

02 Jun

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Unfortunately I do not have the ability to look into player accounts, as I am not part of the Customer Support team. I would recommend having him submit a ticket and ban appeal here: Appeal a ban - Support | Amazon Games

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Feedback is welcome here; you can share your opinions freely. Moderation actions are only taken when our forum rules or code of conduct are broken. You can review those rules here: FAQ - Lost Ark Forums

When posts are aggressive, attacking, and non-constructive, they will be removed. Keep it non-toxic and don’t attack or insult others, be it staff, other players, or anyone else, and you can share as much feedback as you’d like.

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Amazon Games Code of Conduct

Treat others the way they wanted to be treated

Do: be kind, build fellowship with other players, and be your best, unique self.

Do not: engage in behavior that diminish, threaten, bully, insult, abuse, or harass others. This includes any behavior that:

  • promotes or encourages hateful ideologies;
  • promotes or encourages discrimination, denigration, harassment, or violence based on race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, ...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not trying to stop the ongoing conversation here, but we work with Smilegate on a daily basis, and the team we work with is pretty much entirely fluent in speaking, reading, and writing English – it would be a massive undertaking to fly across the world for no reason other than to make up a bunch of stuff in meetings, especially when they can and do directly read player feedback online in any place it exists. There’s no weird handwaving or hiding happening, and if there was it would be an extremely impressive feat to pull off when all of the player feedback is online and in publicly accessible spaces. I know it feels easier to point a finger somewhere to assign blame, but we function as parts of the same team.

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In tonight’s update, Chaos Dungeon exchange vendor rewards will become character bound. The Shards earned from Chaos Dungeons are Roster bound, so you will be able to share them across your Roster before exchanging them and pick the character you want to get your rewards on.

01 Jun

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We did consider hotfixing this as it was a priority, however the fix was unfortunately not ready early enough for us to do so. This was a fairly major bug that took some additional time to get right in order to work out.

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Some of the things currently going into the class release order are balance updates and reworks, relevance of the abilities and playstyle to update content that it is paired with, and community feedback, so by all means keep letting us know what classes you would like to see.

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We haven’t changed Vykas at all

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Saludos, Héroes de Arkesia:

Habrá una desconexión de todos los servidores y regiones de Lost Ark con motivo de la actualización y mantenimiento semanal el 2 de junio a las 9 AM CEST. Prevemos que la desconexión durará unas 5 horas aproximadamente e incluirá los siguientes arreglos:

  • Se ha arreglado el error en la mansión de Haiger y las ruinas de Rielvarr que dejaba a los jugadores atascados en una pantalla de carga. Este contenido se reabrirá para los jugadores.
  • Se han ajustado las recompensas del mercader de las mazmorras del caos para ligarlas a un personaje. Las esquirlas ganadas en las mazmorras del caos están ligadas al elenco, así que los jugadores pueden compartirlas con otros personajes de su elenco para reclamar recompensas con personajes alternativos.
  • Se ha solucionado el error que cambiaba el color de las gafas de carey básicas a blanco cuando se equipaban al mismo tiempo que la parte de arriba y la parte de abajo de la apariencia del...
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Héros d’Archésia,

Tous les serveurs et régions de Lost Ark seront mis hors ligne le 2 juin à 9h00 (CEST) pour notre maintenance et mise à jour hebdomadaire. La durée de l’indisponibilité des serveurs est estimée à 5 heures. Ce patch comprendra les changements suivants :

  • Correction d’un problème du client ne répondant pas lors du chargement dans le Manoir de Haiger et les Ruines de Rivelvarr. Ce contenu sera désormais accessible à nouveaux aux joueurs.
  • Les récompenses des vendeurs d’échange de Donjon du Chaos sont désormais liées aux personnages. Les fragments remportés dans les Donjons du Chaos sont liés à la liste de personnages, afin que les joueurs puissent les partager avec d’autres personnages de leur liste et pouvoir échanger les récompenses de l’échange contre des personnages alternatifs.
  • Correction d’un problème où les lunettes basiques à monture en corne apparaissaient en blanc lorsqu’elles étaient équipées en même temps que le plastron...
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Seid gegrüßt, Helden von Arkesia!

Alle Lost Ark-Server und -Regionen werden am 02. Juni um 09:00 Uhr für die regulären Wartungsarbeiten und das wöchentliche Update offline genommen. Die Wartungspause wird schätzungsweise bis zu 5 Stunden dauern und folgende Fehlerbehebungen beinhalten:

  • Das Problem, das dazu führte, dass der Client beim Laden von Haigers Anwesen oder den Ruinen von Rielvarr nicht mehr reagierte, wurde behoben. Die Bereiche werden wieder freigegeben.
  • Die Belohnungen der Chaos Dungeon-Tauschhändler sind jetzt an den Charakter gebunden. Scherben, die ihr in den Chaos Dungeons verdient, sind an Kader gebunden, sodass ihr sie mit anderen Charakteren in eurem Kader teilen könnt, um Belohnungen für andere Charaktere einzulösen.
  • Das Problem, bei dem die “schlichte Hornbrille” in der Farbe Weiß erschien, wenn ihr sie gleichzeitig mit “Brustschutz - & Hose-Skin: gerissene Morgendämmerung” ausgerüstet habt, wurde behoben.
  • Das Probl...
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Greetings heroes of Arkesia,

All Lost Ark servers and regions will be brought offline on June 2nd at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST for this week’s regularly scheduled maintenance and update. Downtime is estimated to last up to 5 hours and will include the following fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that caused the client to stop responding when loading into Haiger’s Manor or Rivelvarr Ruins. This content will be re-opened to players.
  • Chaos Dungeon exchange vendor rewards have been adjusted to be character bound. Shards earned from Chaos Dungeons are Roster bound, so players can share them with other characters on their Roster in order to redeem rewards from the exchange on alternate characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the Basic Horn-rimmed glasses would appear as white when equipped at the same time as the Wily Dawn Chestpiece and Pants.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an “Invalid Customization Info” error to appear when attempting to load an older prese...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t expect to turn the tides with any of my responses; I know players are upset about this, it is very clear and is not a surprise to me. However I will continue to speak directly to players and provide any clarity as it is not my intention for folks to feel like the topic is being avoided or ignored. Players are still heard and acknowledged, even if the outcome is not what they necessarily want.

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I am not sure where “money” is coming from, as it is not a word anywhere in my post. Yes, this is a business, and of course to some degree it is important to generate revenue so we can continue to support the game and keep it live. Regardless of profit, isn’t it better to support the long-term health of the game so that players can enjoy it for several years as opposed to it having a much shorter lifecycle?

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Continued feedback is always appreciated – I just want to mention that player feedback is never the only factor that goes into making game decisions (for any decision, there is never just one factor and it is a culmination of aspects). In the case of class release cadence, we appreciate the feedback and understand where players are coming from with wanting to have every class available, however pulling in several sources lead to the pacing decision.

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Player feedback is always shared, listened to, and considered, however it is not the only factor that goes into making game-related decisions – things like data, business intelligence, product performance, performance in other regions, and more also have an impact on certain game decisions.

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Nope, there isn’t a monthly schedule set for Legion Raids. There is not a new one included on the 2-month roadmap for July (unless you count Valtan’s Inferno mode as a new Legion Raid, but that’s a bit different from an entirely new raid)

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We are finalizing the dates in order to appropriately share them alongside the dates for the class release so players can decide how to best utilize them

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We have a speculative fix going out tonight for this issue

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I believe an odds page will be made available when the content releases