

29 Aug


Originally posted by kerthard

I wonder if I'll find these more interesting for me to do my 1v5 bots rampage challenge than the Current intermediate bots.

I would be curious! My gut says not for our intro-level bots, but only you can let us know!

I do think you will prefer our advanced bots when we release & iterate on them though since we want to ramp up the bots quickly :D


Originally posted by Domasis

So there are some preexisting issues with bot aggro being easily manipulated, I imagine that as this first trial run comes to PBE, some of that behavior will still be evident, right?

Is there anything already known that we should keep an eye out for? I have a friend who will be on PBE trying the bots, and she's completely new, so I'm trying to take stock of anything that might be a major issue.

Yay! I would love her feedback especially then on what she liked/did not like.

I do not want to flag anything, as ideally you can give a fairly unbiased opinion and I would recommend going in with a mindset of being a newbie and just giving all feedback/pain points/recommendations you have.


Originally posted by bondsmatthew

Ah I see that is unfortunate in terms of the tool on the PBE but being able to iterate upon them come live is something I'm looking forward. I'm looking forward to the bots in general

Yep yep! Hopefully, the bot test goes well when we hit PBE so we can ramp quickly into making the Beginner/Advanced bots :D


Originally posted by Clbull

Have you thought about adding an actual incentive to test patches on the PBE? i.e. rewards for your main League account?

For PBE, we do not really want to do that as PBE is located within NA, so offering an incentive might get a bunch of players from other regions to download and be a downgraded experience for all players testing since ping would be pretty bad.

But we are talking with other teams about some rewards for testing out the bots when we hit live servers to encourage a bunch of peeps to try it out!


Originally posted by throawayjhu5251

Are you guys using machine learning or agent based modeling to train these bots? I've wanted to do something like that for so long, but bots are against Riot's TOS sadge.

Currently, we are using Behavior Trees as a starting point but we want to investigate supervised learning longer-term as we can supplement or replace our Behavior Trees with parts of ML where it makes sense in a tree. (Ex: something that changes every 2 weeks is probably a good candidate for ML due to it frequently changing.)


Originally posted by AobaSona

I'm a bit disappointed that it's only intro bots. I feel like the easy bots are actually more important. You'll only be playing on intro a few times, and then easy for most of your practice time. I remember me and my friend played mostly easy bots (and then a bit of intermediate) until level 30.

Is the plan for all difficulties to be shipped on live together at least?

I feel you homie, I also want advanced bots so I can play a more even match, and I agree with you that beginner/advanced queues are more important for players.

From a dev perspective and a tech perspective though, ensuring that our bots have the fundamentals in place and testing them at scale will make Beginner/Advanced queues fundamentally easier as both are built on the backbone of intro. :D

When we do launch these bots to players on Live though, we 100% plan to replace all 3 at once. It would be a very weird experience as a new player to go from Intro (where jungling and taking objectives exists) back to the old bots where there is no jungle and no objective taking.


Originally posted by Magerune

Hey cool! I’ve never talked to anyone from Riot before.

Yes the new player experience has always been rough, last year I even made a post before you guys announced better bots.

It’s been difficult saying

“K the game is like this except with Junglers, also top is supposed to be solo, also you have more summoners including flash which is… necessary… also we usually fight for Dragons and objectives”

Yea, when I was a player, I was always super hyped when Rioters would respond so I try to pay it forward (especially since I joined the League dev team! Prior I was on Wild Rift and Player Support, so not a lot of relevant information for this group!).

Please do try to test the bots out on PBE! We do expect everyone to crush them, but our hope is our bots feel a lot more like true players (albeit true newbie players!)


Originally posted by skamenov

maybe use those bots for when a person is afk in a real game, like heroes of the storm used to do it!!!!!!

This is something we are talking about internally, but we have to wait to see how good the bots are, and we need to have a Bot available for each champion.

Once these are available, then it would be a discussion on what would be a good implementation, as many games handle this differently so we would want to be thoughtful on if/how we go about implementing it :)


Originally posted by ADistantFallenStar

f**king a. An actual rioter giving detailed and honest information. I f**king love it.

<3 I try my best!


Originally posted by Kaillens

Hijacking, but if eight bot are fighting against each other, what gonna happen ?

In what way? :0

They will play the game to the best of their abilities against each other as 2 distinct teams with 4 distinct champion brains on each side.

28 Aug


Originally posted by bondsmatthew

Is it at all possible to have a feedback tab popup after a game? Like when a survey pops up

When testing WoW on the PTR/Alpha, the popup in game itself makes reporting easier for users and they'd be more inclined to give feedback with an in client feedback system

I understand if it's not possible, but maybe you could bring up something like this and see if it would be possible(hell, the idea already has come up at Riot for sure haha)

I have already looked into a tool like this and unfortunately, there really is not one for a case like this on PBE.

I am hopeful that when we get to live, we can figure out some working system for more iterative improvements we want to make after we launch! :D


Originally posted by SamiraSimp

question: if i say mean things to the bots in all chat will they respond back saying mean things to me?

Not for the PBE Test... But maybe one day if enough players ask for it ;P


Originally posted by beanj_fan

Does this mean you can add more champions as bots? I know some could be tricky, but only having ~50 available gets kinda boring. I would love to be able to play against more champions as bots, especially newer ones

Yep yep! Currently our goal for the PBE tech test is about ~30 but we want to ramp to a wide mix of old/new/popular/easy/complex so that new players can get a taste of all flavors.

Ideally long-term, we can have a bot come out with a new champ release (but that is much further down the roadmap as we need to make sure our tech is sound prior to expanding it.)


Originally posted by WoorieKod

Hijacking to ask if the new bots changes may expand champion pool or we'll be keeping the same roster of champions with simpler kits

Currently, we are using simpler champions for this PBE test to focus on the basics of all champs feeling good over a specific champion feeling good (Ex: Using Spells, farming, laning, etc. over ensuring Yasuo knows his wombo combo or Evelynn being able to use her Ult to escape)

That said, we do want to ensure all popular champs and commonly seen champs are covered quickly after we launch to ensure players can learn to play against them prior to going into normals.

For the PBE Tech test though, I believe we will have a random mix of current bot champs along with new bot champs as we also wanted to have coverage of both while testing (and y'all are getting our testing champs for this launch :D).


Originally posted by Zarathielis

Bring back Teemo bot, destroyer of worlds! But yeah, I know it's probably a bit out, gotta make sure the normal bots work fine first!

Praise be Lil' Devil Teemo Bot!


Originally posted by deemion22

Can you control the bots with pings? in heroes of the storm you could ping yourself to have the bot follow you or ping it to go away and it would stop following you

Not at the moment, but if /when we get to a point where you can have a bot as an ally, we do want a way for the players to communicate with the bot through pings and shot calls. (Ex: All players vote to do dragon, Bot goes to dragon)


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you able to share if we can expect any new bots added and if the start of game and end game chat messages will remain, I really like the latter for flavor

Do you mean their custom quotes that the current bots state at the beginning or at the end of the game?

If so, that is on our roadmap, but probably sometime around full launch (or slightly after depending on the feedback during the PBE 2-week test!)


Originally posted by TheBluestMan

I was waiting for the news about the new bots coming

So are we! Please check them out on PBE and give us feedback. :)


Originally posted by Magerune

Just expressing excitement about all this.

My son and fiancé would have a much more gentle intro to League if bots actually taught how to play the game.

Yay! I am happy we can help you get more folks in! I actually think one of the biggest personal motivators for me was just how painful it was to get into League like 11 years ago. I wanted to play more in co-op versus AI to learn more but I just hit a skill ceiling and had to eat the like... 10 game loss streak for my MMR to be set.

I want to make the game that I love easier for others who also love it to share with new friends and family :)


Originally posted by PandaWeeknd

I appreciate the work you've been doing on the bots already, I don't even have to test them out to say so. Glad they're getting an update and hopefully they will help new players out a lot.

Thank you so much! We have a long way to go but I am very proud of the work we have accomplished so far :)