

28 Apr


Originally posted by redstarbird

Is there any chance that Doom Bots will come back in the future following this change? Maybe as a higher 'challenge' difficulty for the new bots?

Let's just say I'm a very big fan of Doombots of Doom and want to bring back the memes of surviving Annie bot 👀


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

With the addition of jungle bots, and I assume wanting new players to jungle, will co-op vs AI be moving to Quick Play from Blind Pick, whenever that drops

We are currently working closely with the quick play team to see what the new player experience should be, whether blind pick or quick play, but our bots are being built with both routes in mind.

For the 2 week on test though, we are aiming for blind pick and when the bots are ready to roll out on production, we will adapt them to the strategy of champ select at that time.


Originally posted by ztfh

As an experienced player, would it be possible to implement a more advanced training stage, like a jungle gym in prac tool? Moving targets of different speeds, or attaching items to a target to test functionality as a solo player would be nice

We are building this system to be extendable to these goals and use cases!

Since this is new infrastructure, we are starting easy and scaling to other use cases once we are confident in the infrastructure.


Originally posted by Affectionate_Car7098

It won't be a good training system though, the only part missing is jungling and wasting resources on the bots isn't going to improve that, for players to learn they need to play against players, pure and simple

We are adding in jungle bots :)


Originally posted by HarryHagaren

Just in case any Rioter reads the comments: why did the bots in intermediate coop suddenly stop having skins?

Up until a few months ago, bots use to have skins, and it was often a cool way to see new skins in-game.

Unsure but thank you for flagging! We do have this as a Must requirement though for our new bots, so thank you for saying you appreciate it as it makes it an even stronger Must when we launch. :)


Originally posted by LionelleDi

Same, I like playing this way and can;t wait for the new bots!

Please try our bots out when they come out later this year for the PBE test! We are currently aiming for helping newbies, but we do have much longer term goals that your opinion would help us influence!


Originally posted by F0RGERY

Does this mean Renekton bot going afk will be fixed?

Yes! We are building a much more scalable and maintainable system to ensure these kind of bugs are easy to triage and fix.


Originally posted by WoorieKod

As someone who played an entire year of bots before normals and spent hundred of custom only against bots this could be interesting

I hope they make it challenging enough that casuals are able to play it often and long enough as a side game

100%! I played bots until level 17 and only through sheer willpower (and the power of friendship) did I stick around long enough to learn to love League, and now it's the major reason I joined Riot.

We have a long term goal to provide challenging bots for all skill levels, since even now when I want to play, I usually want to try something fun and see if it would work out at my skill level. I think bots is an excellent opportunity to meet these types of needs. :D


Originally posted by LionelleDi

Honestly, I played over 1500 games with and aginst bots so I can't wait for this!!! I hope we will also be able to get more points for passes playing vs AI

Hey! Thanks for being super excited for our bots! We are super excited to make them feel great from newbie to co-op versus AI mains. :)

12 Jul


Contact support! Korea has some governmental implications so they might request some proof but worth while asking!

01 Feb


Originally posted by Dyynamik

If you were interested, I put the Vi tattoo up!

I love it!

24 Dec


Originally posted by Dyynamik

Looks awesome buddy! They did a great job packing the color into her hair! Makes me even more stoked for my Vi piece at the end of January! Hope yours heals up clean!

Can't wait to see your Vi tattoo 👀


Originally posted by superworking

Roadmap to not regretting your tattoo is pretty much - have good quality work - avoid hate symbols. You should be good to go.

Aligned! Good art is good art 👍


This looks amazing! I'm so impressed with the application and style. :)

25 Nov


Originally posted by Bblackzuko2499

That also sound like a good idea thanks to you as well 👌

Jinx is in Wild Rift and Wild Rift has turntable models that are high fidelity, so the tattoos are higher resolution for reference. :)

14 Nov


Originally posted by Darkreaper48

I like popcorn, and I like sour flavors. It was an insta-buy for me.

Bro okay, so I have tried this popcorn and I'm so addicted because I love sour candy and it tastes like sour watermelon candy with the texture and saltiness of popcorn. 10/10 am buying again

25 Sep


Originally posted by Kamokuneko

Glad someone from riot liked it! It's an honor of sorts

Here is the link

Aww ♥ hahaha. I love tattoos and especially League tattoos! Thanks for sharing!


Originally posted by test123456plz

Wow, getting to correct a Rioters grammar, this is the day I've been waiting for.


Lol the pains of swipe to text ;P


This is a beautiful tattoo! Could you link the Instagram of the artist? I'd love to check out there other work!