

31 Mar


Originally posted by Gabriel9603

All good! I'll try again in a few hours then, thanks Exis for the update!

We believe this was a Cloudflare issue impacting multiple games, which should be resolving itself currently. When you get a chance give it another shot!


Originally posted by Gabriel9603

Thanks for the quick reply!

Sadly I am unable to play on any other mode for now. Is there a ETA on when the fix will be rolled out?

Not yet; we're just starting to investigate after hearing from folks like you, so thank you for saying something!


Originally posted by Gabriel9603

Hello Riot Exis,

I was able to select Azir and start a run using this trick but the matchmaker fails once I start the battle. Saying the opponent timed out.

Any ideas?

I'm glad to hear that! Are you able to play other modes at the moment?

There's a platform-wide service issue that you may be caught in, if it's not specific to Labs.


We've seen a few players in this state. They were fixed by selecting one of the older champions (not Azir and not Taliyah) and starting a run, then Retiring it.

It sounds like you've already attempted that though?


We've seen a few players in this state. Try selecting one of the older champions (not Azir and not Taliyah) and starting a run, then Retire it. That may fix you!


We've seen a few players in this state. Try selecting one of the older champions (not Azir and not Taliyah) and starting a run, then Retire it. That may fix you!

30 Mar


Oh that's just missing translation, sorry we missing translation; but we'll missing translation soon!

(...We oops'd some data in the release, should be fixed tomorrow morning at latest. And there's no shame in losing to Mistwraiths, Braum is a brave boy but Fearsome does not care.)

27 Mar


Originally posted by Tipio8

Oh no. “Inspect pack contents” has me worried this will cost money like loot Llamas in Fortnite STW.

Not sure why people downvoted you, that worry makes sense to me! I think we should've picked a better word, since "pack" comes with so many bad connotations in our genre.

No packs or loot llamas coming to Lab of Legends. Promise.

13 Mar


Originally posted by Jataki

Yeah, definitely hit that rock too, except I didn't understand it was happening with the cards I had 3 of. Thank God for your post. Hopefully they'll fix it, I'll just casually tag in /u/RiotExis, hoping he'll take a look at this.

I checked in and the team that owns decks was way ahead of me; they're already working to fix this soon!

06 Mar


I'm proud of you too! Makes me a little skeptical of your username though...

04 Mar


Yes. More iterations to come. :)

27 Feb


Originally posted by Flawed_Gem

Never thought I would get a Riot employee to comment on my post, but here we are! Thanks man. Honestly I just steamrolled through the early stages with lulu's support and Sumpsnipe scavenger, and with Vi having Fury and Spellshield it was really easy to level her up.

Those sound like good choices to me!


Congratulations! Lulu was the hardest one for me, if you can tackle her you got the rest no prob. :)

24 Feb


Originally posted by Capek95

you think you're funny? >:I

My team reminds me very consistently that I am not.

23 Feb


Oof, and it's inconsistent with Lissandra's champion spell too! :( That's a excellent point. We'll look at making an change to get this fixed up.

09 Feb

05 Feb


Originally posted by MoSBanapple

I'm guessing Weapon Hilt has an attribute that goes something like "when this creates a card, run this specific animation for creating that card" and creating the Poro falls under that attribute?

Yep, which is dumb! Once upon a time we thought that would be sufficient; little did we know many different cards would be allowed to create many different things, one day. :)


...This is awesome, so let's pretend we did it on purpose..


Originally posted by Terrkas

About feedback and suggestions? What is a good place to post those?

I am in a german discord server, that also has some german Riot Employees. Is it enough to post it there? Should I search an english one or post on reddit?

If you want some suggestions. A regenerative item with Roundstart: Heal Nexus X might fit here. Maybe even invervating locket with stuff like roundstart, generate 1 spellmana, heal nexus 1 for each spellmana spent.

Reddit is good! Discord can also be good; I'm not sure if there are any Rioters who work directly on LoR in that Discord server, so you might want to try the official LoR one:

I'm a product lead and engineer, but I got zero design skills. That said, repeatable nexus heals in this mode are tricky business... you can get to a place where players feel like the "best choice" is to stall infinitely from a winning position, and get as many heals as possible. Same thing applies to some cards today though, so it's something we'll have to figure out how to deal with!