

30 Jun


Originally posted by QT-03

I first tried playing the new champs in the lab of legends, but I tried playing AI games and it also crashed. I tried using the mobile version and after I did that the PC version stopped crashing somehow.

Hmm, very odd. Thank you for the additional information! If you see the issue come back again let us know please.


Originally posted by EuWestSmurf

Maybe /u/riotexis can have a look at it?

Whelp, this sure does look broken yep. We'll take a look!


Originally posted by Deathmon44

Seems fixed now (just did a run)! Thanks for the help and the follow up!



Originally posted by QT-03

Type of Bug: Crash

What happened that seemed like a bug: Every match I start, freezes at the loading portion of matchmaking.

What was expected to occur: Load into the game.

Happens Everytime. Tried restarting and it still crashes.


Region: US

Hey u/QT-03, what mode are you playing when this happens to you? Ranked, Vs AI, Lab of Legends, something else? And if you try a different mode than the one you're trying right now, does it still happen?


Originally posted by Deathmon44

Hey, (not sure that this matters not since the update happened but here’s more info for you!) I was on mobile and still lost the bottom row. Don’t know if it’s because I was doing an Aphelios run, but I could only access the newest row and the Aphelios row

Hey u/Deathmom44, that sounds okay; just let me know if you end up in a state where you can see the newest-new champs that were added today (Ekko, Pyke, and co.) and still can't access that bottom row.

Once you have the new champs you should also have the bottom row restored.

29 Jun


Hey u/DO__SOMETHING, are you able to play with 10 champions right now and you're missing the last row, or are you missing more than that?
We know the last row of champs have taken a brief break; they'll be back tomorrow along with some new champions from the new card release! But if you're missing more than 5 champs that's a surprise.

10 Jun


Originally posted by CaptSarah

Just to throw it out there, I can confirm all of this, I was in contact with Riot to confirm this was alright, and complied with their 3rd party guidelines before being posted.

What Sarah said! She was on top of it as always.

Anyone else who's thinking about making a tool, please do register it with even if you think it's no big deal. It's not just for approval, it helps us understand what the community's excited to work on and how w...

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04 Jun


That makes sense to me. If you could have a Labs-exclusive reward, what kind of reward would you be most excited about? Are card backs the best, or something else?


Originally posted by ketronome

Appreciate your communication with the community. Any chance you’ll be adding more enemies/boss fights to Labs in future? I have frequent nightmares about Guard Bots


Can't promise the Guard Bots'll be gone though... ;)

03 Jun


Hey there, sorry I'm late to this one. We want to include both skins and prismatics in our PVE modes, but there are some technical hurdles we need to address before we can enable them.

Happy to explain the hurdles to some of the folks speculating in here, if they're curious. But the important part is: coming soon with many ™s.

02 Jun


Originally posted by Tectamer

Hello and Thanks for the update for the lab! It was really good! The bug happened on lab of legends with the power that creates 4 time bombs in deck at the start of the game, unhappily i dont know the english name of the power.

No problem! In English it's "Clock Setter"... or "Tempo Contado" for you I think, yeah?


You didn't need that anyway!

Any chance you know what happened in-game just before it uh... vanished?


Originally posted by fiver49

Didn't see this mentioned in the patchnotes but it's an awesome QoL update that the community has been asking for for awhile, great to see it added!

It does seem like at this point it might make sense to just let you choose your first power from a list, but I'd imagine this was much easier to implement quickly.

Yep you're right! It's a little silly as a solution, but at the same time that we're adding to Lab of Legends we want to make sure we're putting most of our Labs time into the next big PVE experiment...

22 Apr


Not one but two engineers joining the mod team?! Someone's making good picks.

I like overcast weather and platformers too, so I'd say we're 4 for 4 on this incoming class. Welcome everybody, and thank you for all that you do for the community (past, present, and future)!

18 Apr


Good luck getting murdered by the top players!

Or, you know, murder 'em back.

10 Apr

08 Apr


We host full card art publicly. Maybe not quite as many pixels as you were hoping for, but does this help?

01 Apr


That's intentional, and you're not crazy. Not in this particular way at least.


Originally posted by igna547

when i click him nothing happens

u/Igna547 I sent you a direct message.

edit: Conjugating verbs is hard.