Every time I share feedback with SGR, I tell them the #1 most requested feature is a Thirain romance
Every time I share feedback with SGR, I tell them the #1 most requested feature is a Thirain romance
We will have a new, more evergreen challenge coming in to replace the Welcome Challenge
Congratulations on your Arkesia romance
when is it my turn to be happy
Appreciate the note! I know some players have had trouble earning enough silver in-game.
As a heads up, the next Ark Pass is not planned for the July Update, but will come further in the future.
Unfortunately no other Advanced Classes will release while these events are active, so the Arcanist will be the newest class available to choose from.
The statement in the article is correct: No other Advanced Classes will release while these events are active.
While we were hoping it would be active long enough for players to select the class of their choice, unfortunately that did not end up being the case with the selected time period. Apologies.
The honing buff is a design/balance choice, regardless of bots; unfortunately I don’t know when it will come to this version of the game, just that it will.
There will always be different events on rotation that target different kinds of players. To be blunt, the correct time to really make a big push for more new players all at once will be when the bot situation is under better control so that a new user’s experience will be much better/cleaner.
As far as I’m aware, there aren’t any plans to give away character slots right now
This is correct – while it doesn’t benefit new players, not every event will. It’s targeted for folks that dropped out at T3 as a stepping stone into more end-game content. (Or, alts, if ya want!)
I edited my original post since it is already being moved around without context – it is a step towards Legion Raids, not all the way to it
Yup, I am aware. It’s still a stepping stone for those that drop out at T3.
You are correct – the 1370 Express Pass is not the way to bring new players into the game. It is also not being released in order to bring new players into the game.
There are a large amount of players that drop out of the game after reaching T3, as well as Argos. This will help those players through the next step to reach the Legion Raid content that Lost Ark is known for globally, and for other hardcore folks it can be useful for leveling alts. Players in this version of the game utilize alt characters the least out of any region, and this can assist a bit for those that are more into the late game.
There will be fancier tweets and promotions and such that should happen for the skins as well. I’m just here to chat and let players know what I can
These skins specifically are not yet included
Heroes of Arkesia,
All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming offline on Wednesday, July 13th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST for our weekly maintenance and update. Downtime is estimated to last up to 5 hours, and includes the following changes:
Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in Arkesia soon!
Helden von Arkesia,
Alle Lost Ark-Server und Regionen werden am Mittwoch, den 13. Juli um 9:00 Uhr für unsere wöchentliche Wartung und das Update offline gehen. Die Wartungspause wird schätzungsweise bis zu 5 Stunden dauern und folgende Änderungen beinhalten:
Vielen Dank für eure Geduld, und wir sehen uns in Arkesia!
Héros d’Archésia,
Tous les serveurs et toutes les régions de Lost Ark seront hors ligne le mercredi 13 juillet à 9 h (CEST) pour notre maintenance et mise à jour hebdomadaire. Le temps d’arrêt est estimé à 5 h et comprend les changements suivants :
Merci de votre patience, et à bientôt à Archésia !
Héroes de Arkesia:
Todos los servidores y regiones de Lost Ark se desconectarán para el mantenimiento y actualización semanal el miércoles 13 de julio a las 9:00 AM CEST. El mantenimiento durará unas 5 horas, e incluirá los siguientes cambios:
Gracias por vuestra paciencia. ¡Nos vemos pronto en Arkesia!
There will be a bit of info on this included as well