

12 Dec


The only news we have had so far is that the TAF version is receiving them. If we receive a further update, we will also share that information.


I haven't made any such claim that they are not based on the same variant. The British variant had its own unique name and changes between the German / Italian IDS. Its absolutely correct that they are named differently and how they are called in game (and how I spoke of them) is correct.

The Tornado GR.1 was never called the Tornado IDS (Mk 1) so we have no reason to use such a name. All British documentation, sources and any material refers to the aircraft as the Tornado GR.1. Which is correct.


That's not what was said at all.


Its an equivalent version yes. Again I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here.

There are still numerous external and internal differences between them that are well documented.


Those F-104 models, like the F-16s and Tornados had months of development time put into them. We made it clear that Italy's fighter is being worked on and as soon as its ready it will come in the update that it is. The Tornado however is ready and will be added.

If we have something to show / share we will do so. There may also be updates to the devs server whenever there is new content to show.


Multiple nations are also planned to receive new top fighters in the next update. Italy is not by itself here.


The IDS is coming now regardless, there is absolutely no reason to delay it whatsoever. Not adding it now is not going to mean the other one is ready to add. Thtas not the reason at all. We have explicitly said that a fighter is being worked on and will come when it can.


Each nation received its own variants. We didn't just paste the F-104A everywhere.

The community don't have to badger the devs for flares for the Tornado? We explained explicitly as soon as it was first shown that the countermeasures were coming, just not ready to show yet.


There's almost no real difference between the engines. Simply a development choice to have the 101 for the GR.1 and 103 for the IDS.


Im not sure what point you are trying to make here. This generalised statement is entirely meaningless. There are numerous 3D visual changes and internal changes between the GR.1 and IDS. Initial Tornado deliveries had the Mk 101 engines and later ones had the Mk 103s. The devs have chosen to give the IDS variants the 103s and the GR.1 the 101. There are other variants possible for the British tree to receive with later engines.


Not at the moment, but the feedback on it and peoples opinions was passed to the devs


If it were so easy and something we did, we would have done that back in update 1.91 and just pasted the F-4C everywhere and called it quits. Its not how we do things at all. Months of time and development resources go into every model and the devs and artists take pride in the work that they do. Every nation will have at least 1 Rank VIII this patch and more will follow in the next updates.


Italy is getting their Rank 8 this patch and as we have made, another one is already directly in the works to come afterwards. We cannot delay the whole update and even then it would not come "a week or two" because we are an international company and as you may expect, staff have family's celebrations and holidays over that period. Our major updates and content is planned around the development schedule and resources we have.

I have answered that persons question directly. Its being added now because we do not add fighter aircraft all in the same update and just strike aircraft all in the same update. The two don't correlate. War Thunder has always had bombers, fighters, attackers, naval and all sorts of aircraft. Fighters are directly planned to come too. But because the MiG-29 and F-16 are coming does not mean any other type of aircraft is out of the question.

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People have equally asking for higher tier CAS for Italy for some time. A top tier fighter is also our priority, however the Tornado is finished first.


Firstly, no we cant. It doesn't work that way at all when you are working not just with our own deployment but also major partners like Sony and Microsoft.

Secondly, if you think the Christmas season doesn't matter to an online video game, then perhaps you shouldn't be making statements like you do know. Please dont mislead people.


Aircraft don't have weaponry decided by a timeline of their engine. If you follow that rule, probably about 50-60% of aircraft would loose certain weaponry. Its never been the case unless we spesifiy its a certain variant or particular timestamped example (AK "Early" or "late").

Its not something to be bugged reported. As I said, the developers have selected the Mk 101. Thats not incorrect for the GR.1.

There are other variants of the Tornado to come in the future, which will have different engines.


The developers have decided to give the GR.1 the Mk 101 engine and the IDS variants the Mk 103. There will be other variants of the Tornado with other engines.

As with most cases, there is no correlation between weaponry or the engines. The weaponry is provided based on what the aircraft was capable of throughout its service life.


It's not yet fully decided if R-73 will or not come and all loadouts are currently not final. So we cannot comment on missile choices at this time.

Ultimately the Devs will follow the situation closely and any additional missiles may also be considered.


Currently yes. Originally the option of an early (pre-phase one upgrade) was considered to have a lower BR but just 2 x AIM-9L. However given the double sidewinder launchers are a key aspect of the Sea Harrier, it was decided to give it the double rack and thus it's full 4.


It's well known yes. No need.