There are 5 Meteors already in the British tree with a 6th being premium. At this moment in time, another one is not necessary. It's not been ruled out for future potential.
There are 5 Meteors already in the British tree with a 6th being premium. At this moment in time, another one is not necessary. It's not been ruled out for future potential.
Nobody is being insulted. I was explaining how the models are not the same. No matter what someone's personal opinion is on what is or what is not a "copy / paste". They are all new visual models that required artists work.
Not this update. There are already multiple Meteors in the British tree for research.
All nations receive different vehicles every update. They are not all supposed to be direct counterparts.
As I said, it was chosen spesifically so it could be given to France also. So this is pretty meaningless. Both nations had it and it was significant for the Aeronavale.
It's selective counting.
France has multiple new vehicles this patch. Again, not everything can come at once. It has nothing to do with "not enough options".
The visual model is different. It is not the same.
The Seafire III is not in game. It is a new model. Mirage 5 is a new model. Leclerc is also a different model.
A similar list can be made for every nation in game. The list for Russia is even longer, so I'm not sure what your point is here.
This is simply straying off topic now.
Bug reports are generally not tied to a major update. We fix bugs in every update.
What you are asking is very unspecific.
That's not how models work at all. The Seafire and Mirage 5 are entirely new. Leclerc is also a seperate model.
As already explained, Russia has far more vehicles than most nations to add. Comparing Russia to China is irrelevant.
All of the vehicles coming this update are new models. The Seafire was chosen in the first place for the very reason that it can be a joint addition for the UK and France. Equally it's important for both as it was used by the Aeronavale. It was one of the most used variants by France. Mirage 5 is also a new model and the Leclerc is also a seperate model.
None of these vehicles are reskins and all are new models different from anything in game.
China has been receiving vehicles almost every update. Unfortunately not every nation can get new vehicles each update.
I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion, but it's not planned to be. It's not rank V and not the Vautour replacement.
Guys this is off topic.
All of the content shown today is work in progress. We have over 2000+ vehicles in game, each hugely complicated models with tons of background work and research. When you have that many vehicles and replicate them in as much detail as we do, mistakes can happen.
Wait for the Dev severs and if you believe something is wrong, submit a bug report. Any other discussions can be taken to PM.
Mirage 5 is the only Mirage this update for France. As well as the Seafire.
France was a quite large user of the Spitfire and Seafire. So it's relivant they have one too.
It's too early to talk about at this stage. But variants can always be possible.
Indeed. France will also receive the Mirage 5, it's just not ready to show right now.
No. Only aviation packs or or meeting the criteria for unlock.
The US also receives and will continue to receive lots of aircraft.
CVs generally had whole squadrons of attack aircraft rather than just one light scout. Both are very far apart and given the dominance of aircaft carriers over more traditional naval forces, it's not something we plan at all right now.
No phase is ever over. We constantly add to all ranks.
Scharnhorst and shipborn aircraft for those of you not watching the stream
Russia has more aircraft to introduce than several nations combined. This is also a variant of an existing aircaft.