

04 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Beta 0.7.9 Patch Notes

A Patch Overview video by Game Director Judd Cobler.


Table of Contents
 1. ...
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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Affix Shards cannot be used to improve an affix above tier 5. Runes will affect affixes above tier 5 as normal. I saw this concern raised on McFluffin’s Discord last night. We’ve discussed the situation and we’ll be replacing the word ‘Uncraftable’ to improve the clarity here.

03 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry for going off-topic - but if you’d like a thread moved, please flag it and explain in the message box which section you believe it should be moved to. Thanks everyone!

01 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

New Primalist and Mage Armor Model Sets

Patch 0.7.9 focuses heavily on endgame content - and obviously you should look good when you’re in it! Along with ...

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31 Jul

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Howdy, Travelers!

It seems our latest Developer Blog, End-Game System Update: Monolith of Fate, has piqued your interest! While Judd took the opportunity yesterday to describe the upcoming changes to the Monolith of Fate, we also wanted to show you specific examples of new content.

Patch 0.7.8’s Chapter 8 set a new standard for boss fights in Last Epoch, and we’ve invested even more time into designing the boss encounters for the revamped Monolith! Four of the screenshots below feature n...

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30 Jul

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

We aim to post the #patch-preview for a patch about a week ahead of the patch itself.

Depending on how the final stages of QA goes, it can be a bit sooner or a bit later.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

6 posts were split to a new topic: Controller support in Diablo III

28 Jul

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the report.

The intended functionality is not that the number shown reflects how many points have been spent in that tab, but that it shows how far into that tab’s passives you have advanced. As a result, the observed behaviour is what is intended and this is not a bug.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

We don’t intend to replace the forum.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

hero forum


Patch Preview: Beta 0.7.9

Our next content patch approaches, and today we’re spilling the beans on what you can expect! Patch 0.7.9 will be the largest update we have released for Last Epoch to-date. This patch is also the first to include a Phase 4 item from our Early Access Development Forecast.



Patch 0.7.9 focuses on the endgame, with changes and additions coming to both the available content and the rewards available for engaging with that content. We’re also replacing and adding ma...

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24 Jul

23 Jul

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

This thread has the potential to be very helpful. I’m going to move the thread from #general to #technical-support and sticky it there. I will need to ask for some additional information.

To be as useful as possible, reports of poor performance should include;

  • An uncropped screenshot showing the performance metrics.
    • These can be toggled on and off in-game, the default keybind is F11.
    • The forum doesn’t permit images to be uploaded to it, however it will embed images into your post if you paste a direct URL (for exampl...
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22 Jul

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

In Patch 0.7.8 we replaced every animation used by the Mage class. In Patch 0.7.9 it’s the Sentinel’s turn, and we’re super excited to get these new animations out to all of you. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the samples we’ve gathered for you below.


Forge Strike




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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

This should be fixed the next time we perform an update.

Posting this as a reminder to test it after having done so.

21 Jul

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m very sorry to hear about this.

The next time the game crashes, could you please post the log file? You can attach the file to a forum post by clicking on the button in the composer window.

18 Jul

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

In Patch 0.7.9 we’re updating some elements of our user interface to make it easier to tell which zones you need to visit in order to progress the quests currently available to you.

This work includes multiple individual changes;


  • Mousing over a tab in the world map will now display the quests active in that era.

mouse over tab1920×1060 2.66 MB


  • Mousing over a zone on the world map will now display the quests active in that zone.

... Read more

13 Jul

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Patch 0.7.9 brings with it a variety of new skills!

One of the entries in our recent poll was Assemble Abomination. Due to both ...

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06 Jul

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ll speak with the team about ways we can make corpses more performant.

I’m not sure it would be appropriate to implement a toggle for anything that affects gameplay. As the game has skills that interact with corpses they should be visible if at all possible.