Stay tuned for more details, other than the fact its planned, its too soon really to say anything further ))
Stay tuned for more details, other than the fact its planned, its too soon really to say anything further ))
Its an attacker version of the III. The expanded weapons are not for more Magics
In most cases, if an aircraft reaches the very top of its BR in efficiency and leads by a considerable amount, it therefor moves up to the next bracket. As far back as August, we explained how the Mk 24s efficiency was already very high and showing a clear indication that it needed to go up, but due to feedback, we decided to delay the move up to allow more time to collect further statistics and see if the rise continued:
By the time of the next BR update, the Mk 24 had climbed even higher ahead of all other aircraft at its old BR. So it simply was not feasible to keep it there any longer when it lead its BR bracket by such a considerable amount. Naturally all vehicles tend to, over time, find a BR that ideal sets them in the middle. Rather than the extremities of the higher or lower limits.
Closed at request of the OP.
The changes affected all SACLOS / MCLOS missiles and they now more correctly conform to the laws of what is physically possible using the data available. Naturally, we welcome any feedback and reports, but these clips don't really do much in the way of that. Previously these missiles were able to simply break certain laws of physics. Now they are fully conformant to them as are all missiles of this type.
We are however checking out all the current examples to make sure everything is as intended.
New ships are always in development for in game nations fleets, however Britain also just received HMS Marlborough. So another one will not be so close by, particularly not this update for certain.
Seafire III was introduced because it was one of the primary fighters of both the FAA and was also planned from the start to be introduced into the French tree for the Aeronaval. It was a long requested aircraft and as we have already said, a British NF Meteor has not been ruled out entirely, just not this update at least. A second MBT provides a second 11.0 backup which is key for most tankers. Other new vehicle's are in the works, but not everything can come at once.
Not right now as it's too early. Stay tuned to the news.
Typo on my part, just "working". It's been underway for some time.
The Player Council did not work in any capacity really. Both for players and developers.
We already had a question in the next Q&A, however the popular vote of the other questions in the YouTube comments meant it wasn't possible to present them all this time. But we hope to have it in the next one.
Please be sure to add your thoughts:
We are gathering all feedback
I think its best we keep conversations about matters nobody here has any of the details on away from this topic. Not only is if off topic, but since nobody here has seen my contract, coupled with the fact it has nothing to do with this topic, it does not need to be discussed here.
Needless to say, I'm well aware of my role as a Community Manager and everything that entails and have passed all feedback whenever it was given, no matter how far back it was. It's not a matter to be discussed here or anywhere else. There seems to be a missunderstanding from some that somehow I or any other CMs did not "transmit" the thoughts being relayed here. That is not and has never been the case.
So let's please keep the conversation on matters relivant to this topic so we can better focus on the actual subject matter.
Nobody has been asked to ...
Read moreYou can place it in the update feedback here:
And / or also make a suggestion topic
This can be reported with the appropriate video / test evidence to show it happening here:
Tech Mods will also then test to make sure its reproduceable, then it can be forwarded.
Balancing issues can be raised in the most relevant topic. If for example, its BR or Economy related, it should be raised with those topics when those updates are present, then we forward them onto the developers. The more people that support/agree with a point, the better.
Anything else can be raised in the relevant forum topic for that vehicle and one of us tagged. If we can get an answer, one will be provided.
A hi...
Read moreThere was no "French" version. Only really Morocco was the closest after that, but its splitting hairs at that point, since France already had the tank.
Argentina is with Germany, so its perfectly logical for them to receive this one.
With the Sk 105, neither France nor Germany participated in the development of the Vehicle. It simply had French components. The tank was intended for Germany as it fits a gap and role that none of their domestic designs could. The end result of that after community feedback was that both nations had different nations that could apply to them in different ways, such as Argentina already being with Germany.
In the case of the DF 105, Germany did have a direct development input on this machine, as did France, but with the majority being Germany and with actual domestic French designs being also possible, this situation is not the same and both France and Germany can receive their own platforms unique to them. France will receive its own domestic platforms in the future.
Every single major update has a dev server feedback topic for every version as well as a post launch feedback topic for any overall thoughts about the update.
Currently, that area is here:
For suggestions (modifications, reworks, loadouts or new vehicles / premiums etc) there is this area:
Lastly, solid discussion topics showing support for said suggestions or ideas in any of the relevant areas is also another means of showing support for something:
Read moreIts not planned to come for France. There are far more significant and domestic vehicles using the turret the DF has that France can and will receive that are far better fits for the French tree. As far as the developers are aware, only one of these vehicles were produced and its more logical for this vehicle to join the German tree than the French, when France has its own fully domestic counterparts.
We understand that there is frustration that these platforms are not joining the game at the same time, but adding the DF to the French tree simply for the time being, only for it to become a unnecessary and out of place addition in the future when they materialize is not considered a good option.
All 3 have indeed already been raised. But yes, this is a good example of how to leave feedback
A bit of emotion is entirely understandable. We are all here after all for the same reason and that's to improve things
The point was more about keeping things here in the realms of actual mature and constructive points we can actually pass, rather than seeking Reddit clickbate or a "GoTcHa" and also to provide the answers that we can actually do.
The attempted justification that simply because the intended / desired outcome has not yet been reached, that all constructively aimed discussions should stop because "it didn't work" is just not going to move anything anywhere.