31 May


Welcome to the Wayfinder Echoes Preview. We're incredibly excited to bring the Echoes Update to our Founders starting today!

During this time, we'll be looking at bugs and feedback while we work towards a day 1 patch for new players when Wayfinder returns to Steam on June 11th 2024. Please remember that we are still in Early Access and there are bound to be bugs and issues. As previously announced, no save data will carry over from last week's beta. Attempting to bring these files to the game will result in various quest and progression issues that we are unable to support.

Please visit our new Feedback Board to tell us about your experience in Echoes:

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28 May


Clearly limited by mobile? You don’t actually explain what you’re talking about about.

27 May


Originally posted by mastergaming234

If the game grows in popularity would the team re consider adding six man raids into the game again? Because that would be pretty awesome to have six man endgame content would us to have more people to run endgame actives as a group.

We're making this move out of necessity, not for lack of love of the world. If Wayfinder finds an audience and we have a way to continue working on it that makes financial sense, we will!


Originally posted by DingDangDongler

Hey SOLIDAge. I think what you guys went through is probably more nuanced than the general public gets to see, and we're probably missing some stuff for context. With that being said, any plans to offer refunds to early adopters who don't really have any interest in a single player game with online co-op?

Edit: to the jerks downvoting anyone asking about refunds, not everyone has disposable income to throw away on a purchase that isn't what they originally bought in for. Your economic privilege is showing. Says a lot about this "community".

We absolutely acknowledge that it’s a weird situation we are in. The absolute honest truth is that we don’t have that money. We didn’t collect it, we didn’t see it. We have worked with Steam and with DE for this transition and have agreements in place I can’t go super deep into. It’s not lost on me that as a player you don’t care about those technicalities and legal agreements and nuance. But those that are eligible can submit a for a refund and some who are not eligible have also gotten it refunded.

Some people have been saying that we are doing this to skirt around some steam rules so that we don’t have to give refunds (not the case because no such rule exists). We used our limited funds that we had from our previous titles to get to where we are now because we felt it important to deliver something to those people that did buy in, vs just shutting it all down which is sh*t for player and just as awful for the employees who worked hard on it for 5 years.

It’s n...

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As a healing main, Jayber is so underwhelming and uninteresting. I hope they give him some love!


It’s definitely on our radar. It was something that we could not do with our limited time and resources but perhaps before we release 1.0.

26 May


Originally posted by mastergaming234

Have the team thought of adding a raid lite dungeon? Kinda wish I could participate in giving the team feedback, but I didn't pick the game up when it was on sale.

We actually had a 6 player raid pretty much done. We'll have to retool it some if we release it for 3 players in the future.


Thanks for the detailed feedback.

I’ll make sure to send it over to the team. Obviously we won’t be making tons of changes between now and release on the 31st, but we will be in early access for a few months so this type of feedback is great as we work towards 1.0!

25 May


Originally posted by _BlackDove

They don't have the resources to do it for PS5 and PC. You'll have to wait and see if they make enough money from PC players to do it for PS5.

This is not true. There’s no way to run a beta like this on PlayStation. The update will come to PlayStation 5 at the end of the summer.

24 May


Originally posted by Terrible-Peak4925

Can us ps5 players at least get the platinum before everything changes? I’m 2 quests away from it and would be happy my 150$ got me at least that.

The trophies will be updated to fix this.



How do I get access? The Wayfinder Echoes Beta on Steam is TOP SECRET. But I'm sure if you ask nicely someone will share with you the password!

Once you have that password, anyone who already owns the game can get access by doing the following:
- Right click on Wayfinder on Steam
- Select "Properties"
- Select "Betas"
- Enter the secret code and hit "check code"

You're in!


Read more External link →

23 May


Originally posted by Setharius710

Solid, is there a chance, even if minuscule, that Wayfinder: Echoes could the first game or a base to build on in the future? The lore, world characters, etc are so original and amazing. I would absolutely hate to see this end up as a one off.

We've been pretty honest with people saying that we're doing this to deliver a 1.0 product that players can have forever.

If the game finds an audience, people are happy with it, and it's financially viable we'd LOVE to support it for years. We aren't doing this due to lack of caring about the world and characters and lore, but out of necessity due to the current state of the industry & business.

20 May


We discussed this at length, but sadly we had to table the ideas we had because we just didn't have time. Something we hope to solve before leaving Early Access!


Originally posted by ventrueluck

Would cost them nothing to give out extra copies of the game to founders.

We want to, but there is no easy way to get player information on Steam or PlayStation. We continue to look into it though.


We'll be looking at expanding to the Epic Game Store in the future, but right now we'll be launching Early Access on Steam.

18 May


Unfulfilled Promises: With the game's transition to a single-player format, I will not receive any of the exclusive items promised in the founder packages. Instead, the developers are offering in-game currency for cosmetics, which holds little relevance in a single-player game where modding is encouraged, allowing players to acquire items for free. This drastic change not only devalues my initial investment but also breaches the trust and expectations set when I made the purchase.

This is inaccurate. The 3 outstanding Founder's Items will be delivered with the Echoes Update. All Founder's Items from all the packs will carry over to Echoes.


Originally posted by MetazX

The part you conveniently left out is:

You become a founder by installing cheat engine. So yeah.

This is possible on every single player game on pc. I can’t control that.


Originally posted by Old_Barracuda_536

Exactly what I've been saying. You kept seeing shit like "we're working on X,Y, and Z" but nothing was added. I even gave them the benefit of the doubt because they were honest and said they wouldn't add anything until the DE debacle was cleared up. Then after it was, they still didn't add shit, then jumped ship. And now a bunch of people are getting shafted for touching It. I'll never buy another AS game again Just because of how much they hid the actual agenda.

In December re disabled in game purchases. The minute we took over the business and had made the decision to move forward with Echoes in March, we removed the game for sale, and announced we would be quiet for awhile and there would be major changes coming to the game.


Originally posted by kiku_ichimonji

I’m just curious for one thing. They said the game will have no mtx but then say they will convert leftover runesilver to a different ingame currency that you can buy cosmetics that aren’t in the drops loot table. So if you can’t buy that currency, how would you get these items otherwise?

You can’t. They’re designed for founders. They’re called founder’s coins and you’ll get an allotment based on how much Runesilver you ever had in your wallet. This includes the runesilver from founder’s packs or purchased.