

15 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback; will pass it on. :+1:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there!

Could you please see if @Llama8’s response in this thread helps?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for reaching out to us directly!

Apologies for the hassle, and hopefully it’s now clear why I’d asked you to do so. I’ll mark the thread as solved. Thank you for your generous support, we sincerely appreciate it. :smile:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there!

Please contact us directly to discuss this.

14 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just dropping in to confirm that this item dropping is intended. :slightly_smiling_face:

Crossbow Mercenaries periodically appear until you reach your cap (default is 0). While they benefit from the affixes targeting bow-equipped minions, you might want to consider using the item in a build where other minions would, too.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, absolutely.


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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


We’ll be discussing this at a meeting sometime next week, so I wanted to drop by and let you know that it was seen and that we do plan to talk about it - and roughly when we’ll do so.

There’s a few points I’ll personally be raising at that meeting;

  • What does the appeal process look like for moderation performed by members of the community in cases where none of EHG’s staff speak the relevant language?
  • If you were a new member of the community and saw sections of the official forum and / or Discord server catering to your language, would you be more likely to make a purchase predicated on the belief that Eleventh Hour Games officially supports that language?
    • If so, when the game, patch notes, and customer service / technical support are not available in a language you speak, would you be likely to request a refund?
  • If you would be interested in being a voluntary moderator, approximately how active would you be in...
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13 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Patch 0.7.9e should have helped with this.

Please let us know if you continue to experience the problem.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve just checked and can confirm that the pencil icon shows up on the phone layout.

I tested this on a Samsung Galaxy A50.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


I’m not discounting your conjecture, but I’ve some of my own. The forum’s a little inconsistent in how it treats edits to existing posts - if I hadn’t responded and you edited this post an hour after first submitting it, it’d be back to the top of the list with Activity back at ‘1m’.

I think what might be going on here is that the most recent post of a thread is being edited, and the timestamp of its most recent activity is thus being reset. When that occurs, the forum acts as if there’s been activity (there has been) but has no new posts to show you.

Posts which have been edited are marked as such - there’s an orange pencil icon to the immediate left of the post’s timestamp, which you can mouse over to view the time of the edit. The next time this happens, if you remember, could you see if it can be explained by an edit?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The intention is to make affix shards you’re likely to use on that item more prominent. As its Cold Protection is tier 5, it cannot be improved further and so that one is excluded.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Anyone who has bought Last Epoch on Steam and played the game has linked their accounts; it is a requirement for playing the game. Occasionally folks register multiple accounts, however an individual purchse will only apply to a single account.

12 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The account you use to post on our forum does not have a game license associated with it.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Beta 0.7.9e Patch Notes




  • Dark Nexus now causes you to gain 7 mana every 3 seconds (from reducing channel cost by 2).
  • Zweihander Reichweite increases area by 50% (from 35%) and requires 2 points in Reckless Combatant (from 3).
  • Reckless Combatant now increases melee damage while spinning rather than Warpath Hit damage.
  • Nodes that previously had the condition “while not using a shield” now have the condition “while using a two handed weapon”.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug preventing the Frost Clan chief from spawning in Wengari Battleground.
  • Fixed a bug causing game audio to not play and gameplay errors on macOS.
  • Fixed a regression affecting the game’s ability to recover data after a crash.
  • Fixed a bug where portalling out of Echo of a World and then return...
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11 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report! This will be fixed in our next update.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

It would definitely be preferable to have suggestion-based threads rather than author-focused threads. Editing old posts also tends to hide what’s edited inas people don’t read the post again.

10 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for taking the time to post an update - and for your kind words!

I’ll go ahead and mark this thread as solved. Hope you’ve fun playing. :smile:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re currently investigating the ladder not working correctly. Sorry about that!

I’ll move this thread on over to the bugs section so I’m more likely to find it and update it later.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Sorry to hear about this!

Can I ask whether this is a fresh install, or were you previously playing without issue?

Would you mind posting your log file? You can upload it using the button.