Perhaps not with this update. But generally yes we plan too.
Perhaps not with this update. But generally yes we plan too.
The IDS variant is not even in game yet. The GR.1 and IDS are different 3D models and there are also some minor differences in their loadouts. So at the moment, nothing is finalized.
As far as the GR.1 is concerned, the flare countermeasure containers should be coming next week.
The developers have closed this report, detailing that this is a necessary convention for in game use of the loadouts and their effects on the aircraft.
Yes. Its already available on the dev server.
You did get an answer. Please check your notifications before pinging me again with the same questions.
A GR.4 without its unique weaponry and systems is a basically a GR.1. Which is exactly why its been introduced. You you are just asking for us to Introduce a GR.1 with the name of a GR.4, which makes no sense whatsoever. There is no "intermediate variant" between the GR.1 and GR.4.
The ADV as we have said is already in progress for a later patch.
The American version coming to the game did not have that capability. Later versions did and as mentioned on the live stream, those versions are also planned. The US also already has the F-14A with plenty of longer range options, with the shorter range, but more agile F-16 coming to complement that.
There are several differences and this version was intentionally chosen to come first. Just how the MiG-21F-13 was the first version to come to the game of that series.
Lots are fixed every patch.
As we have already explained, Russia is getting 9A35M2 which was a more needed and requested vehcile.
If a vehicle is going to come this patch, it will be in the final notes. Please note pining me to ask where X, Y, Z is, is not something I can answer for everything.
If and when there is, we will be sure to share it. On a Sunday however that's very unlikely
This is now how things work at all. The Tornado F.3 is not a copy paste of the GR.1. It is its own unique 3D model with many visual differences. France at this time is not in direct need of a better fighter version of the Mirage 2000C, however again, the versions that are improvements over the S.5 are not simply new roundels on top of it.
We have already explained that a new British and German top fighter will likely come in the next patch and Italy's rank 8 has not yet been confirmed, but regardless of what is is, will be the same as the British and German, in that if it is not this patch, it will follow quickly in the future.
Its armament is currently complete with everything the aircraft had. Unless something is missing for the Turkish starfighters (its not that I'm aware of).
All of its details are available on the store page, blog and the aircraft can also be seen on the dev server currently.
Ok guys. The topic has been cleaned and put back on track.
A reminder, this thread was created by EpicBlitzkrieg87 for the purpose of discussing the R-73 in game. Not for throwing personal attacks, insults, your K/Ds and stats around.
If it continues or resurfaces, those doing so will receive formal warnings and further punishment from then onwards.
Do not continue to go off topic. Either take it to PM or somewhere else entirely.
The Chinese tree in game has and will always used vehicles from all the armed forces of China.
I'm not really what you mean by this? China is getting the version they used in Chinese service. As they have with any other aircraft they have and will continue to do so.
We don't even have them in game yet in any form, so its far too early to define what will get them or when, or even if they will be at all until they are a confirmed weapon.
More news will come next week on the remaining Rank VII premiums.
The Tornado ADV is already in development, but will not be in this patch. GR.4 is a significantly later variant over the GR.1 which has far more advanced weaponry and systems. The GR.1 never used ASRAAM and is not intended to carry a "counter" the R-73 on MiG-29. They are different aircraft with different roles in game.
With all due respect, I'm not sure what you wish for us to take from these videos.
One can find examples where many aircraft can beat another aircraft in training exercises, due to the skill of the pilots or the situation they were in. These examples and situations do not directly translate or have any meaningful relation to what happens in game. Both the Mirage 2000 S.5 and F-16A will have their flight models made as actuate as can be to real life performance data that we are able to obtain, with what information we can obtain.
All these videos show us is that in 4 separate individual situations, a Mirage 2000 pilot was able to best an F-16 in exercises. Im sure many pilots in game will be able to the same with the Mirage when the patch arrives. Equally, videos and / or pilots testimonies can be found that claim the English Electric Lightning was able to catch Concorde or "beast an F-15". We can do absolutely not...
Read moreThat's not really how things can work. The content already planned for this update is (as can clearly be seen on the dev streams and dev server) itself not final or complete. The devs have a roadmap and plan already in place for what needs to be in this major and what's possible to achieve. On top of this is any issues or feedback reported during the dev server. As always, its always a possibility the odd vehicle or extra can make it. But whole new weapon systems that we don't already have in game are not the sort of thing that can simply be fast-tracked to the forefront without proper development time and planning according to our schedule and available development resources. This doesn't just apply to Anti-Radiation / ALARM, but any new feature or weapon systems.