

08 Dec


The German Bis has far lower performance than other top aircraft. We said when it was introduced, we would monitor it's stats and decide from there if it needed R-60M.

The MLD continues to be the top performing aircraft in game, so for now, it's not necessary to have the MLD. The Devs will keep following the situation after the major.


We have multiple Nordic maps and already have a Swedish ground forces map location. If you wish to see more, feel free to make a suggestion:


Stay tuned to the news. If we have another, we will announce it there. Not here.


A blog is not currently planned and as the weponary is still in development, it's too soon about any spesific features it will or won't have on release at this time.



On the next Dev server things are in general still very much WIP. But Indeed some missiles may be too much for now.

07 Dec


A model existing in some form is not an indication that it is in any way ready or planned to come.

Naval fleets have much more in the works


At the moment, the model itself is not yet fully finished, so we cannot share anything further at this time. But more information should be available in the coming days that we can share.


As we said in the previous Q and A and as I just reiterated again, we have plans for Germany at the top rank over future updates. We cannot go into specifics at this time.


The variant being introduced this update (Su-22M3) was not used by Germany. As we already explained in the Q & A you quoted earlier, we have plans for Germany in the top ranks over future updates. However it will not be in this update.


Additional variants for the tree may be a consideration for a future update. For the current patch, the focus is on the Mirage 5 and the premium replacement Vautour IIN. After this, as we have already suggested, the main priority is a new top fighter for France. Beyond that however, considerations for a IIN variant of some kind in the tree is indeed possible. But not within this update however


We have already forwarded all feedback, both on the matter of production vehicles on the Vautour IIN long before the premium replacement was even mentioned and we have again relayed those thoughts based on some recent constructive posts from @panzerknoef and @Cedjoehere:

The developers do already have some considerations for the Vautour IIN within the standard branch too, however it will not be with this update. Primarily because there is already the Mirage 5, Seafire III the IIN premium replacement was planned for this update due to the replacement being necessary for the release of the Israeli tree which we already said was coming.

The main priority air wise for the French tree is a new top fighter aircraft, followed then by considerations for a IIN within the tree after this point.


Britain is getting a second 11.0 Challenger 2 right on the back of the Jaguar GR 1A too. We don't plan to add Leopards to the British tree right now. Pretty much every patch this year or last year, Britian had something significant every patch.

06 Dec


All the 6.7 BR aircraft bracket


My bad, the one I saw last week in person was labelled as such and it kind of stuck. I assumed both were correct


Over 32 vehicles already shown, including a new nation, 2 reworked models and a few surprise on top of that is by no means a small update.


Mirage V is generally faster and better in some aspects of flight performance over the Jaguar, whilst the Jaguar will retain more advanced weaponry.


Little bit hard to say really as its hard to keep track of everything thats been "seen" in every way. Close to completion I would say, with a few things left to come.