

21 Apr


Originally posted by joshyfps

can i delete asmtufdriver.sys or will it cause problems?

I can't officially endorse removal of Software that I'm not a subject matter expert on. I'd like to make it clear that the things I've recommended are bandaid fixes, and we're working on greater compatibility layers that should be coming relatively shortly.

I have had players who have removed it without any issue, but I cannot speak for every device regarding this. If you remove this, please do so at your own discretion.


Originally posted by villa277

None of this worked for me, also if this is a known issue why is it not listed in the support page? I mean if it can solve it for so many people why not list it in the support page for everyone that doesn't use reddit?

Working on getting these things published and localized

20 Apr


Originally posted by WeinernaRyder

That is some crazy gaslighting by calling that uncommon in the industry.

The reality here is that negative feedback is not shaping anything... you’re doubling and tripling down.

You're right in that it does come off pretty gaslighty, my apologies. I understand players issues are with us, and it's irrelevant to bring up other companies. you're right.

The point I am trying to make is that we're legitimately constantly assessing our best steps. It's why engagement has been important to us.


Originally posted by AlexRaidz

None of this worked for me

If you could make a ticket to Player Support, and upload your Vanguard Logs (C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs), and direct message me the number of that Ticket, I can look into it on a more expedited manner.


Originally posted by lazulilord

It’s a f**king videogame. Your anticheat doesn’t need to be this extreme, and there are already cheats for Valorant that are working, blatant aimbots and wallhacks. Why are you really doing this?

The goal is to provide an elite, subscription level Anti-Cheat for players. We're constantly assessing how we're handling this, and are being flexible and finding our best solutions as Closed Beta progresses, but that's the ultimate goal. That's why we're really doing this. Our goal is to have a game that has a sustainable, strong Anti-Cheat, over the course of not just a few months, but the game's whole lifecycle.

This is why we're going on forums, being open with what we're looking for, which is extremely uncommon in the Anti-Cheat industry. Community feedback, positive and negative, help shape our strategy.


Originally posted by Juuhonber

Removing "VBoxUSBMon.sys" did it for me.

Awesome. Good to know. We're tracking these and assessing our strategy.


Originally posted by kartios

As much as I can appreciate your support as someone who has been in a similar role as you, it doesn't look good for a random Riot employee to be instructing people to delete System32 drivers without any explanation or acknowledgement from Riot itself. Why should some random virtualbox USB driver be affecting Vanguard? What happened to not scanning hardware?

I responded about the VirtualBox USB in another comment, but on the second point, these actions aren't contradictory to anything we've stated, or announced in our Security policies: . All these troubleshooting measures, and reasonings have not only been said on Reddit by Riot Employees, but are being shared with support.

I agree with you, Reddit is a limited scope. While it's more than what most say about the definites of Anti-Cheat vectors, I agree players would be benefited from a faster, easier w...

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Originally posted by kartios

Seems legit, just delete some sys files.

Get this intrusive software out of the game. This is absolutely ridiculous. There are already so many issues that I have zero faith in the security of this driver. What are you guys waiting for, millions of users to get pwned? Just do it now before it's too late.

Edit: can you also explain why this file has to be deleted? Why should we be deleting virtualbox drivers for your driver to work? Without an explanation this is even more ridiculous than I previously stated.

Here's a good example of using VirtualBox drivers to defeat driver signing. Not only has this been used in cheats in other games, it's been used in cheats in VALORANT.


Originally posted by Snowolf

Are there any issues with VirtualBox if the USB driver isn't installed? Not seeing ti in the list, and not seeing any unsigned drivers anywhere, yet experiencing this issue :(

There can certainly be other things that can cause it. I'd recommend making a ticket, and uploading the Vanguard logs. If you DM me the Ticket #, I can review it on a more expedited schedule.

19 Apr


Originally posted by Sigv1

I’m fine with having vanguard on my computer. I’m fine with updating/removing drivers to meet vanguards requirements. I’m fine with waiting for a solution to this. The only thing that bothers me is the fact that this is not being acknowledged on a larger scale. Make a twitter post, put it on the client. A simple statement saying that you know about the issue and are working on a solution can save people countless hours browsing reddit as-well as stopping misinformation being spread.

Agreed with you that this is a worthy pain point. We'll work on an easier way to see these issues. I've been adding issues I encounter here to guides Player Support can use, so they can help players faster in troubleshooting. I'll see what can be done in adding more visibility. You're right - even though this is not massively widespread, we can do better in letting players know.

Thanks for much for toughing it out and thank you for your feedback. It's not PR stuff when I say that getting to have this direct, instant feedback and troubleshooting, has, and will be, very helpful.


Originally posted by Theo_Choq

I don't seem to have VBoxUSBMon.sys in my drivers yet it still doesn't work. Any ideas?

There are other vulnerable drivers that could cause it. If you could zip up the Logs in C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs , and send to me through preferred file sharing service in a direct message, I can assist you.


Originally posted by solMachina

Hope you don't mind me sending you my ticket number as well. I've been detailing every step of the process I've attempted to remedy this issue, myself. I tried reading the provided logs to get more verbose details than "Error 1" but they're encoded.

No problem! Working on a good bit of em right now so there may be some delay but will get to them ASAP.


Originally posted by inb4Downvoted

Why are you telling non technical end users to delete system files on their home computers?

It's why it's best to troubleshoot these things through Support, so the issue can be pinpointed and handled in a safe manner. I do have assistance to help safely remove these programs. Incompatibility is a standard part of Software Troubleshooting. I would not recommend people going into their system files and deleting things random things and hoping it'll work.

19 Feb


Originally posted by KyoJeRO

Can't really say anything about na server. But I see bunch of scripts pre-loaded into pc cafe in Vietnam all the time.

Beside the obvious cass, kalista, xerath script, how would you really notice.

This account seems to have been banned a long time ago. Scripts are definitely more prevalent in Vietnam, albeit still comparatively rare - the most popular ones are still banned very quickly these days.

If you have any accounts or scripts that you know of in Vietnam that are not banned within a few days, you may always message player support or me directly so it can be looked into.


Originally posted by just_a_little_rat

a Xerath Q can't go cross map and 1 shot you no matter how hard you're scripting.

well yeah except for that one time



Originally posted by newworkaccount

Will we have a legal guarantee that you aren't accessing and selling data from our machines? A kernel-mode driver is God mode access for most people (who don't run virtual machines, or OSes other than the proprietary ones in their processor/baseband).

Additionally, what can you say to reassure us that your kernel driver will have a small attack surface? Building a driver meant to hook and examine memory access is basically malware by another name, and it would be very convenient for a malware dev to exploit a prebuilt driver like this, particularly as Windows has increased restrictions even around Administrator accounts.

I do understand why anti-cheat needs kernel mode drivers, but that definitely doesn't mean I like it. I also can't help but worry about a company owned by a company that famously does siphon up user data elsewhere (that is, Riot is owned by Tencent).

In terms of Data Privacy, we have a strong commitment to it, including and beyond regional laws. A little bit more here:

For the second question, aside from saying that our quality assurance, testing, and commitment to security is high, I can also say our team has lots of experience in this field. Our team has members who think finding zero-days is a recreational activity - we know how if you give any vector for abuse, someone will go after it. The team also knows what a vulnerable driver can do - we've fought against our fair share of cheats using them.

18 Feb


Originally posted by xMetix

There are some boring scripts like aimbot and there are some sick exploits like that one time Ashe allowed champions to do stupid things This is my favorite use of that exploit (f**king Cannon rush...) I wouldn't even be mad seeing this live but there were also Fiora Ults on level 1 and Brand ults level 1. It was wild lmao.

DR TERRIBLE comes to mind when thinking about exploits and League. His flashes can still be seen on the Summoner's Rift at night.

Also that one cheater in Overwatch that managed to pick the custom PVE bosses IN A RANKED GAME

Also I was wondering, if someone managed to make a really smart bot that actually played the game and played it at a high level how long would you watch it out of curiosity before banning the account? Would you let it get challenger?

Those exploits were certainly legendary, fun in retrospect but very game-ruining and frustrating at the time.

Realistically, we wouldn't let that bot continue to play. Sentient Skynet sounds interesting but also a nightmare for competitive integrity.


Originally posted by vaynebot

The reality is that scripting in this game will only make you marginally better (like 1-2 divisions), which is why there is relatively low incentive to cheat. This in turn means that almost nobody ever feels like they lost a game due do a cheater, got frustrated, and started cheating themselves.

How good Riot's technical anti-cheat is will show once they release their shooter.

Edit: Something to consider, if Riot actually manages to keep their shooter mostly cheat free without tons of false positives, they will be the only company in the history of competitive FPS titles that managed to do it.

We still have a slew of people trying to cheat in League, and players who are experienced in the way of spacebar do have decent winrates in the game or two they get to play, but I agree with you - a Xerath Q can't go cross map and 1 shot you no matter how hard you're scripting.

Going to plug our recent article on the technical upgrades we'll be making to ensure our future games have the same standard League is held to:

13 Feb


Originally posted by dagoto

I think that is a Sion script.

When you see suspicious activity like this, make sure to use the in-game reporting for Third Party Tools. This actually helps in getting these players gone from the Rift even faster.

25 Oct


Originally posted by lowkeyjustlurkin

How about software that could aid users in dodging long to mid-range skillshots by reading the screen output and responding by taking over inputs? Would be annoying.

We're always trying to get the first jump on a new attack vector, including things like this. To be truly successful in Anti-Cheat, you need to be proactive rather than reactive.