

31 Jul

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You just need to unlock the items by discovering them first. So, if you unlock the Arboretum node in the Saga research tree, you should have access to tree seeds and such. Keep in mind, you need to keep playing that realm where you unlocked the research. So, you'd want to unlock it, open the overworld map, select an ocean tile, and then click settle. Instead of going to main menu and starting a new game.

Let me know if that works!
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Ya, from a gameplay mechanics standpoint, it's intended for them to be basic relative to other races. I will be adding some more depth to them regarding personalities and individual histories. Well, I'll be adding this sort of thing to all the races, but each race will have their own unique likes/dislikes, and cultural biases. But, I don't plan on changing the mechanics of the Human race.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
My pleasure!
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If you are playing the beta, there is a schedule option on the jobs within the farm. You can restrict farming in winter. The button looks like a little white clock. Let me know if you find it!

30 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Eagle_of_Fire: Do you mean the last beta is done or that you're going to make a new stable release soon? I'd be interested to know (roughly of course) when the next stable release hit.

I'm hoping to move Timeless Tyrants (all the beta content so far) to the main stable branch mid-August.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can still automate farming.

To do so:
1. Place your farm room somewhere on dirt.
2. Open the production window (K).
3. Select your farm from the room list.
4. You'll notice there are already harvest auto jobs. Now, you just need to add some planting jobs. At the top of the window, select Add Job (blue button).
5. Select which plant you want in your farm.

This should get you going. The default settings for each job try to automate things based on how many seeds you have or if the plant is mature, so you should need to edit this.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's coming! It's in the beta, which is just about done.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Containers are indeed obstacles now. You'll need to keep that in mind when laying out your stockpile. I'll look into why the Ancients couldn't reach the container but the Void Woken could, as well as the swimming one. Those sound like bugs.
Good evening (or morning, or... day?!)!

Today's patch has some great fixes and tuning changes, but it also has some new rooms. Well, the Tavern won't be new to some of you as, once upon a time, it used to be a room in the game. But enough reminiscing! Let's take a look.

Tavern Room

It's time to re-enable this room as I am starting to feel like it has an actual purpose. That is, to improve the spirits (heh) of the masses. Right now, the Tavern has one job you can give it, and that's, "Relax With Drink." Entities will grab a drink, and go sit at a seat in the tavern, and refill their Will (happiness). I'm going to add a bunch more little jobs for this room. It won't just be this one job. But this is a start! There are even plans to have travelling bards which could come and play at your Tavern, but that's getting ahead o... Read more

24 Jul

Suuuper quick little post. Some folks found some game breaking bugs that I missed, so I thought I'd put out this quick hotfix patch.

The issues that were addressed are:

-Bug Fix: Entities would not eat/drink if they were alchemists and the player loaded a save from before the alchemist version.
-Bug Fix: Entities would not remove their hungry/thirsty status when at full hunger/thirst.
-Bug Fix: Entities would ignore eat/drink jobs to work.

Thanks to those that brought these to my attention. Have a great day! :)

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There are archers, mages, and melee fighters. They aren't bumping into each other, but they are 8x8 pixel art characters. I wouldn't expect God of War level combat here.

23 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is combat, but no raiding. Yet. Bandits will attack you, and you can fight baddies underground, etc.
Hi everyone!

Hope you are having a great start to your weekends.

I've just uploaded version and this one is more of a content patch for once. There's a bunch of stuff I haven't added to the Ardyn expansion yet, and, now, I'm working on adding these things. And, it's not only the Ardyn race that I'm focusing on for content. I'm working on lots of stuff for the Humans and, especially, the Ancients.


You'll notice the Arcana research tech tree is a bit sparse. I've moved a lot of stuff over to the Ancient tech tree, to round out some of their uniqueness. Magic isn't intended to be this easily obtained thing. It's supposed to be difficult to achieve. Unless, of course, you're the Ancients and have thousands of years of mastery to work from. Don't worry, I'm adding much more stuff to the Ar... Read more

22 Jul

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Found the issue. Pushing a fix tomorrow!

21 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ok. Thanks! I'll take a look

20 Jul

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There's a bug with apple trees right now. I need to fix that up.
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Yep, that's one intention of the modding project. Pretty much all of the text in-game comes from the data in that project. So it could all be edited with different languages. The problem (and big task on my to-do list) is to have all the UI and font support each language. It's extremely difficult and time consuming to do, and is why I haven't done it yet.

19 Jul

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Beta has more features and QoL stuff. But it has a higher risk of finding bugs.

18 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Priorities are a feature in the beta. I'm guessing you are playing the main line version?