

17 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For anyone else experiencing this, I have a fix coming in for for this rare corruption bug. If you do have the same issue as this one, send me your save file. There's a good chance I can recover it.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No problem! Just heading out for dinner, but will take a look tomorrow morning. :)

16 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It could be corrupted. I can take a look! You can also rename the backup folder to use that save. It might not be corrupted.
Hey gang,

The latest patch has just been uploaded. I made a goof in the last patch which messed up uniforms and caused people to get stuck in idle. That should be fixed.

I've also done some work to smooth out the camera and entity movement. This will be very noticeable when following entities. No longer will it be all jittery.

Bunch of other things in there. Check it out:

-Polish: Auto-jobs will now show an orange warning that says, "Work point is in use," instead of a red warning that says the props is missing. This is to avoid confusion where the prop exists in the room but jobs can't be added because they already exists at the workstation.
-Polish: The selection box no longer snaps to a grid when selecting entities.
-Polish: Smoothed some of the camera movements. Especially when following entities.
-Polish: Smoothed some of the entity movements.
-Bug Fix: Not all mod data objects were being loaded.
-Bug Fix: Mods caching even w... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Alex Butamichi: I don't know how to set a room priority higer, that is the problem I don't seem to find the option

Open the room edit window (G), select the room you want higher priority from the right-most list, then left-click the blue 1 under 'Items:'. This will make it priority 2.

11 Jul

Happy Monday everyone!

Here's another stability patch with a bunch of fixes and some tuning changes. I also have some modding fixes in the works, but they aren't quite ready. As well, I'm currently setting up the Workshop steam page. It involves some SDK setup, so it's taking a tad bit longer than expected. I'll keep you posted about that.

This patch really focus fires on some stockpile bugs. Hope that is starting to feel better for most people. Let me know if you continue to get any stockpile weirdness.

Here are the notes:

-Modding: Replaced the JSON data field for scenario actions in GDEScenariosData with c# data classes.
-Bug Fix: Scenario entities would spawn with incorrect appearance and age.
-Bug Fix: Entities would get stuck trying to eat/drink/gather items that were inaccessible from the entity's position.
-Bug Fix: Updated the chicken race portrait to match the entity portraits.
-Bug Fix: Entities were not moving items from o... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hmm, sounds like things are set up properly. Which version are you playing? I'll need to test it out.
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Open up the settlers overlay (L). Beside each entity is a [t] button. Press that and it will add their race to the HUD.

I've been meaning to add a first-time warning popup for this...

10 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lawrence Pearsall: I have noticed that if i build wood floor like a dock in the water, that when i try to fish off of it, the human fishes from under the water... how do you prevent this?

Oh! This is probably a bug. I'll try and fix this. Thanks for letting me know.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lawrence Pearsall: What tool does a Sheppard use as i cannot find one that resembles the skill icon..?

There are none yet! Adding soon

08 Jul

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Originally posted by pokede: btw vary good job on the optimization. running smooth even with over 200 pop

Wow! Thank you!

I've got some more for this next patch too. :)

07 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In beta, there is no gde_data.txt file anymore. JSON data formatting has been completely removed and replaced with scriptable objects and the modding project on git.

They probably don't see the txt file and you do, @Love, because they are on beta and you're not?
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Daaang. Nice work! I believe they've always dropped arcane dust? I could be losing my marbles, though.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to add something in there. :)
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The Ancients are much easier than the other races to get established quickly. However, they face some extra difficulties regarding hostile factions that hunt them.

You can combat this by unlocking summons (a unique Ancient research option in the saga window) to have Void Woken and Void Imps fight for you. The only trick to getting a ton of summons is setting up your transmutation chamber. This is the room which will convert resources into void shards, which you'll need to summon more minions.

Hope that helps!

06 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are a couple things that might be causing it from being built:
-The person to build it can't reach it. They aren't in the same pathing area as the well. Is the well placed in the air?
-The required items are missing.
-The required skill isn't enabled for any of the settlers.

Let me know if you're still having trouble after trying these.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct has a ton of fixes for this. Please check it out and let me know if your issues persist.

Thank you!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Just wanted to let you know that I've uploaded to the beta branch. This has a fix for the issue you experienced. Thank you for letting me know about it. If you encounter anything else, or it persists, please let me know.


I've uploaded a patch to the beta branch with tons of fixes, especially for eat/drink bugs, and a nasty load issue which kept items from loading properly.

Here are the notes:

-Bug Fix: Entities would get stuck in single open block point. Now, they will snap to the closest entity to get unstuck.
-Bug Fix/Performance Improvement: Where entities were searching additional blocks for a job candidate when they already had one.
-Bug Fix: Certain scenarios weren't activating because they couldn't find the right tag for a previously created entity.
-Bug Fix: Stale room jobs (ones that have been sitting around for a long period of time without starting) were not properly being removed from a room. This would cause multiple jobs to stack forever.
-Bug Fix: A null reference would occur (in the entity WorkState) when an item search processed in the background, then the active job was cleared, then the job finished to reference the cleared job.
-... Read more

05 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for sending the save. Taking a look now. Putting out a patch today that should have a fix.