

12 Apr


Originally posted by Einoshi

I'm on Windows 10 and I can't even play valorant because it ask for TPM 2.0 to be enable or to deactivate VBS and I will not deactivate VBS just to play a game. This mean vanguard for LOL is different?

Vanguard for LoL doesn’t have the current restriction system that VALORANT has for certain players.

If you’re on Windows 10 and you’re getting this message on VALORANT and you can’t support TPM 2.0, please write into Player Support. If you have already, you can message me your ticket number.


Originally posted by michaelkr1

To clarify point 1. I meant a non-Riot game. Lets for example here, say I'm using a trainer on Far-Cry 2; an old, single player game.

After a brief lookup of some I found online, seems like it would be ok. If it’s one that’s just a bundled CheatEngine or other similar products, you may encounter an issue. We’d look to close League during that interaction though, not to ban the individual account.


Originally posted by Laurelianae

Perfect thank you ! Visual Studio should be fine too I guess ?

Yep, should be good. If you ever want to try anything yourself though to make sure, we are running in the PBE, if you have an account there.


Originally posted by michaelkr1

3 things quickly:

  1. Back to point 6: If, hypothetically, I use a trainer tool on a single player game. Would this be something seen by vanguard and risk a ban? Or will vanguard just whinge crash my LoL/Val game until I close it? Does Vanguard even see this if I don't have Valorant/LoL open?

  2. Does Vanguard run while the LoL client is open or only when a LoL game actually starts?

  3. Does Vanguard run while the Riot Client is running or only during the launch of above Riot games?

  1. If you're using a prohibited third party tool related to League in training mode, there's a good chance you'd still get actioned.

  2. It'll run when the respective clients of the games open, but not Riot Client.exe itself. So, if you are logged in on Riot Client, vgc.exe (which is the actual Vanguard program) launches when you click the Play button for League of Legends and the client pops up, and then closes once you close the client.

11 Apr


Originally posted by Laurelianae

Since this is concerning a similar topic: Does using WSL2 and or Visual Studio cause problems in those regards too ? Especially WSL2 since it’s iirc always running by default.

WSL2 should work fine.


Originally posted by TheHunterZolomon

Hey you seem like you know what you’re talking about - are keybinds to hardware devices - say binding attack move click to the “A” key, then binding the “A” key to a side mouse button - allowed in league? Sorry to waste your time with a dumb question.

Yeah, remapping like this shouldn't pose any issue that I know of. There are artificial input checks we have in VALORANT that can be blocked, but these aren't applicable to League of Legends, and these remappings aren't "artificial input", just input in a different form.


Originally posted by Beats29

I believe most people aren't against the Vanguard itself (besides cheaters of course). People just don't like that something has kernel access. This dev blog is ignoring that, unless you really are a cheater you don't have issues with installing an anti-cheat, the issue is just the kernel access. That is a vulnerability to your OS, whatever you guys say.

Unfortunely, I don't believe there are other ways to circumvent this, since my guess is that probably the cheat programs also work through kernel. I must be saying something completly wrong though, since I have no idea if that's the case.

I understand you guys want to ease the playerbase, and you put several statements on the blog about privacy, but you completly ignored the issue about working on kernel level. There may not be other alternatives, but it's a bit depressing that you don't talk about that concern in this dev blog.

Again, I understand probably (?) most cheats work through kernel, I also want a ...

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Hey there,

I think this article we launched around initial Vanguard launch does a pretty good job explaining the exact "why" of kernel mode/Ring 0 driver:


Originally posted by Reydude

Hey. Will apps like porofessor still be okay to use? Otherwise, I need to delete it before vanguard goes live. Also, what about AHK? I use it on another game, to overcome difficulties caused by my disability. For league, I don't use AHK, but I modify input.ini or persistedsettings.json file for that reason. Would that be considered 'cheating' by vanguard? Just looking to put some fears down.

Tools that use the API in an authorized way, like Porofessor, will still be ok to use.

Non-malicious usages of AHK should be ok, especially if it's not actively trying to continually interact with League. You should still be able to modify input.ini and persistedsettings.json regardless, though. Let us know if anything doesn't work as intended!


Originally posted by Vortexspawn

What about used hardware? Do I now have to be afraid that something I buy used will be banned for League because a cheater used it before?

We have seen players unknowingly buy banned hardware that caused a ban. It is a niche case, but we do handle these escalations in Player Support.


Originally posted by Tapurisu

So where can I request all of the data that Vanguard has collected about me?

You can follow the procedures here:

For context on Anti-Cheat and privacy, you can read the Anti-Cheat and Fraud section here: ...

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Originally posted by FilthySionMain

Will a TFT auto-clicker be detectable by Vanguard? It doesn't affect competitive integrity, but I've always seen it as a somewhat unfair way to complete the event pass.

I personally know a group of friends who boot up an Android emulator and play TFT on a script 24 hours a day when a new event pass arrives.

We've already done some actioning on TFT bots, and Vanguard will further help with prevention and detection of those. They are prohibited under section 7.10 of the Terms of Use, and while they're not as painful to players as other bots because it can be inflationary towards top 4 finishes, they still do affect competitive integrity and the actual fun of the game.


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Originally posted by FairlyOddParent734

My only real question is what’s the plan like if an automatic detection system sees me playing on my brothers computer while I’m visiting him, or playing my account on a friend’s laptops and we both catch bans for account sharing?

Account Sharing is already against TOS; but there are plenty of like PC Cafes or valid reasons two people might play off a single computer; but it sounds like with Vanguard you’re going to be much more aggressive in using hardware ID’s to moderate player behavior.

We have an allowlisting system for PC Cafes, and also review tickets for players who state they may have gotten banned by one that could have not been on the list.

In terms of using your brothers computer that would be infected by cheats, it is a risk. We do look to have our Hardware bans be preventative rather than immediately banning the account, but if you were to play on it while cheats were injected, that could cause your account to be banned.


Originally posted by PyrrhaFan

Okay, I'm a boomer with boomer eyes and lose track of my mouse easily when I play the game, especially during team fights. I have been using YoloMouse from the Steam Store (yes, that's its name) that uses a custom mouse cursor to be bigger and, most importantly, set to a brighter color when playing.

Will running the program possibly trip Vanguard?

The dev of Yolomouse has stated it's working in VALORANT in their testing. It should be ok. This isn't something we'd look to ban for its current implementation.


Originally posted by _TeflonGr_

A limited period that caused damage in some user's systems because it disabled fan controlling software and drivers. There were a couple of users on Twitter where that happened that reported having system inestability and windows not booting because of it.

What guarantees do we have that wont happen again? Knowing Vanguard can do that what is preventing you to access all of our computer like you have already done in the past?

You give 0 technical information. You are basically just saying trust us, that wont happen again but we have the tools to make it happen again if we want.

It's best outlined under "Q: Why not open source the driver?". If every bit of telemetry was provided, it would make us lose our effectiveness.


Originally posted by SummonerKai1

with vanguard in place does the team see a significant shift in win rates/play rates for champions which could help change the need for buffs or nerfs for particular champions/items?

There might be some changes in winrates at specific ranks, which I know the balance team looks at. For example, Zeri may have some noticeable dropffs in Win Rate in Masters+.


Originally posted by mllosa

What about pirated games? Things that are usually flagged by antiviruses

We actually did call out how software that may be obtained from ... interesting .. sources could potentially be affected in the "Q: What if I'm having technical issues with Vanguard?" section. We saw some players being affected in PBE with this:

One of the largest perpetrators recently has been the distribution of pirated software that toggles a registry option ("DevOverrideEnable") and allows "different" versions of key Windows files to be loaded into all running processes.

That being said, it's a pretty niche case. We have also seen some rare cases covered in "Q: What about false positives?" with malware, but we look to action on things that are specifically targeting the game, which these softwares will rarely do.


Originally posted by quack_quack_mofo

What about the other requirements of vanguard? I think there was something called secure boot or so, is that required for Windows 10?

Secure Boot isn't a requirement for Windows 10 or Windows 11 on League of Legends. For VALORANT, it is on Windows 11.


Originally posted by Kudryavka24

Are there any conflicts with AHK and Vanguard? I play PoE a lot and sometimes I forget to turn off my trade macro.

AHK triggerbots are a form of cheating in VALORANT, and there's definitely some potential players will be using these to make crude bots in League since it'll be difficult to read and inject into memory. We don't indiscriminately ban for AHK (only targeting cheat scripts), and many players use many unrelated scripts safely, but I can't ensure long term compatibility.


Originally posted by showmeagoodtimejack

wait is there some rule against this?

Rule 7.14 of the Terms of Service covers it:

Playing on another person’s account or otherwise engaging in activity intended to “boost” an account’s status or rank;


Originally posted by Puggymunch

Will there be any negative consequences if I forget to turn cheat engine off entirely when I launch the game? Currently I use cheat engine for random games like Palworld, and I've on many occasions forgot to close it when launching a league game. Luckily there is no consequence for this, as the league game just provides an error and I can immediately reconnect after closing cheat engine. Will this behaviour be the same with vanguard? Will I receive a punishment for opening league with cheat engine open, or will I have to restart my computer entirely?

The behavior will look similar with Vanguard, so it would be an error/game crash just like it is currently on League.