

23 Nov


I think you may be thinking wrong then. Even outside of variants, the UK has lots of examples.

Every major this year for example has had one

Also not everything is going to be a number 1 air-to-air competitor whenever its added. Different planes have different roles.


Nobody said this. What we said was, ASA is all Italy have until much later generation aircraft. We are not in any rush to add it, for one because it is more advanced over the current F-104S but more importantly because then Italy has nothing for an extremely long time in the fighter department.

Again, removing a loadout from an aircraft is a secondary priority and really not important to the game overall. We do indeed deal with historical matters over time but they are a much lower priority than actual game bugs.

There is no connection between the F-104S having a gun with Sparrows and the ASA not coming soon. There is no link there.


We have a report under investigation that will be dealt with when there is time to do so, but in the grand scheme of things, removing the gun from the F-104S and effectively making it worse is not exactly a priority when there are actual game bugs, that stop people from even playing or effect gameplay experiences that the developers consider higher priority.

Calling the F-104S "fiction" is an entirely dramatic overstatement thats way off course. It has a gun that some sources suggest it cant also use at the same time as Sparrows are mounted. If thats the case, when the developers reach the report, they will likely remove it. But the aircraft is not "fiction" and if it really bothers you that much, simply dont mount Sparrows for now

Naturally as a game, stability, functionality and balance are at the core first. But we are also a historical game and dont just make up or invent fake or non-existent vehicles just ...

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We cannot say anything just yet and we dont want to raise expectations just to have disappointment. So its best to wait until a closer time and more offical news.


Because for ever player that chooses a 0.7 spread, they would be damaging the 1.0 spread matchmaking regardless at the same time. So yes, its not possible to implement.

You might, but as I said above, you are not every console player

Even if this whole forum agreed on something, its still not even a majority of the playerbase.

0.7 spread is also not something thats possible to implement without serious long term harm for the game.

Indead they have a separate server available too them, but due to player numbers during that time zone, they often have to resort to the other servers too. So its not a valid reason.

The game as a whole cannot support 0.7. Its not about any 1 server.


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I think you just lost tract of the entire discussion and now seem to be defending a point nobody was trying to make.

Scroll back through the conversation. We were talking about more advanced supersonic fighters. Not aircraft in general. Nobody said Italy has no aircraft left in general.

Decent is subjective and repair costs are not the subject of this topic.

We have answered countless times how they work and why they are here. If you want to discuss them, please take it to a relevant topic.


We are not overestimating the fact that its all Italy has between now and the F-16 / Typhoon and Tornado in terms of moving forward fighter technology wise.

Since we are absolutely not near those last 3 aircraft, dont expect the ASA anytime soon either.


Thats because you are comparing the case of Italy, who basically has only the ASA between now and the whole next generation, to that of USA, USSR and France who have multiple jets between.

If you cannot see the inconsistency, then perhaps review the available aircraft between these nations in reality.

Oh look, more wish listing in the wrong topic!

Please go here and stop spamming with off topic:


This generally is always the same argument, but the fact is one person cant speak for the whole community.

Indeed there are many that wouldn't mind waiting longer for a match, but there are also those console players that want quick games. There are also those on Australian / Asian prime times that dont have the luxury of the wider population EU / US prime times offer. There are countless examples of people who dont want the consequences of expanding BRs or reducing the spread that many dont consider.

People always assume one thing is separate from the other. Reducing the BR spread is exactly the same thing as expanding the BR spread. All you are in effect doing is making the matchmakers options smaller and smaller in terms of the vehicles it can put into a single match and the players it can get into a game.

A BR 15.0 is literally inconceivable right ...

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A simple 2 second wiki search would actually show you that Italy did not get the same VTOL aircraft given to the US this patch (AV-8A/C) but in fact the AV-8B Harrier II.

It is a later generation model that is not the same as the ones added at the moment.

We are absolutely not near that aircraft yet as I just said above. I said we are not near F-16 / Typhoon or Tornado right now.

I / we don't need further ideas thank you. We were discussing supersonic / modern fighter aircraft for Italy, not just general aviation.


My point being, as soon as the ASA does come, Italy is going to have a hell of a wait until something better comes. So its not a good idea to rush it asap.


Good thing its not 9.3 anymore then isn't it


And we only just added the Harrier first generation series (GR.1/3 and AV-8A/C), so again, dont expect it anytime soon. Its not a "current" aircraft at all.


Unfortunately this is to be expected. Again, Between the F-104S and ASA, nations like the USA, USSR and UK had a ton of jets. France also has more options in this era than Italy has by a long shot. The facts simply are we are entering an era where nations like Italy, Japan and in some cases even Germany have big gaps where others dont in terms of aviation.

We cant invent Italian aircraft that simply didn't exist. Thats not saying that more Italian jets are not coming over time, but expectations for them really need to be rolled back.

They dont. Air also had almost 3 years of focus before Ground Forces.


Once again, ASA is Italy's only major step between now and then much later generation aircraft like F-16 / Eurofighter / Tornado which we are not even close to just yet.

Considering Italy just got the 104S only a few patches ago, dont expect to see the ASA super soon at all.


Nobody said we do. The point was to avoid using the word "broken" as they do in fact work. There may yet be issues in need of fixing which as I said just needs bug reporting. But acting as though they don't work at all is equally untrue.

22 Nov


Actually no, your just going to end up with a warning this time. We have warned about it so many times in the past. Its not what these topics are for. If you want to wishlist, go to a wishlist.


Unless more info comes to light on it, most likely not as its basically non existent from any source perspective.


Fixed Britain !

Certainly with these two, dont expect to see them anytime soon whatsoever if ever at all unless something drastically changes on the information front.

Both at the moment are company demonstrators and there is no reliable information on them at all other than what gun they have. There is no proof their turrets are also anything more than weighted test turrets and no information about armoured protection at all.


Or how about we please dont turn this into a wishlist topic again, after just a single week?

Because you see someone else going off topic, thats not a call for just "Ok well I guess ill do it too".

Again, I really struggle to comprehend why people feel the need for their to be discussion in this singular topic when there is a whole forum, with dedicated sections, topics and discussions exactly for the things you want to talk about.