It will still be rolling out later this week
It will still be rolling out later this week
Good morning! Going to follow up with the team to see if there are some more of these batches going to be sent out
To jump onto the posts that have already been shared, the roadmap is indeed targeted for next week – we are in Korea working through multiple plans across teams now, so we should have more to share soon.
After the season ends in a few sort months, we will be taking data and learnings from PvP season 1 and using them to adjust the MMR system for our playerbase accordingly
Action is taken against toxic players and these kinds of behaviors are definitely bannable, which is why reporting them is important. However, we do not take reports of toxic players here on the forums since my team does not handle in-game reports and can’t directly change player accounts – I’ve removed the screenshot in order not to spotlight this individual, but you can submit a report here:
Read moreUnfortunately I don’t have much insight on why this is the case, but the team is investigating heavily
Appreciate the feedback and conversation on this thread – just for any clarification, as far as I am aware this is not something that is likely to be reverted or further changed at the moment since it was part of the very large balance patch that the Smilegate team put in place, however it is always great to continue to hear what players think.
Still fighting this fight, and we have just done another massive ban wave to kick back against them. I know it is long ongoing struggle, so thank you for your patience while we continue to work against this.
There is indeed a maintenance at the regular time; apologies for the late update!!
Read moreAnnouncement is now out:
Read moreUnfortunately the fix was not ready for this week’s update, as it is still being worked on
The team is aware of this bug and is working on a fix, but unfortunately it is not ready for live with this week’s update. They will continue to work on it
Longer than usual maintenances are generally due to backend updates involving databases, systems, or other necessary changes for the health of the game. Please keep in mind that this is often the case even if notable patch notes are few.
Additionally, the team is still working on a fix for GvG. I know this is a pain point for many players, but unfortunately the fix is not yet ready to deploy.
Servers are back up and ready to play, and issues have resolved. Let us know if you see any more!
There was a bit of a bump for some players experiencing this issue when servers came back up, but things should be back to normal now. Please let us know if you have any more problems!
There seems to have been a bump with servers coming back up, but things should be back to normal now. Please let me know if this issue continues to persist!
We are aiming to share next week – some of us are in Korea with the team at the moment
Peeking at the answers to this was super fun lol, y’all are hardcore
No plans for it
This is something that’s being discussed internally – I know it has been ongoing for some time, however the clocks in game don’t currently allow for multiple time zones which it will always be “off” to some degree for some players. We are determining what changes we can make to resolve this