

13 May


Hi! This is one of the challenges of trying to show you all the cool stuff we're making as early as we can. Videos like this get recorded way ahead of time, so we bite the bullet of showing some very work-in-progress stuff.

Here's a sneak preview of Demacia now. It's come a long way!

16 Feb


Originally posted by zliplus

On the other hand, when I restarted the app, it worked and the map is properly visible!

Very odd. Thank you for the update!


Originally posted by zliplus

This is the first node of the (first?) Veigar boss map, where you select a beginning power. After the first fight against a Minion, you'll reach a split path with a choice between an Item node and a Champion Item node, both of which are also invisible. You can fight those nodes by starting from the visible node on the left and tracing the paths down.

Well that's not supposed to look like that!

u/Zliplus, if you leave and come back (return to Runeterra for a second then re-enter the adventure), do the paths reappear?

07 Dec


Originally posted by WorkSafeDoggo

Please tell me a PoC expansion is on the horizon. Those locked regions mock me with their smug aura.

Your name is great.

There is absolutely a PoC expansion on the horizon. Where on the horizon we'll talk more about next year!

To set expectations carefully, even once unlocked the regions may still be smug. There's no accounting for auras.

28 Nov


Thank you for such articulate feedback!


Congratulations! :)

24 Nov


Originally posted by RogueCarpet

Is there any place in particular you collect feedback?

We do our best to pay attention to posts here, on Twitter, etc.! Once in a while we'll do a big thread where we ask for feedback around a certain topic, too.


Originally posted by Askaelw

Is there a schedule for poc updates?

Not yet! I'd like to start giving regular roadmap updates early next year.

22 Nov


Originally posted by SelekOfVulcan

Thanks for your reply. That's good to know about a reset. That suggests I might as well go ahead and complete whatever I can complete now! Although completion will take a way, as the difficulty certainly ramps up fast. I've finished 3 of Jinx's adventures and the first adventure for Vi and Ekko. So much fun!

Thanks again.

Couldn't have responded better than u/Headphoneacts did.

Yes, by all means play it now! And give us your feedback as you do so we can keep improving the mode.

12 Nov


Originally posted by ZeeArt

Heya! Support couldn't unstuck me, but they mentioned raising the issue to the QA team and were overal very friendly. With today's update I can play Path of Champions again and the issue hasn't returned yet. All around good news. Thank you for the response and help!

I'm very glad to hear that! Sorry support wasn't able to fix you.

11 Nov


Originally posted by severinggecko

Hello! I did just that and player support told me there was nothing they could do, and that I had to wait for the fix. How can I go about getting unstuck?

Hey u/severinggecko! They should have what they need to fix you; let me DM you and find out what happened.


...You're right! Nice catch u/AlexAsks.

We'll fix this to make sure the text and behaviour match.


Hey folks! u/Bonice90 and u/ZeeArt, if you played a bunch this morning right when the patch came out you might be some of an unlucky few who got stuck due to some server instability we saw.

We'll look at a fix, but in the meantime if you reach out to Player Support they can unstick you!


Read more

09 Nov


Originally posted by Vega808

What are the chances we get more storymodes within Path of Champions in the future?

We're going to learn lots from this release, and what players are most excited for! I think the opportunities to tell cool stories through the mode is pretty promising, but finding the right balance of gameplay breadth and variance is important too.


Originally posted by Shaurya200007

Can I say your profile pic will haunt me tonight

You can, and you're welcome.


Originally posted by wardragon50

Just a suggestion, but could you put it in another tab. If it's as good as lab of legends, it should be a permanent game mode. Would rather see the lab tab go back to being rotating game modes.

I've always liked labs, but man, the last like, 9 months, they've basically been the same. Rapid Fire, lab of legends, and Scourge or team PvE. I miss when labs rotated around. I'd love to see Welcome to the Jungle, and others pop up again.

We hear you! The plan with Labs was always to find something exciting (or a few exciting things) that could become permanent. We think we've found that with The Path of Champions, but once we've established it we'll be back to experimenting with more rotating modes.


Originally posted by StannisSAS

Hi Exis, will ultra fast mode still be there after update?

The only available Lab will be Path of Champions for a while. We'll get back to experimenting with smaller modes once we've got a handle on PVE!


Originally posted by LegacyOfVandar

Man. That sucks. :/

It's true, The Path of Champions will be the sole Lab starting this week! If you've enjoyed Lab of Legends, we believe you'll enjoy The Path of Champions. And we'll be listening intently, and iterating, to make sure we don't lose the Lab of Legends magic.


Holy @&$#.
...I'm glad Miss Fortune is coming with us on The Path of Champions!

08 Oct


That came out great! Bravo.