

25 May

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We are working on our next roadmap update now – a handful of us are actually in Korea currently, and I am typing this from the Smilegate office :slight_smile: We will provide context about next classes, some pieces of content, and more. It will look similar to the previous 2 month roadmap

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There will be additional opportunities for events and methods to advance your characters in the future, and we are very aware of how these may pair with new classes (and letting players know when they do)

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Can confirm this is a bug the team is aware of and working on a fix for

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It is within the same week since it is a “re-entry”

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The team has gone back into the system and sent out an additional batch for those who may have been affected by the issues over the weekend and not received their re-entry tickets. Appreciate the continued reports, and thanks for your patience!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate the additional context! Let me see if I can follow up more directly as well. Thank you for helping me catch up.

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If we didn’t have some of these limitations in place, there would be nothing stopping players from repeatedly rage quitting or trolling by cutting internet and harming the experiences of others; it’s a bit difficult

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To each their own – for a lot of Lost Ark players, Legion Raids are the ultimate endgame because of how tricky and challenging they can be. Some folks won’t agree, and that’s okay because everyone has different tastes and enjoys different things. Either way, please be kind to everyone whether or not you agree with their preferences

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These selections won’t be random; they will be selected based on global game data (like Glaivier being popular), class updates (like waiting for Destroyer to be reworked so that players don’t have to worry about their class changing), pairing with specific content (like Destroyer having Stagger skills that are nice to have for Valtan), and other factors

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Hi there – apologize for the late response on this topic, I do not think you are being ignored but I have just traveled to Korea so have been away on planes and in different time zones and am a little bit out of the loop as I catch back up.

Some details on the way tickets are returned are available here: Update to Timed and Ticketed Content Lockouts

Please keep in mind that the current system will only allow for access to be re-granted for pl...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Love the discussion going on here, but wanted to hop in to clarify something on the original post that looks like it may have gotten misinterpreted – we aren’t necessarily releasing classes in the original order as they did in KR, as are many different pieces that go into deciding which class comes when. However, the earlier classes are currently slated to come before any of the brand new content that released more recently. This means that the new classes such as Artist and Aeromancer (not that it’s out yet) will follow the rest of the classes and whatever order they release in

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SO much time for every character. Was really happy with how my sorc came out (and the try-on outfit is still my favorite on her)

image574×873 43.9 KB

20 May

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

El evento “Al rojo vivo” vuelve este fin de semana con nuevas recompensas para nuestros héroes, las cuales se pueden reclamar hasta el final mayo.

A partir de este fin de semana, el 21 de mayo a las 12 del mediodía, un personaje de tu elenco podrá reclamar los siguientes objetos con el botón de “Al rojo vivo”:

  • Cofre de 3 objetos de combate x3
  • [Obra maestra] Plato de filete a las hierbas de maestro (ligado) x3

Estos objetos podrán reclamarse una vez cada sábado y cada domingo entre las 12:01pm CET y las 11:59am CET, cuando el reloj del evento se reiniciará. Estas recompensas estarán disponibles los dos próximos fines de semana hasta el final de mayo.

¡Nos vemos en Arkesia!

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L’événement Happy Hour revient ce week-end avec de nouvelles récompenses que nos héros pourront récupérer jusqu’à la fin du mois de mai !

À partir de ce week-end, le 21 mai à 12h, un personnage de l’expédition d’un joueur pourra réclamer les objets suivants via le bouton “Happy Hour” en jeu :

  • Coffre d’objets de combat (3) x3
  • [Chef-d’œuvre] Plat de steak aux herbes de maître (lié) x3

Vous pouvez réclamer vos objets “Happy Hour” une fois le samedi et une fois le dimanche entre 12h01 et 11h59 lorsque le compteur de l’événement sera remis à zéro. Ces nouvelles récompenses seront disponibles pendant les deux prochains week-ends jusqu’à la fin du mois de mai !

À bientôt en Archésia !

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Die Fever-Time startet dieses Wochenende mit neuen Belohnungen, die unsere Helden bis Ende Mai einlösen können.

Ab diesem Wochenende, am 21. Mai um 12:00, könnt ihr für einen Charakter aus eurer Liste die folgenden Gegenstände über die Schaltfläche “Fieberzeit” im Spiel einfordern:

  • Kampfgegenstandstruhe x3

  • [Meisterwerk] Meister-Kräutersteak-Menü (Gebunden) x3

Ihr könnt eure Fever-Time-Gegenstände jeweils am Samstag und am Sonntag zwischen 12:01 Uhr und 11:59 Uhr einfordern, wenn die Event-Uhr zurückgesetzt wird. Diese neuen Belohnungen gibt es an den nächsten zwei Wochenenden noch bis Ende Mai!

Wir sehen uns in Arkesia!

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Fever Time returns this weekend with refreshed rewards for our heroes to redeem through the end of May!

Beginning this weekend on May 21st at 3 AM PT / 10 AM UTC, one character on a player’s Roster will be able to claim the following items through the “Fever Time” button in-game:

  • 3 Battle Items Chest x3
  • [Masterwork] Master’s Herb Steak Meal (Bound) x3

You can claim your Fever Time items once on Saturday and once on Sunday between 3:01 AM PT / 10:01 AM UTC and 2:59 AM PT / 9:59AM UTC, when the event clock will reset. These new rewards will be available for the next two weekends through the end of May!

See you in Arkesia!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you earned the drop and it is not appearing, please relink your account here to reclaim!

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Bots are a deterrent to all players really, although I agree they tend to be worse in starting zones and don’t make for a great first impression. We addressed this issue last week in a longer post to detail some of the work we are doing (and why some suggestions aren’t feasible).

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note “the last 12 hours” from when this was posted was overnight in our timezone – our team does need to take time to rest and sleep, so we are not always available in the forums or to share updates 24/7.

That said, we have this flagged this as a critical issue since it is progression blocking and are working with the dev team on a hotfix so that it can be resolved as soon as possible, ahead of our next weekly update. We will let players know when that hotfix is ready to go.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is something that has been marked as a bug, and should be reverted in a future patch. Appreciate the reports!