

03 May


Originally posted by crimsonblade911

Wait, is that what's been happening? Everytime I try to shutdown with having league open for several hours all if windows freezes and the rig locks up trying to shutdown, I'd then have to force shutdown via power button.

Have you submitted a ticket into Player Support yet? We’d be able to see if it’s related to us via your Vanguard logs.

01 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


Is your issue similar to this one? Looking into these programs may help.

If not, feel free to upload your Riot Vanguard Logs to and DM me the Ticket # - it helped out with some issues, so it actually is appreciated. Even if it's not Vanguard related, it can help us isolate what the issue is a lot of the time.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Vanguard isn't affecting the Ring -2/SMM level in this manner, and wouldn't be able to tamper with this step of the boot process. That being said, if you have other cases, you can escalate to me directly just to ensure anything else isn't going on related to us.


Originally posted by FullTemperature6010

Please help me my laptop wont boot up after Vanguard patch ! RTX 3050 AMD Ryzen 5600 Windows 11 I can see on my Laptop charger that it wont even draw power from the outlet anymore

An issue like this wouldn't be related to Vanguard, but if you haven't restarted your computer in a while, it could related to an issue with your CMOS battery, since that's what powers the start-up chain.

This isn't an issue I'm really equipped to speak on since it's not related to Anti-Cheat and Vanguard, but I'd look into troubleshooting related to similar issues related with your laptop/boot sequences


Originally posted by Ai_BKomachi

yes I play in JP and it seems to work now.. though idk if thats because of reinstalling the game

It wasn’t related to the Vanguard program itself, but a server issue that affected others too. Apologies for the inconvenience here.


Originally posted by Murtha

Thanks first game with vanguard, game crashing while loading, can't play

Ranked freeze at the launch, can't move, can't see anyone moving, I was playing fine few hours ago


Hey there, we've seen some FPS drop issues with players with some versions of these programs:

Actual Multiple Monitors


Desktop Taskbar Expander

MSI Afterburner


If you have one of these, could you try closing and seeing if its improved in a custom game?


Originally posted by Ai_BKomachi

same problem wrote a ticket, waiting for reply. did yours say "vanguard event: you need to have vanguard running to play" even when you already have vanguard on? restarted multiple times checked secureboot and tpm2.0 and still none worked, now attmepting to reinstall the game and riot client itself

Hey there, are you playing in the Japanese region? We had an issue there, it will be fixed now though.

19 Apr


Originally posted by NotCatchingBanAgain

The game works without it enabled. Any chance for a fix? I have used that for like the last 10 years at this point and would suck to not be able to use it.

I think it might be pirated software though so maybe that can cause issues?

The program had a similar issue in VALORANT and they were able to fix it, if you could comment with your issue, it may help them fix it with League. I’ll reach out as well.


Originally posted by NotCatchingBanAgain

Ticket id 100467759

Hey there,

It looks like the program "Actual Multiple Monitors" isn't working well with Vanguard. Could you try disabling that/removing it and letting me know if performance goes back to normal?

18 Apr


Hey there,

We've seen some specific program interactions potentially causing unintended FPS effects, and we're looking to gain more insight. If this is happening to you suddenly, would you be able to post your Vanguard logs to Player Support, and chat me with your Ticket #?


Originally posted by LickMyPuce

It is anytime I open a program after Vanguard is initially run. Computer turns on, I have nothing software wise open up on startup but Vanguard. Then after that it is whenever I am in a form of software (ie. Browser, discord etc.) if I go to click anything but that open software everything seems to brick.

You are welcome to DM me anytime.

Sounds good, just reached out.


Originally posted by LickMyPuce

Since reinstalling Vanguard (used to be a Val player) due to the PBE, if I have any other program running (ie. Steam, Discord, Internet Browser,) it locks up my computer.

Steam will lock up and force close itself and reopen over and over again. Likely the store part crashing. Discord will just randomly force close. And browser tabs will crash and ask to be recovered.

Things that have been tried- Reinstalling all previously named software, including making sure there are no lingering files. Making sure all drivers and windows updates were up to date. Having Vanguard open with only one program at a time to see if it is a conflicting issue. Problems subsided once Vanguard was closed. Seems to be culprit in issues.

Windows 10, and current gen hardware.

Luckily this is my second rig where it isn't effecting my day to day. Cannot imagine what others are going to be going through.

Is this during when you open League and vgc.exe opens? If you have time, I’d appreciate you reach out in DMs about your specs/further explain the reproduction steps.

17 Apr


Originally posted by elveszett

That being said, it's a pretty niche case

PR is saying that people pirating software is a "pretty niche case".

Most pirated software does not require DevOverrideEnable, which is the largest collision I’ve seen here (and was referenced in the blog as well).

16 Apr


Originally posted by metalCactus

I'm on linux and it says my system is good to go, despite them saying linux would no longer be supported

Linux is not supported - this modal was made for operating systems within our support. Riot Client uses general API calls compared to what we actually do on Vanguard, so it wasn't made to delineate and look for the Wine/Lutris edge cases.

Apologies for the confusion here.


Originally posted by nightlesscurse

been asking this for a long time i hope i get a reply , does vanguard take a lot of bandwidth , what i mean if my internet connection is limited ( like bad upload and down speeds ) but my ping is stable , would it affect it ?

You should be ok, it’s made to be minimally resource intensive. I’ve personally played VALORANT with sub 5mbps download speeds a good amount while using hotspot connections for testing.


Originally posted by Swyteh

Hey Riot, you should REALLY send a tutorial IN CLIENT on how to enable safe boot for windows 11, I had the error in valorant, and I don't doubt some will get it in League. My friends uninstalled Valorant because they don't want to touch their bios, you WILL lose players over this.

We don’t have the Secure Boot requirement for W11 on League of Legends, but I agree we could definitely improve some of the tutorials/ease of access to them in VALORANT. It’s something that’s noted, and we have done more direct communication in League of Legends for the W11 TPM requirement. (The Ready Check should link you to our updated guide if you’re not all set)


Originally posted by Zarathielis

Vanguard will come very soon, if nothing goes wrong and if it's not delayed again it will come in patch 14.09 so early May

This is correct. We’re still planning on release for Patch 14.09 for all Riot Regions, assuming our launch today in the Philippines for 14.08 goes as planned.

12 Apr


Originally posted by Violence_Fiend

Are lobby reveal softwares bannable?



Originally posted by upvoting_the_truth



Reports for exploits leveraging the anti-cheat kernel driver vgk.sys.

What does that have to do with your original claim that the "driver" is not calling home, and OP saying it is calling home even when the game is not running? That's obviously "a feature" that you installed, not an exploit

If vgk.sys is communicating externally when vgc.exe isn’t on, that’s not intended functionality. It would be eligible for a bug bounty.


Originally posted by upvoting_the_truth

So far not 1 rioter responded to similar claims, or any security concerns.

It's more important to reply to comments about "lulz cheater outsource mails to fiverr lul".

It has been responded to on other social medias ( ), but if you can prove this is happening, we do have a bug bounty program operated by HackerOne offering significant monetary sums to anyone who finds a vulnerability


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