B-47 has not been confirmed at all. Its not coming.
Stay tuned to the news.
B-47 has not been confirmed at all. Its not coming.
Stay tuned to the news.
This has never been the case. It's a teaser.
Italy is still the newest fleet to the game. We are constantly working on expanding new ships for everyone and progressing the technology level in pace with what players wish for and ask to see. New vehicles are in development for all Naval trees.
Indeed. Personal preference. As I work with bugs / feedback a lot, numbers are more prevalent, but also for CM duties, the names stick a lot ))
There is no AIM-9L this update.
We haven't used numbers for major update titles for over a year now. Just the names.
Done, but we don't have the numbers anymore
Nothing to do with me I'm afraid. Our testers are simply made to showcase the essence of the update and very briefly reflect on the theme.
I was not any of the voices this time, only the British bias last teaser.
Stay tuned to the news.
We just showed the teaser my dude )))
More news will come in the coming days. Some of these questions are far too spesific for right now.
Not everything can come at once ))
Off topic cleaned up. Please remain on topic.
They were not delayed due to Covid. Plans change. Italy was in game before China and we did say their helicopters were also in the works. Last year was a very big year in terms of lots of demanding development, particularly around New Power which brought a lot of technical and graphical changes as well as VTOL.
Not this year. China is also not the only nation without them too.
As I just said, it's too soon to talk about the overall size right now.
Where has that been said?
All that was said is that not everything is 100% certain and should not be treated as promised. We just had a new ZTZ not too long ago.
It's fairly big, but as some things are still being finalized, it's too soon to talk about the overall size.
We have shown exactly 3 vehicles so far of the whole update.
Both are subject to change in every capacity.
The Vautour in game is rank V. Not VI.
Let me assure you its not the first time at all, from someone who sees it on a daily basis
BVV goes into great detail about the pros / cons in todays Q and A. You can refer there.
We are implementing it in the same way we have implemented practically any other tank. Not all vehicles come to the game immediately with full upgrade packages and all of their full shells.
This is nothing exclusive to one nation or any one tank and not new at all.
Any increase in survivability at top tier can also be a considerable bonus particularly when many tanks have common weak spots or similar disadvantages. As previously explained, its one of the few remaining options for the Leclerc's, and currently is not something in consideration right now for the coming update. The XXI alone is still an upgrade as it stands
Dunno what you mean, its been in game for years? :