

05 Oct


Folks in this thread are right, we wouldn't cycle out Lab of Legends and Saltwater lightly!

Our PvE Labs have been (and still are!) a series of experiments, each informing the next thanks to feedback from you all. Whether you enjoyed Lab of Legends or Saltwater more, we hope the next experiment will have something for you. Then we'll learn from that, too, and keep evolving!

To be very, very clear: If you've been enjoying the original Lab of Legends, we think you'll enjoy 2.19.0. Don't worry.

19 Sep


Originally posted by Thotor

I might be too late for you to see the reply but hey I still give a shot. PvE modes is all I care in runeterra. I played a bit of saltwater but I found that overall it is too easy and lack meaningful choices. In monster train for example, when you take one route, you cannot chose the other one. I also like to see more deck manipulation via upgrade/card removal. Right now it is only feels like normal lab of legends with extra steps. However I do believe, this is the right direction and I hope to see it improved with more replayability.

You weren't too late! We're learning a bunch from Saltwater, and your feedback matches some of what we're feeling too. I think you'll be very happy with where we're going next. :)

09 Sep


Originally posted by teachua79

I think the card back is missing, can't seem to find it.

Anyway, is it available to purchase with Gold? cause Shard of the Monolith (reward from Lab of Legends) can be purchased with Gold... so wondering if that option is available for people who just wants to purchase it without grinding lab?

No plans for it to be purchasable currently!


Originally posted by Omfsmm

Thanks <3

Hey u/Teachua79 and u/Omfsmm, just to confirm you completed all 5 adventures, and then you received your card back in the mail on the home screen? Or it never arrived there either?


What the heck. Looking at this now!

08 Sep


Hey... I think you should Leave.

07 Sep


Oh no, I'm a little late to this one so I suspect this'll remain buried! But I wanted to say thanks to everyone for giving their thoughts; threads like this are really useful to us, and we read them carefully.

That's doubly true when there's lots of critical feedback, which is invaluable as we run experiments like Saltwater. I'm pretty excited about the space we're exploring, but it's also vast; we need your help figuring out where the mode should go, using Journey to the Peak and Lab of Legends and Saltwater as anchor points along the way. Telling us what sucks about any individual iteration helps us get where we're going faster!

I'm happy to say that a lot of the notes in here are things we're tuning and changing already. There are also some that are new to us, or are framed in a new way. Either way, they all help us shape how we think about improvements to the mode and its next evolution.

So please, keep it comin'!

29 Jul


Originally posted by RiotSalvor

Glad it works for you. I'm going to work on making sure it has all the testing we need to get it implemented in normal matches as well

I want to piggyback on Salvor's comment to call out u/The_Easy_Target, the engineer who did all the tech work to make it happen on his own time.

Accessibility is absolutely important to us, but with a live game it can be tough to get new work prioritized no matter how important it is. u/The_Easy_Target felt like this could have a big impact for some of our players so he jumped on it to make sure it happened as soon as possible. 🤘


Hey folks. We think this happened to some players for a few hours toward the end of yesterday, and should be fixed as of 8 hours ago or so.

Unfortunately if your run is in this state, you gotta kill it and restart! If you have a run in progress (but you haven't hit a stuck state like this yet) you should be okay to keep goin'.


Originally posted by ItsVizz

I was playing before bed, around 3:00 am. Which is like, exactly 8 hours ago. NA region. If it's fixed though this brings me great joy. Riot is awesome. Should I remove this post then?

Leave your post up! Maybe someone else will see it and get their question answered too.

Sorry you need to end your run though!


Hey u/ItsVizz, we saw some players getting into this state yesterday but believe that we fixed this 8 hours ago or so. Unfortunately, runs that got stuck do need to be ended and restarted. :(

When did you first get stuck? And if you first got stuck more recently than 8 hours ago or so, what region are you playing from?


Originally posted by MrSymphony

I'm hitting this, am playing from US (pacific time zone)

Thank you! We believe this is fixed now, but (sadly) your current run won't be recoverable. I know that sucks.

28 Jul


Originally posted by PolandsStronkest

Idk if you're the right guy to tell this to but this new lab is incredible! Y'all did a great job with this, and I can tell im gonna sink a ton of hours into it.

I am one of them! More importantly I'll pass that on to the team of other guys and gals and folks who put a bunch of effort into it. Thanks for saying.


Originally posted by Impressive_Double_95

Update: The power doesn't work at all

You're right! And this'll be fixed with today's release.

03 Jul


Originally posted by SnooPredictions7022

I have the same issue for the past days. What I've noticed is I can play on mobile with data only and no internet on. This makes playing on pc impossible. I know this has been happening recently to a lot of people and any fixes other than the generic "reinstall" that I've done a bunch would be great!!

Hey u/SnooPredictions7022, when you aren't able to get into game, what does that look like? Does the game stop responding? Or does an error message appear in-game?

And is this happening when you try to enter a game, or right when you try to start the app?

30 Jun


Originally posted by The_Gbps

Type of Bug: Crash

What happened that seemed like a bug: The game just stop responding right on the loading match screen, basically everytime.

What was Expected to occur: Load the match


Region: BR

Hey u/The_Gbps, which game mode (Ranked, Vs AI, Lab of Legends, other) were you playing when you saw this happen? Has it continued to happen, even if you try other game modes?


Originally posted by EuWestSmurf

Thanks you for the quick response and loving the new patch so far!

Thank *you* for letting us know when we #?$@ something up. Seriously invaluable. :)