

01 Jun

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Initially the plan was one class release every 2-3 months; we sped this up a bit immediately after launch. Based off of multiple factors it was decided that we want to keep a quick pace compared to other regions, but not release everything at once since Class releases are valuable moments for the game. I understand it is frustrating now, and as much as player feedback has been heard, ultimately this decision was made to support a longer span of time for the game.

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There is no class being released in June. When we have new progression events and power passes become available, we will make an effort to let players know these timeframes and how they pair with upcoming classes.

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At this point in time, the 2 month pace is fairly set. While we appreciate player feedback and understand the desire to have all classes available as soon as possible, this was the cadence that was decided on to ensure a steady flow of content that does not run dry too quickly. Player feedback is important, but not the only piece that goes into making these decisions – we plan on sticking around and keeping this game going for a long time, so content pacing is important as we move ahead.

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Arcana will be in the July Content Update, so most likely mid-July

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Algunos miembros de nuestro equipo fueron la semana pasada a Corea del Sur a visitar Smilegate RPG para trabajar en la hoja de ruta, mejorar nuestros procesos y herramientas, seguir colaborando en la guerra contra los bots y mucho más. Tras estas reuniones, queremos hablar de una serie de temas antes de daros un avance de la hoja de ruta de junio y julio.

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Des membres de notre équipe ont rejoint Smilegate RPG en Corée du Sud la semaine dernière pour examiner la feuille de route, améliorer les outils et processus, lutter contre les bots, et bien d’autres choses dans le cadre de notre collaboration. À l’issue de ces réunions, nous souhaitons aborder quelques sujets avant de vous présenter en avant-première la feuille de route de juin et juillet.

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Ein Teil unseres Teams war letzte Woche bei Smilegate RPG in Südkorea, um sich die Roadmap anzusehen und im Rahmen unserer laufenden Zusammenarbeit Tools und Prozesse zu verbessern, gemeinsam gegen Bots zu kämpfen und mehr. Aus diesen Meetings haben sich ein paar Dinge ergeben, über die wir euch informieren wollen, bevor wie einen Blick auf die Roadmap für Juni/Juli werfen.

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Members of our team joined Smilegate RPG in South Korea last week to look at the roadmap, improve tools and processes, fight the war on bots together, and more as we continue our collaboration. Coming out of those meetings, we have a few topics we’d like to discuss before sharing a sneak peek at the June and July roadmap.

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It is dependent on the specific skin, not the required currency or purchase method

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Europe Central is still showing healthy populations, but we are looking into and working towards next steps to take with Europe West

31 May

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This issue is still being actively worked on by the team and will likely require a hotfix/downtime to work out the related bug; will keep you posted when I have further information!!

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GvG is in a weird place right now; it is still broken entirely in some regions and behaving funky on others. Appreciate the reports, this is something the team is working on a fix for.

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Locking this thread as well and crossposting a similar answer from another thread because the back and forth continues not to be productive for anyone involved.

Initially we were aiming to have this shared ahead of June, but it was still being worked on and a date was not locked. The next roadmap is not quite ready yet and has shifted slightly, and will now be out later this week (not today specifically). When we let players know we are aiming for a date or an estimated timeframe conversationally here in the forums, this is what we are working towards and is subject to change.

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There is some deliberation here that goes deeper than the meaning of OPs post, so I am going to lock this to prevent those discussions from spinning up further. In short, IPs from locations in China are blocked, as we do not have the legal rights to publish in those regions – unfortunately, in the case of botters it isn’t difficult to spin up workarounds for this. It is another roadblock for botters as well, but not a full on solution

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I’m going to lock this one down now; the back and forth here is not helpful and it’s just perpetuating toxicity. You will see the roadmap later this week.

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We were initially aiming to release ahead of June, which is what I previously shared. This was not a locked in date, but what we were “aiming” for as stated. When folks ask why we don’t give an exact date when communications are still being worked on, this is precisely why – like any project, things can shift and change when they are in progress and unfinished.

Today is May 31st, so we are no longer ahead of June, but we will hit a release later this week which is what I am letting players know first thing in the morning.

Despite this, folks are still telling me I should be fired for providing updates as changes happen.

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Later this week, not today

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Yesterday was a holiday here in the US, with some of our team traveling back from Korea over the weekend. Many times in the forums “radio silence” is not an intentional withholding of communication, but other things taking precedence (part of this is that our staff does not work around the clock 24/7)

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Roadmap will still arrive later this week

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Full patch notes for June will come with the June Update