

26 May


I can't give you a precise date, but an updated No HUD mode is in the works.

21 May


Originally posted by Jescar1

The flair is only when a Developer comments on your post, not when you need a response from a Developer XD!

And they are usually "Question aimed towards Developers" that most likely gets replies from Developer. But GSG devs are bunch of trolls and they comment/reply to whatever they please anyway!

That's only a cruel rumor.

(Jes here is right btw, Gryphon)

14 May


Originally posted by Biddatroy01

Wait wtf Devs respond to posts here? I love you guys

When we can find a moment, yeah! :)

13 May


Management is very proud of you.


Originally posted by XavierLitespeed

At first I thought you were going to turn us into monsters murdering the Silicate Harvesters... But now I realize it's just a noble steed.

What kind of monsters do you take us for?

12 May


No new music in Update 24, possibly in 25, but no guarantees. The composers are hard at work, but they have a ways to go yet. :D


Sorry to hear you got stuck! Maybe this is something we can improve the visibility of, so others don't end up like you - we definitely want people to promote their characters so they can keep progressing. :D


We're actively looking into this this. Definitely not intended. Pardon the annoyance.


The thought behind it is that it's meant to stick out like a sore thumb, so the colors are likely there to stay. :D

I've fixed the ingame name to correctly read Mineral Hoarder though - you are correct, it is not meant to be a Glyphid.


Thank you for the kind words! They are very appreciated. :)

I've sent your Incendiary Grenade issue on to the Designers, that does sound unintended.