling. Time to nerf.

08 Jan


Originally posted by UNOvven

Oh its August working on him? Lets just hope its the Ekko-August who understands how important counterplay is, rather than Vi-August who thinks counterplay is just optional.

Counterplay is for the weak