

08 Jun


I feel like this is almost a repeat of last year.

At the time we delivered a nerf and didn't properly communicate why, in the case for the Div-o-Matic, it'd be ideal to know specifically why it's considered to be over-performing.

03 Jun


I appreciate this but we need to look at this from a wider viewpoint.

Note: Before I dive into this please note I don't have time to see everything on-going on RS nowdays so I probably have missed stuff.


Based on what I've seen from Orion, there's now a different approach to how comms are done for issues, this isn't a bad thing whatsoever and I feel like RS is in such a unique time where they need time to find their feet.

I have to state that my way of doing comms wasn't exactly "officially" the way to do it, but I tried to look at things as a player and to me transparency was the way.

Random thoughts

Truth be told when I first joined the RS team my knowledge was awful, I was plopped on an Invention launch ...

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02 Jun


Originally posted by Silba93

I've looked at this several times over the years and every time i get overwhelmed by the requirements. I have slowly been taking baby steps towards prif though, might take another 10 years but i'll get there eventually.

No rush, as long as you enjoy the path there right? :D


Can't fault AFK thieving in Prif, easy materials and guaranteed GP drops!


This won't help you but... use this as anger and motivation?


01 Jun


Originally posted by Arlitub

I've got a slightly different angle on that then you do. The problem wasn't overpromising but shelving too much content. They spend so much development time on 3 M&S reworks, a complex tiered comp cape revamp and a pretty detailed weapon diversity upgrade but all that was nullified when the updates just got pulled.

I kinda alluded to that above when I mentioned shelving, but yeah that didn’t help the cause either :(


Originally posted by mitzi86

I mean, their talking to the players era was a disaster too. But pathetic is the only word to describe right now. I would be fired from any job I ever had if I communicated with my consumers the way jagex does.

their talking to the players era was a disaster too.

Personally, the only disastrous bits from that was overpromising as a result of talking up projects, etc then when stuff got shelved or missed dates it became a problem, but I'm pretty confident in saying being honest and transparent was always received in one way or another.

29 May


Based on what I saw before I left, this isn’t what the mysterious perk is... but if I said what it did before I may disappear mysteriously!

27 May


Originally posted by autumneliteRS

I don't really know what's actually coming up, there's been no BTS' to tell me what I can expect ... I feel like in times like this, more than ever transparency is so so crucial and I'd like to see more hard hitting streams, especially because it feels like it's way too quiet in regards to what should be the next "main" update.

Surely you are aware this is a tad hypocritical? Similar things happened in previous years when you worked for Jagex and you were dismissive of criticism/spouted the party line. Now you are acknowledging criticism about transparency ect.

Feels a little fake.

EDIT - Downvoting me without comment will really make change my mind :P

I’d argue against this personally, I always pushed for transparency around all things I did because to me that’s the way to go.

I still stand by my point regarding BTS’ and general comms, even back in the expansion lull in 2017 we at least tried to tackle it head on.


Alrighty, having been on the other side here's my two cents.

From what I can see, like /u/5-x has said, the game seems to be going back to the expansion style approach that the game tried to do back in 2017 (Menaphos) which was get more Ninjas, fill the weeks with patch weeks, events, and the occasional new thing until we get to the new release which hurt, even more so when the expansion model was canned after Menaphos.

In that time it helped just to keep comms going and it was tough, but it made for a fun challenge and I think times like that is where creativity pays off.

Archaeology is a fantastic update and deserves the love and praise it gets, the post-release support as well has been great and everyone involved smashed it.

The Ninja Stirkes have been g...

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19 May


To be honest ED xp was absolutely crazy high anyway, so this is well overdue, xp based on % of damage done also prevents lower accounts being power farmed up meaning they have to actually make the effort to get the XP.

I think it's a good change!

18 May


This issue was the bane of my life since 2016 when I worked for Jagex, we got some improvements here and there but it's a shame to hear you're still having issues :(

Fingers crossed for you all!

16 May


Originally posted by Jagex_Stu

Thank you very much for your support!

I pitched a similar idea when I volunteered to do streams. Would love to do dev commentaries of quests I've developed, for example, like the Imp Catcher rework.

The tutorial stream went better than I expected, and I'd like to go where you're thinking if there's desire for it!

I'm looking forward to catching up on feedback and seeing where preferences lies.

I still remember one of my first streams I did was that 6 hour+ river of blood stream with you!

11 May


Yeah no dice for me, frustrating :(

I hope there's a better way to try and get into stuff like this, the way the original iOS invites were sent out in 2017(?) felt much nicer.

Really hope we see how many of these 1,000 actually submit feedback to see how useful this was to open it up without any requirements to even grab the download, members only would have been useful or even making it so you have to login to the website page you advertised to get the link.


The 'Bank All' option on tetracompass ancient caskets will now prioritise adding items to Material Storage above the player's Bank.

An ancient casket has been added to the Archaeology Guild office. The casket will temporarily store items from tetracompass reward caskets that the player did not have room for.

This is nice to stop filling up bank space and supports lots of Tetra openings.

Hid the Clan Cup button on the Clan Chat List, as the event is long since over.

Selfishly I understand why this is done, the reason it was kept up was to encourage the appeal for more Clan Cups in the future with the new system for it, I do hope we see more of them.

All in all, it seems to be a mobile heavy week and that's understandable with the iOS beta coming.

04 May


Patch notes like this are fantastic, great work!

30 Apr


Originally posted by ghfhfhhhfg9

One thing I also wonder is why they are doing names now and not before? Did they ask players this time or do they now just think it doesn't matter if they give out the name without permission?

Personally, I don't think giving the name out without permission should be a big deal because people that tend to have a high kc/kill time are very known in the community they are accociated in so it isn't some big secret.

I think this was mostly just an arch stream though, with a little bit of slayer. I don't think this was meant to be a big data stream (despite the name). Would like the name and stuff of logs/boss kills/faster times. I think giving out names encourages competition for that moment of envy.

And yes, I did like that visuals myself. I didn't care about the small errors as I didn't even notice them until pointed out as I understand what it's supposed to mean (which is all that matters). I just didn't like when it dragged on too long and I was just like "c...

One thing I also wonder is why they are doing names now and not before? Did they ask players this time or do they now just think it doesn't matter if they give out the name without permission?

I decided these before and I never asked players and just assumed that if they wanted to shout about their stats they can do so themselves.

That way I don't show their names without permission on the streams, I like the whole idea about keeping them hidden unless they themselves want to shout about them.


Originally posted by ItsLuckyDucky

The only problem with fastest kill times now is because ripper demons have been nerfed. (from 100k to 58k).

They added a HUGE boost of damage and really helped with kill times, it's something that they should probably think about resetting times for.

This is the problem with not having as much time to keep up with stuff, I didn't know that I thought the times would be reset due to how much they inflated the kill times, still would love to see it as we could compare to the old times I released.


I wish we'd saw more in-depth stats, visually the way it was presented was fantastic and I loved that but to name a few that I'd love to have seen, if they covered any of the below blame me for missing it.

  • Highest collection logs for Clues/Slayer/Bosses
  • Boss kills
  • Pet dry streaks
  • Fastest boss kill times (would have loved to have seen this with the Ripper Demon/new perk metas)

However, seeing some of the Arch stuff was quality love that they released this early which is great to see!

28 Apr


Originally posted by ImRubic

Is there a reason Jagex keep having technical issues?

Every other twitch streamer seems to have no problem turning a stream on every day of the week.

Depends on if they test the stream on the day before going live or not, a shame though would have liked to have seen today's stream :(