Not as a service unfortunately; server transfers and merges are super complicated to perform in Lost Ark, even when they have taken place in other regions previously, and there currently isn’t a great option for regular/standard transfers.
Not as a service unfortunately; server transfers and merges are super complicated to perform in Lost Ark, even when they have taken place in other regions previously, and there currently isn’t a great option for regular/standard transfers.
We’ll have some info about Arcanist to share today, full patch notes will roll out next Tuesday. But yup, Waterpop arena comes on 7/20 too alongside the summer skins!
I’ll be the source now – they are coming!
Tomorrow there will be some info, but patch notes always come out the day before the release
He is doing his best
(thanks for the report)
The Punika Power Pass will indeed require you to have completed that story content once before in order to get the pass
We’ve got some more anti-cheat processes that are being worked through this week (the kind that I can’t say what they are because it reveals too much to the botters). These are getting significantly more effective, but bots are throwing hands back from their side and we’re definitely aware that they’re returning in droves. We’re continuing to move forward and working to clear them out while improving our tools directly as we do it.
I hear this feedback from all ends of the spectrum, and feel it myself – I often prefer gaming solo because I’m garbage. The older I get the worse my reflexes are, and I’d rather only subject myself to that. Unfortunately like a lot of player in this thread have mentioned, much of the content was designed for team play and since this is an MMORPG, it’s not likely that everything will be given a solo mode. Solo modes will exist (Thronespire, although… that’s just Thronespire…) but I don’t think we’ll ever see everything being soloable.
Yup, it’s something we’ve been seeing more and more feedback on!
We’ve been able to send these out for more crashes before, and are also sending them out with more speed so players don’t have to wait too long. Unfortunately the function and process isn’t instantaneous, but please be a little more patient and your ticket should arrive before too long!!
Nope, no plans for class voting
I do understand where you’re coming from on wanting one on Hell Mode; it’s definitely a special type of challenge that’s in place for guts and glory in the game. However, it’s unlikely to be implemented in any capacity as it’s something SGR has specifically spoken out against in the past
Appreciate this feedback – not sure if it will be possible but like Shadow said we will raise it internally
+1 to the post above from Mutato, you will be ok in this case
Definitely! This is a piece of feedback we’ve seen a lot that has been passed along.
Unfortunately I don’t have an update to share – there aren’t any plans to revert this or change it further at this time
Please do not derail this thread with new and unrelated topics, but no I do not have an update
Yep! I deleted a string of rude and unnecessary comments that the meme happened to be a part of. I wasn’t bothered by the meme itself though, it’s absolutely true I don’t work on weekends 90% of the time – this is my day job, I get weekends off, and I’m not sorry about it. Most people aren’t expected to work around the clock 7 days a week.
It was due to the reasons mentioned in the team update – obtaining a skin set requires a fairly exorbitant amount of spend with in-game, real world currencies, or some combination of them, and that combined with the paid power benefit just didn’t feel quite right for us to release as is. Since fabric isn’t part of the Aura in our version like you said, it didn’t directly come up, but even so hypothetically adding in the fabric is another “paid in” path… (of course, these are my rhetorical thoughts since it wasn’t on the table)
The decision to remove Yoz’s Jar was made independently of our release in the Netherlands – there were some new due to some new rulings that happened recently in the Netherlands which are now allowing us to launch there