

05 Jul

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Good work! No ETA quite yet, still moving towards the July Update as the next focus :slight_smile:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks, will you please let me know what server/region you are on?

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can confirm skipping won’t change the result, but I’m sorry about your string of bad luck! Fingers crossed for ya.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate the feedback! Currently we are slated to be bringing in Valtan Inferno Mode and Challenge Abyssal Dungeons for July, and since we’re only a few weeks away from mid-July unlikely Kakul-Saydon will be making it into the next content update. Apologies, but I get the eagerness!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Helden von Arkesia,

Alle Lost Ark-Server und Regionen werden am Mittwoch, den 6. Juli um 9:00 Uhr für unsere wöchentliche Wartung und Aktualisierung offline gehen. Die Ausfallzeit wird schätzungsweise bis zu 1,5 Stunden dauern.

Die wöchentlichen Aktualisierungen und Zurücksetzungen werden ab jetzt mittwochs, und nicht mehr donnerstags stattfinden. Das gibt unseren Teams bei Amazon Games und Smilegate RPG vor dem Wochenende ein bisschen mehr Zeit, für den Fall das Probleme in einem Update auftreten.

Außerdem werden wir für wöchentliche Gildenanfragen eine Entschädigung in Form von Blutsteinen auszahlen. Falls ihr also letzte Woche von diesem Fehler betroffen wart, solltet ihr eure Entschädigungen haben, sobald die Server wieder laufen.

Und zu guter Letzt: Die Willkommens-Herausforderung endet am 20. Juli. Achtet also darauf, dass ihr die Herausforderungen bis dahin abschließt und eure Belohnungen abholt!

Vielen Dank für eure Geduld, und wir sehen un...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héros d’Archésia,

Tous les serveurs et toutes les régions de Lost Ark seront hors ligne le mercredi 6 juillet à 9 h (CEST) pour notre maintenance et mise à jour hebdomadaire. Le temps d’arrêt est estimé à 1 h 30.

À l’avenir, les mises à jour et les réinitialisations hebdomadaires se poursuivront les mercredis plutôt que les jeudis. Nous apportons ce changement pour nous assurer que nos équipes d’Amazon Games et de Smilegate RPG ont le temps, avant la fin de semaine, de travailler à régler tout problème potentiel qui pourrait se présenter dans une mise à jour.

De plus, nous accorderons une compensation de pierres sanguines pour les demandes hebdomadaires de guilde. Les joueurs qui ont été affectés par ce bug la semaine dernière peuvent s’attendre à voir leurs récompenses délivrées au moment du retour en ligne des serveurs.

Enfin, le défi de bienvenue se terminera le 20 juillet. Assurez-vous de relever ces défis et de réclamer vos récompenses d’ici là !

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héroes de Arkesia:

Todos los servidores y regiones de Lost Ark se desconectarán para el mantenimiento y actualización semanal el miércoles 6 de julio a las 9:00 AM CEST. El mantenimiento durará unas 1,5 horas.

A partir de ahora, los mantenimientos y reseteos semanales serán los miércoles en lugar de los jueves. Hemos introducido este cambio para asegurarnos de que los equipos de Amazon Games y Smilegate RPG tienen tiempo para trabajar antes del fin de semana en cualquier problema que pudiera surgir a raíz del parche semanal.

Por otra parte, vamos a recompensar con heliotropos las peticiones del gremio semanales. Si os afectó este bug la semana pasada podréis ver vuestra recompensa en cuanto los servidores vuelvan a estar en línea.

Por último, recordad que el Desafío de bienvenida termina el 20 de julio. No dejéis de completar este desafío y reclamar vuestras recompensas antes de esta fecha.

Gracias por vuestra paciencia. ¡Nos vemos en Akesia!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heroes of Arkesia,

All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming offline on Wednesday, July 6th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST for our weekly maintenance and update. Tonight’s downtime is estimated to last up to 1.5 hours.

Moving ahead, weekly updates and resets will continue occur on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays. We’re making this change to ensure that our teams at Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG have time before the weekend to work on addressing any potential issues that could arrive in an update.

Additionally, we will be granting Bloodstone compensation for weekly Guild Requests. Players who were affected by this bug last week can expect to see their rewards delivered by the time servers are back up.

As a final note, the in-game Welcome Challenge will be ending on July 20th. Be sure to complete these challenges and claim your rewards before then!

Thank you for your patience, and we’ll see you in Arkesia!

01 Jul

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

My understanding is that the Mokoko pets won’t be sold as they are an item intended to be part of a gift for special occasions and the like; not sure if the skins have quuuuite the same weight to them but those are mostly giveaway goodies too!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate the report, we have some folks looking into this now.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are working on a fix for it now, aiming to get out ASAP but need to confirm the ETA and status with the team working on it before I can share!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there – just a heads up, flagging a user’s post is a way to report their comment and will send it to a moderation queue for review. Our moderators do their best to clean up rule-breaking posts here, but there is a massive volume of content that comes through each day. The comment from the thread that you posted was in fact removed, and subsequently removed from your post since it is content that doesn’t have a place here, but it hadn’t been previously reported. Flagging/reporting a post will always be the best way to get a moderator’s eyes on it.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ll be switching this to be 30 seconds for each timer instead of 3 minutes.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you both for the info! Hopefully can get this resolved soon, but for now I can confirm the teams are aware this error is occurring again.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Got it, we’re tracking down a couple of issues and I totally misread the post above about the prior EAC fixes (whoops, sorry!). Thank you for the details!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is still the EAC Offline message error?? Passing this along so it can be investigated appropriately, appreciate the report.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Right now there is a plan to knock the timers down to 30 seconds a piece, but that’s all I have to share so far!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you! Passing this along to the right teams.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are working on a fix for the error players are encountering on Windows 7. Will let everyone know when it’s ready to be shipped!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Will do you one better on the daily quest time changes – we’ll be dropping them down to 30 seconds :slight_smile: