

25 May

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Staines,
i can understand your opinion, but actually do not have the same feeling.
Building bridges and transporting things with the goods with vehicles work very good for me and the players on my server.

Do you probably play on especially big worlds with low playercounts? When you choose the recommended world sizes for different player counts you usually should not have a problem with transportation and bridges indeed are a big project, but nothing too hard. Building infrastructure is also something we want to encourage.

Boats are a feature that require massive changes, from implementing water physics to adapting world generation once again - making old worlds no longer compatible - for in my opinion little benefit. The only point in time where i ever thought of boats being useful for me (and i have at least 1500 hours actually played this game) was the early-game, when no roads are established and boats could be used for early game transportation... Read more

23 May

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Staines,
the only roadmap we have at the moment is this one:

It displays what is in progress at the moment, as in what the focus for the next update is. (In this case 8.2) We don't have a long-term roadmap at the moment, the listed points below "In Progress" are things we all want to do and want to know your opinion on, but they do not represent the order or likelyhood of if and when they get into the game - that is also stated on that page.

Boats aren't cancelled, but - as we've been stating since quite a while - will come later. Don't expect them in 9.0 or 10.0.

The focus on 9.0 lies on a new mining concept (see our social media for more details) and improvements for the law and government systems. Other notable changes will include fleshing-out work on professio... Read more

You cannot fix this, it's caused by Require Auth being disabled which causes steam players to be displayed as a Hash. We removed the Require Auth option for 8.2, so this is no longer a problem. If players can't join with require auth off and you are not a cracked server, you should try to get that fixed. Support will gladly help you with that.


To clear this up: The master server died.

15 May


You can login to your SLG account and link it with steam, then it appears in your steam library.

The SLG version can be played with people from the Steam version and the other way round, too.

14 May


Originally posted by xavia91

but now I ll have to configure every tree manually, that's not so nice.

This might not be so nice in your case, but allows you to easily adapt only specific plants that you want to change and customisation is something we really want to offer, so having more options is something we see as an improvement.


Hey there,
thanks for your feedback. I'll also give you some dev-feedback :)


As some people have already said, they are an essential feature of Eco to be able to bring people with different playtimes, timezones and other things together in a very basic, but at least some form of collaboration. Eco is not a MMO and forced socialisation is not what we want - we want to promote collaboration, in an as easy as possible way. Sure, not everyone will talk in the chat, not everyone wants to do, but still everyone can participate in basic collaboration by selling their goods and taking part in the economy. A game like Eco - that you can shutdown at any time and still tries to resemble real-life in quite some ways - couldn't work if we didn't offer options for players that do not have as much time to actually participate and have fun in the game. So while i understand your suggestion and see where you come from, it just doesn't fit the game as we are envisionin...

Read more

08 May


I personally don't. I prefer the cycles.

07 May


You can change the growth time in Mods/Organisms for every plant. The config option is called something along "MaturityAgeDays".

30 Apr


That is no longer possible, we've added an explicit warning to 8.2 for better knowledge on this part.

26 Apr


Originally posted by uaMarshall

They post it to steam news.

Somewhat regularily at least, sometimes we just forget to do so *shame*

25 Apr


Originally posted by temporalmlu

There is one called GodOfWars or something that is pretty active. Always a few bunch online. Peak is (what I’ve seen) around 20-30 players. Great economy and helpful players.

Edit: SLG-Dennis is admin there. :D

Ssssssht, that's my personal server. :D

23 Apr


Yes, we plan to add animal husbandry.


Originally posted by uaMarshall

How it will impact a life of a smelter? Will it make it easier or harder? Whats the point.

That depends on if he still only does the job of smelting - in that case he would use the concentrated end product. But with the production chain getting longer, there is more that needs to be done and opens up a new profession space.


Originally posted by hurraybies

Love it! Are there any plans for automated item transportation such as pipes or conveyors? Really hoping to see room for nuanced designs of various types of systems like mining, processing, manufacturing, farming, building, etc. Can you speak to any plans for anything of the like?

I can say that we are interested in giving options for more and full automation, but we do not have any specific plans for that yet.

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Even in that case, worlds ususally do not take up so much space that they really need to be deleted, but as i already said: It will come, just with low priority.

19 Apr


Take a look on some new work in progress machinery here:

The new ore processing concept requires ore to first be crushed, then concentrated (creating tailings in the process) and then refined (creating sludge in the process).

External link →

The option for this can now be found in single files for each plant in Mods/Organisms