

17 Oct

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Thank you for testing that out and for the feedback. :)

I think there are still a couple smaller things making folks idle for longer than they should, but I'll continue to tune these. So, do let me know if you encounter anything else.


13 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I've uploaded to the beta branch. It has some improvements for entities not being given jobs. I still need to improve idling settlers on the highest game speed, but that's not quite related to this issue you two found. So, check it out and let me know if things improve.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Actually, I think I've got a fix. I'll try to throw in a patch today so you guys can test it out.
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Also, if either of you has a save with those issues you'd be able to send me, that would be super valuable.

If so, you can follow this: Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for the feedback. I totally understand that frustration. I'm going to do my best to track down the issue and fix it. Hope to improve this soon.
Hey all!

This is hopefully the last little patch before Timeless Tyrants goes live. Thank you to those sharing bugs and feedback. That has helped out so much!

-Bug Fix: Some auto job settings/info would not update when changing rooms/jobs.
-Bug Fix: Floating trees. Ya.
-Bug Fix: Entities having multiple companions. I believe this was causing some extra issues with entities joining rooms properly.
-Bug Fix: Children weren't being added to the family tab in the entity overlay.
-Bug Fix: Manual saves right at the moment that the auto-save occurs threw an error.
-Bug Fix: Some entity scenarios weren't saving/loading.
-Bug Fix: Sometimes newly acquired Ancients wouldn't start their dialogue for being freed from an immortality tomb.
-Bug Fix: Sometimes names weren't inserted into dialogue text, appearing as {@0} instead of the name.
-Bug Fix: Auto saves could happen when selection input was active, and could cause issues.
-Bu... Read more

11 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
So, I looked into this and it seems to be working fine. Did you change the setting for the correct race? There are some race tabs at the top of the screen. Maybe you changed them for another race accidentally?

08 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'll take a look. Thanks for letting me know!

07 Oct

Hey everyone!

This update includes mostly fixes and tuning, but I snuck in a new panel for rooms. It's part of the room stockpile panel. This panel lets you select who's hauling for a stockpile. By default stockpiles now pull haulers from the region (so, all player controlled entities with carry enabled). However, you can select a specific owner group to do the hauling if you choose. Additionally, the window will show a list of candidate haulers and why they may not be hauling for the stockpile.

Ok, here are the notes:

-Feature: Added hauler options to room stockpiles. This lets players change who is hauling items for stockpiles. By default, stockpiles will use the region as a pool for haulers, but players can change it to any room owner groups if they wish. Lastly, candidates will be listed and any errors for keeping them from hauling it... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That's correct. There are a few things which do this because I don't want players to experience a bunch of lag for increasing the speed. It's a bit of a trade-off.

04 Oct

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It's definitely not clear at all. I'm going to try and add something to communicate it better.

02 Oct

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In the beta you can. Just right-click the room in the room list on the left of the production window and it should bring up the room name input.
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There are two ways;
Open the designations window from the top left of the HUD or with the [ key (this shows you all your jobs/rooms). You can select a previous room in that list and start adding more room points to it.


With the rooms toolbar menu open, hold left-ctrl and right-click a previously designated room. It will select the room and let you add points to it.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Using the Free job on the stasis crystal should add them to your settlement.

01 Oct


Long time no see. I have had quite the event filled last month, which includes my SSD corrupting and me needing to reset my desktop. So, I do apologize for the longer wait for an update! Also, sorry for the lackluster patch notes. I lost my patch notes on the corrupted SSD, but I did my best to create a new patch note list from memory. As you you'll see, my memory is apparently like a spaghetti strainer.

This patch adds in quite a few new content things. Lots of new blocks and props to build from things like sable, rutile, bronze, etc. But additionally, a new summon. Sort of. I guess it's more like a new spell? What I'm referring to is...


This is a new status that can be applied to Ancients. It makes them extremely powerful, but it does make them less effective in void crafting and summoning. It's essentially... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In the beta they are in. The beta is coming to the main branch in two weeks. Thanks for checking back on the game!

24 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Agreed! Thank you for the feedback. I definitely want to add some limitations to how trees grow in denser situations. I haven't solved this one yet because it adds a bit of complexity to the UI, or, at least, features players will need to properly distribute plants. Hope to work on that soon.

22 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Do you have a wellhouse? This is the room which automates the collection of water from wells. If you do have it, does it have owners that have misc enabled?

As an emergency last resort, you can manually assign collect water jobs on water blocks from the Jobs menu. Make sure to disable other skills as they may ignore that job.

17 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh, ya! That would be great. You can email it to [email protected]


16 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for letting me know! I'm going to try to fix this. Cheers.