

07 Jan


Whilst I work for the game I am also just 1 player too. My feedback is not more important than any other single player.

We share our opinions and thoughts when its relevant to do so on a subject that requires personal opinion when it comes down to that. This is not one of them, as the largest factor in deciding if a BR is wrong is what the statistics show. Not what a singular person, no matter who they are personally feels about something. Indeed I can and do offer my recommendations, as thats my job. But my personal opinion does not come into it.

As for the Harrier, that was a very simple test. The person claimed you lost 14-17k per game with the Harrier every time at 10.0. What I posted was simply to show that even a not great jet pilot like me can somehow walk away with 230k+ after several 10.0 - 10.7 games in GR.1.

I thin...

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I'm not sure why your so keen to get my experience, because it is meaningless what I think of it as I or any other member of staff here does not control BRs or Weaponry. We are here to forward player feedback to the developers, which we have been doing.


We had mixed and there was also just as much opposition. The possibility for the MM to create a mixed battle still remains, but at a much lower chance.

As for team composition, as is made very clear by your screenshots, the number of people playing PFM at the moment is going to greatly skew the matchmaker simply down to how much people are playing it. So these screenshots don't really tell a lot other than what's currently being played a lot due to being a new event vehicle.


Not really sure why you think I or any other CM sit in every topic waiting for a post to appear.

I answered everything that was directed towards me in this topic. Everything else was people discussing things themselves.

If a topic is just being actively negative for negatives sake and hardly constructive at all, there is nothing more for us to add to it. So I'm not sure what your point is here.

06 Jan


As I have already said, they are considered much worse than what the R-3 offers and more of a gimmick that most will not use.


The devs have said right now its not planned at all for any aircraft. But its possible in the future.


Our consultants have checked the image presented so far of the experimental variant of the PF/PFM and given us the following information today:

As such with the current sources, R-3R is not possible on the MiG-21PFM variant we have in game.


They are beam riding and even worse. Closer to the Fireflash on Swift F.7.


If you read the first few pages, you would see I have read it all and was involved from the start with discussions.

The suggestion was not to have any export PFM options but have a historical Soviet PFM. The further suggestions were for RS-2US, which we dont yet have in game, but would be worse than the current missiles.

Devs are not here to communicate directly, they are here to develop and then pass things through Community Management.

A developer would tell you all the same things I have already told you, because my information comes from the developers themselves.


When the devs have a chance to review the stats and if its shown clearly to need to go down. We have already forwarded all feedback.

What was asked for by this topic as you can see is exactly what came. A historical PFM.


As Ive also been saying for weeks. If the stats show it needs to change, the BR system is there for a reason.

The aircraft was the reward for the holiday event. We could not delay its release and this was never expected. The report will be investigated, but as I have already said, its the holidays in Russia, so any expectation that it was going to all be done before release when the report only came in last week was impossible.

This has been said about other aircraft before. Again, thats what the BR system is for and the stats will show that.


I have not in battle yet as im still 1 task behind to complete. But flew it on tests.


As I said above. Bug reports are priority for the developers. Actual issues with the game and crashes etc.

Historical matters and things that require further consideration because they are subjective take longer to process and review.

Bugs are the absolute priority. We have only limited numbers of Technical Moderators who are volunteers and give up their free time to process reports. Due to the amount of traffic and spam we also get, every day there are hundreds of new ones in the blink of an eye.

Again, the page in question does not show topics already confirmed and forwarded becsuse they are removed from that area and placed into the actioned reports or already reported area. You also cannot see the unapproved topics that have been responded to by team members waiting for further sources before approval and making the topic visable. So that numbers you are trying to use...

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Again, you are using a misleading approach. Linking to only the topics approved and waiting. You are not looking at all the ones forwarded that have already been approved. So when you look at it only in this way, you are cutting out the largest majority that have already been approved and forwarded and no longer in that section.

You are also completly ignoring the area with the majority of priority activity which is actual game bugs and issues here:

Cherrypicking which sub areas you "count" and then ignoring all the reports that have already been dealt with and forwarded is the only dishonest matter here.

Again, comparisons to the Russian forum are not related since they have an entirely different structure, do...

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Incorrect. Reports were forwarded for months all through. You can clearly see from the link.

There was no 5 months silence.


This is false. You can see actively forwarded ones here

Tons since August.

On our side, equally as many bug reports have been forwarded. But you are comparing two different systems. The Russian forum does not split between historical issues and actual game bugs. We do due as our forum has much higher traffic and volume than the Russian forum. So the comparison is meaningless.

The international section is not dying. Hundreds of bug reports have been forwarded. You are trying to compare one subjection of the historical reports to the entire bug section overall. The two are not comprable.


Because something has not been denied just yet (it's too early for that) does not mean you should discuss it here. There are no rumors or facts to base it on. So no, not discussion of it here is inside the rules when there are already topics open on the MIG-23.


We haven't denied anything this rumor roundup yet really. But it's far too soon to talk about what's coming next.

But also given the MiG-21Bis was only just added, you shouldn't expect to see anything even better than any anytime super soon as it is already one of the top aircaft in the game.

We really don't want to have to start issuing forum warnings so early, but doing this again will result in one. Please do not previous warnings. We have been more than clear.


We just had 2 back to back major updates, with major graphical overhauls, tons of new vehicles and features coupled with the fact it's also been national holidays over Christmas and New Year's.

I think it's safe to say reasonable delays are to be more than expected.