

03 Jun


Wait, the delay on Senna W was supposed to make it WEAKER.

27 May


Glad the two of you are having fun! CertainlyT makes cool champions.

26 May


Is Senna easy to play in ranked? I've been spamming Yuumi for the last 6 months but I might swap to Senna for this skin.

24 Apr


Hopping in to say that my comment on stream was extremely hyperbolic. It was stupid for me to make a claim like that and I'm sorry.

U.GG IS A GREAT SITE and overall their data is good when you want to understand how strong champs are in relation to each other. My criticism comes from how the data gets sketchy when the sample size gets low (master/diamond+ games for some champs, day 1 patch data, etc.). That's what I SHOULD have been talking about in that clip instead of saying what I did.

Thanks alanliang for everything you and your team do for the community.


Originally posted by ShinggoLu

disclaimer: I am one of two co-founders of U.GG.

Thanks to u/RiotAugust for providing the context. I and the rest of the team obviously don't think U.GG is garbage but I understand the perspective RiotAugust presents. We do our best to gather as much data as we can get, display it and allow the player to draw their own conclusions from the data. The great thing about data is one number can be used to tell multiple stories. For example, the Lt. Gov of Texas (we're based in Austin, TX) can look at 500 deaths in Texas and come to the conclusion that stay at home order is overblown and it is time to re-open Texas, whereas someone else looks at 500 deaths and concludes that the strict stay at home order is exactly why the death toll isn't substantially higher.

People drawing conclusions from a small sample size in my opinion is part of what makes League of Legends fun and keeps the game fresh. A champion designer/game balancer might add that i...

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Thanks for all the work you do and the great website you maintain for all of us. Sorry again for being hyperbolic.


First should apologize to the people over at Using hyperbolic terms like "garbage" isn't very useful. U.GG HAS GOOD DATA if you're looking at the right spots, but you have to consider sample size before trusting it.

To clarify the issue that I'm seeing: Sites like lolalytics and are great for determining relative balance (how good is champ x vs. the rest of the roster) in plat+ for champs who aren't critically unpopular. They're a lot worse at determining exact winrate/power levels of a given champ, especially at Diamond+ or Master+ levels of play. The sample size just isn't large enough, and it gets even worse early in a patch when only a few days of data have been collected (at that point even plat+ data is unreliable).

IMO it feels off when data sites are presenting things with low sample size as "real." I'll have people telling me "look at how broken 59% winrate Ivern is at master+" and then I see the data they're referencing has only 120 games. Not...

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26 Mar


They just stayin' fit while WFH

24 Mar


Originally posted by Beast1996

Because it doesnt generate value. A VO update is a substantial investment, but rarely lead to higher player engagement or talk/discussion. This is the same reason Riot had stopped doing Visual Update for a couple of years, though hopefully the recent Morgana and Ezreal update mean they changed their mind. Personally the lukewarm reaction the community have with Ezreal, Morgana and in fact the recent Ashe VO update kinda show things havent really change yet. Fiddlestick seems to be the first where the champion narrative is pitch as the selling point, so we have to wait and see.

Basically, the heavier a certain aspect lean on narrative instead of gameplay, the less the community pay attention to it, and thus have more difficulty in "paying" itself back.

Pretty much this. "Only visual/sound" updates don't create much engagement compared to spending those resources on full VGU's (visual + gameplay). Doesn't mean we should never do them, but there need to be strong reasons beyond "this champ is dated."

20 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


they were


Swain is a 53% winrate midlaner. If you want to say he's not fun in mid that's fine, but saying he's weak just isn't correct. If you play him mid you will win games.

Swain also has one of the highest depths of play in the game (top 10-15 vs. the entire roster). It's comparable to characters like Yasuo, Lee sin, Nami, and Katarina. Depth of play is how much a player will play the same champ over and over again. We believe having high depth of play is a good thing because it means Swain players tend to jump on him and never stop playing him. It means Swain mains play A LOT of Swain.

Before the mini-update his depth of play was average at best and his overall playrate was well below average. As far as I can tell he's been massively improved (going from average to top 10-15) despite being played more often as a support.

Seems like there's a lot of people out there who enjoy current Swain quite a bit.

03 Mar


Originally posted by goobydoobie

I'm excited to hear from Riot August but holy shit that picture.

A younger Riot August. I didnt think that pic was that old.

This is what working on Rengar and Wukong does to you.

19 Feb


Target patch is 10.6

Want time to make sure it's all good.

16 Feb


200+ years of reddit gets you threads like this.

05 Feb


Where'd you get this video of my ranked games

02 Feb


Numbers I cited (56-57%) are likely too high, they were off the top of my head from data that was lower sample size. If her winrate top does end up going to 54%+ we would prolly nerf her due to power.

29 Jan


Originally posted by Blazing117

With less than 2% playrate though.

"But the mains" is not a valid argument for why low playrate champions have high winrates.

The average Yasuo player you see in your games has more games on Yas than the average Ivern player.


Originally posted by ridlehprime

So why does riot want senna to be a support so badly when clearly the pros and solo q players play her bot?

We want her to be both. Right now ADC Senna is OP, so we're nerfing it.

We're not nerfing her because she's being played ADC. We're nerfing her because she's OP.


Originally posted by SlurpTurnsMeGreen

Soul drop on cannons senna kills 100% >>> 2%

Looks like a mid/late game nerf since early on the melee support will be taking the cannon. Prediction, more nerfs to her won't come as a surprise.

edit: more info below

If Senna's support takes a minion with relic shield (giving her the gold) it is treated as though she had killed it (lower soul drop rate).

27 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


This is correct. Jhin proved out ammo and weird attack speeds could be cool, then we tried it on Graves who was in dev at the same time. Really helped sell the shotgun.


Originally posted by Randomd0g

4th shot reveals all enemies on the map and has infinite range

This is a great idea