

11 Apr


Originally posted by _TeflonGr_

What you are saying is false, on the Valorant beta Vanguard disabled pc monitoring software and affected Bios and Motherboard drivers and processes, it does tamper with other info to a point and is more than proven it does.


Edit: To clarify what I'm saying Is false is that Valorant only affects your game processes. That is false as it is proven it accesses other apps and tampers with them.

This topic is discussed in the blog under section "Q: I've heard that Vanguard bricks keyboards?", so you can get some more context there. The tl;dr though is that we moved away from the widespread vulnerable driver blocking strategy about 4 years ago, and it was only during a limited period in launch.


Originally posted by RiotSakaar

He did mistype. We made fun of him for it. It's 14.8 and 14.9 :)

I wrote 4.8 and 4.9 at first too, that was my "fix".

14 Mar


Hey there,

We've been actively tracking and actioning these groups at regular cadence, with hundreds of accounts being banned. This is a persistent group, and they have been willing to purchase a large amount of higher ranked accounts in order to circumvent the actions they receive.

Many of these accounts are stolen/compromised, causing collateral damage to the innocent account owners as well. We are working on multiple aspects of preventative technology for these sorts of behaviors (i.e. Vanguard for hardware bans that prevent these individuals from even entering game), but in the meanwhile, reporting these players does help them get to our eyes and out of game faster.

20 Feb


Originally posted by EmeraldParrots

Are Porofessor, Blitz, etc. still okay to use with Vanguard? The creator of Porofessor said it’s “approved by Riot” but the screenshot they have from Discord has been deleted and the link doesn’t work. I don’t know how things like this work but I’m afraid Vanguard will flag them as malicious.

I have also seen posts on r/riotgames where people have gotten falsely banned from Valorant for software like Corsair iCue, Razer Synapse, or something completely unrelated and Riot support just told them “we’re right and you’re wrong” so they lose their account with $$$ put into it. I use both of those softwares for my lighting on my fans etc. and I have target champions only and ctrl bound to buttons on my mouse. I’ve been stressing out because I’m afraid Vanguard will either detect one of those as malicious or something like my Photoshop drawing tablet scripts as a threat when it has nothing to do with League whatsoever. So if this does happen, w...

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In regards to Vanguard information, we'll be looking to have a lot more detailed communications on that, as that time comes. This situation is not related to Vanguard at all, as it's not yet released. Happy to answer a few of the questions in the meanwhile though!

We're looking to make sure those programs can maintain functionality, assuming the existing scope and usage of the proper APIs are maintained.

We look to only ban people on malicious game-specific detections. Even if something may not be compatible with Vanguard, we wouldn't look to ban for this incompatibility. We're not going to make any assumptions going into League of Legends, and we'll make sure to give a testing leadup to make sure the actions we do are the intended ones that benefit players, not hurt them.

The Anti-Cheat team does actually individually review many escalations from Player Support, it's even been useful in this scenario to help narrow down what happened, and to get all the pla...

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Originally posted by ENRGx

I am not sure if they new anti cheat system is implemented in the PBE patch? I haven't checked. But IIRC there was issues before people getting banned using overwolf and stuff like that? Do you use any third party programs like professor gg or any of those?

The issue was unrelated to Vanguard or any other Third Party Tool collisions. The affected accounts should be reinstated, and there were not any live accounts affected from this issue.

If there’s still a hold on any accounts that you think was not intended, writing into Player Support is the best route, it helped us triage the issue in this scenario.

Appreciate the patience!


Hey there,

There was an issue that affected some players accounts on PBE exclusively. Associated live accounts were not affected. The PBE accounts that were affected should be reinstated now.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused by this one, and thanks for everyone's testing on PBE!

27 Jan


Originally posted by cedear

Why not zero tolerance for bot-leveled, purchased accounts in ranked?

Botting is always going to be against ToS and bannable, but we have to be careful at the cadence we ban as not to let the botters iterate faster. We still ban bots in all game modes, just some we need out of game faster than others.


Originally posted by TheForrestFire

Thank you so much for helping out with this, the bots are out of control.

Any thoughts on targeting intermediate/beginner bot games? It’s basically all bots, especially in beginner bots, and might be a way to reduce how many smurf accounts are in circulation.

Is there a way to track the suspected bots from those games if they aren’t suspicious enough to ban outright, and then ban them when they all of a sudden go from terrible to gold/master performance?

We're looking to ban a whole swath of bots, though I can't be specific on the specific cadences for all game modes, besides us having a zero tolerance approach to bots in Ranked. I will also say, we do look to minimize the player impact of bots, which includes account selling/smurfing.


Originally posted by ChilleeMonkee

f**k there was a rammus jungle in a game of mine a week ago that was very, very obviously a bot. Not flaming a bad player, it was clearly just an AI and in a ranked game lmao

I'll see if I can dig up that match history

Let me know! I've been reading DMs here and on Reddit, so far so good, but looking to make sure we're on the mark.

14 Nov


Originally posted by Thepancakeman1k

Gotcha. Do you want Game IDs or just profiles?

Just profiles, I can identify the games pretty quick knowing them. I've been getting a lot of good submissions, it's been helpful

12 Nov


Originally posted by DjangoShoelace

Quite rare scenario ? I play ADC in low elo (Bronze) on EUW and I’ve to check my supp’s history on every game to avoid those situations. Whenever I see a supp insta-locking Yuumi, Soraka or Taric without hovering the pick its most of the time a bot and I often have to dodge multiple times a day or make teammates dodge.

You saying « rare scenario » says it all, you do not understand the concerns. This issue is rampant in low elo

just for clarification - I am hoping it will be a rare scenario moving forward, not saying there isn't an issue now. We've just started rolling out improved action waves. If you can drop me some example bots you encounter in the upcoming days though, I'd be glad to take a look and make sure our systems will be hitting the mark.


I know I'm a little late here, so this may get buried, but I do understand the concerns - there shouldn't be bots in Ranked games regardless. We've started to increase our efforts on getting these out - feel free to DM me any examples you run across (which hopefully will be a quite rare scenario)

19 Jul


Could you provide me in DM your Ticket #? We don't ban on non-malicious usage of auto-clickers.

20 Apr


Hey everyone,

After review, gh0st has been unbanned. The account flagged a detection, however after we looked into it we saw an extremely rare unintended collision, and have reinstated their account. We've made immediate changes so that this won't happen with other players.

We routinely QA both our detections and accounts that have been banned (both through routine reviews and Player Support escalations), but unfortunately this was a situation where we weren't 100% precise, and gh0st was an unfair victim of rare circumstance. I apologize for the damage this may have caused, and I appreciate the patience from all the parties involved while we sorted this out.

27 Jan


Originally posted by mrbow

Whats your Precision / Recall / F1 threshold?

ROC curves are secret, but our philosophy has always been precision first, recall second. Obviously the goal is both!


Originally posted by SEND_ME_UR_DRAMA

I do really like what you're cooking, it is a much welcome effort by your team to address the rampant cheating, but I hope legitimate non-cheating players who happen to be unknowingly queued up with a cheater who ended up getting banned as well should be able to properly appeal their bans and have them lifted.

My friend's partymate for instance got banned in the game for allegedly using cheats where in fact it was the enemy team who was doing it. They appealed it to your support team but unfortunately the ban stayed, even though they can really prove that they weren't using any cheats.

We make sure to try to have these systems in a good place. I work as the lead for the review team, so if we're not hitting the mark, that's on me. Would you mind DMing your friends name+tag (and preferably ticket #) so I can look into this?


Originally posted by NickxWins

Does this mean if it’s over a certain amount of games queued together, they get temp banned?

I can't be too explicit on how the system works but it is based on multiple factors, not just a certain amount of games played with a cheater.


Originally posted by Hardtopickaname

One of the first new efforts is to discipline players who queue with cheaters, or as we can colloquially call it, “ride the cheat bus on the highway to hell.”

I can understand the motivation here, but Riot could end up punishing players for not recognizing cheating. Potentially, I could have a game with someone cheating and just think that they're really good. If I party up with them for a few more games, I'm going to be punished for it through no fault of my own. Not saying this is likely, but it is possible.

Hey there,

We're really targeting concerted boosting services here, where the results are pretty distinct. Precision is a massive priority in these actions.

25 Jun


Originally posted by WheredMyVanGogh

Brb banning a dude who went 0/100 against this for inting

If this case happens, please write into Player Support, they know of these issues and are well-equipped to to review cases and make sure innocent players can get back in game. If you know of any scenarios where a player was banned for intentionally feeding after being affected by one of these exploits within the past couple days, please let me know.


Originally posted by iCrimsonPurple

It's been 3 months since players using scripts and bugs causing global damage arrived at the Grandmaster and are making the lives of many people hell and Riot doesn't care about it, and unfortunately I believe they won't pay attention to it at the moment.

We're actively working on these issues. I understand the frustration on these issues, and I know it probably sounds like BS to everyone in the thread, but we've been making a lot of progress on a lot of these bugs.

I really wish I had the bandwidth to review all individual cases but we've been working on getting these players out of game. Please report any abusers, I know the turnaround might not be instant but we use this information to help come up with detection and fixes.