

12 Sep

11 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are considering a number of potential changes to crafting. Please note that these are being discussed at an early stage of development, and there is consequently a greater than normal likelihood and scope for these changes to be revised prior to their inclusion in a patch. We also plan to introduce new Runes and Glyphs, however these will not be in Patch 0.7.10.



Since the core of Last Epoch’s crafting system was implemented in Patch 0.4 in January 2018, items in Last Epoch have changed dramati...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

I actually think the destickying could do as much to help with visibility.

While I can’t speak for others, my time on forums has trained me to mentally skip the sticky threads to get to the “real” content. But hey, we can see how it goes. :smile:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m not sure if we want threads on individual resources being given the sticky treatment as that’s likely going to age poorly. I’ve configured the thread to remain sticky for the rest of the month (please note that individual users can desticky it for themselves after seeing it).

10 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re revamping the Skills window to implement a range of quality of life improvements!

SkillsWindow2049×1134 2.25 MB

Fury Leap has the Lightning Damage icon active as we’ve taken the Lagon’s Wrath node.


Skill Unlocks

The improved Skills window will list all skills available to your base class and each of its mastery classes. Skills not yet unlocked will show how they are unlocked for convenience - so you know if you need to reach character level 30, or spend more points in Druid passives.


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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Game Guide pages don’t exist as text files; entries are implemented programmatically - if we were to make text files available we’d likely be creating them the same way you would. As that would take time and either entail ongoing upkeep or them gradually becoming obsolete, I’d much rather see us invest our time into making an API available instead.

We plan to replace the current website with an entirely new site later this year, and also to move to ...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’d likely be something we make available through an API.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Let’s not discuss specific cases of moderation.

Thanks folks!

09 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

It will never grant you a minimum skill level of 20.

As noted in the post, preventing hot swapping is one of our goals. :slight_smile:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

We plan to polish skill respecs in our next update.

In the current version of the game, it is possible to either remove individual points from a skill’s specialization tree or to completely delevel the skill and start over from scratch - usually with a different skill entirely. While we will be retaining the current respec system, there are a couple of pain points with the current implementation that we plan to address.

Minimum Level 7

Any skill placed in the slot on the left will immediately be set to level 7.

Currently, despecialized skills placed in a specialization slot are always set to level 1. Starting with Patch 0.7.10, this minimum skill level will scale with character level. This is intended to make respecs feel less punishing, while still preventing hot swapping of skil...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


This is something we’ve been considering, and I wanted to wait until a certain thing I desired to include in my reply was 100% confirmed and out the door before referring to it here.

While we really do appreciate the interest, we aren’t presently ready to move forward with either forum sections for other languages, or community moderators.

If we were to offer an online space tailored for a specific language, that would likely come with certain expectations. One would be the presence of several moderators fluent in that language who are consistently available. Another is - particularly in cases of moderation performed by community members - the opportunity to appeal any moderation performed.

@Heavy mentioned German, and it’s an example of a language which, t...

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08 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yup. :slight_smile:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our next content patch will include loot filters!

The loot filter is still in the design phase. Today we’re posting UI mockups as well as some of the features you can expect. Closer to the release of the patch we’ll be posting another thread focused on the loot filter with additional information and finalized UI elements.

Example Rules825×309 68.7 KB

Examples of loot filter rules.

Starting in Patch 0.7.10, it will be possible to create loot filters with as many or as few rules as you would like. The ...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Due to a message on Discord I’ve just realized that the OP is actively being edited.

Unfortunately, editing old posts isn’t a great way of presenting new information due to people typically not re-reading posts they’ve seen previously. As a result of this, the forum automatically scrolls you past posts you’ve previously read when you enter a thread. Additionally, threads are not bumped when posts other than the most recent one are edited.

While I appreciate the intention, we do have a strong preference for individual threads being created for each bug, and receiving bug reports from those that encounter them. Threads should be closed in cases where the bug has been addressed, and it is not uncommon for us to need to request additional information to reproduce a bug, which is more challenging in cases where we hear about the bug from someone who hasn’t experienced it themselves.

06 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry to hear about this! Could you please post your system information so we can look into this? When the file has been created you can upload it using the button.

05 Sep

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @ArcticPotato,

Thanks for supporting us! I sincerely hope you enjoy playing Last Epoch.

To touch on a concern you’ve raised;

I would never take advantage of it being the weekend and leak changes coming in an upcoming patch… but… we do ...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Has it continued happening since my post?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t presently have a mobile device with Safari with which to test, but I’ve made a change which I would expect to help. Could you let me know if it looks better for you now?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Less than a quarter of people invited to the program are content creators.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The default keybind for loot labels is z.

Could you be pressing that by mistake?