

30 Nov


Not planned at the moment. It's a new rank (VII).


This is the first one we have shown. Other nations will get some too:

"Also, almost every gaming nation will also receive a rank VII Premium aircraft to boost up the progress of any single plane in the national tech tree, including new top tiers. "

As above. Not every nation will get a Rank VII premium this patch.


Many things ))

None of the current Rank VI premiums will move. That is where they were always intended to be. These are new premiums.


Not in this patch at least.


The A-6E itself is rank VII.


Nobody has a Rank VII premium yet. This is the first.

29 Nov


Please re-check the forum rules:

If you have issues with moderation / a moderator, you should contact a moderator via PM:


Don't worry. We have some of those as well ))



Political discussions removed. Please do not bring politics or geographic discussions into this topic or forum please guys. It has no place here.

We are a video game forum, not a news forum or political debate platform.


A fix is now live


Harrier GR.3 is no longer going up. It will remain at 9.7.

28 Nov


The issue is known and is in the process of being fixed:


Updates are tested before and after deployment. Issues can also occur in the transfer between internal test servers > Dev > Live, meaning they can spring up even if updates were tested before release.


Unforeseen issues can crop up from time to time. From code changes to a fix somewhere else. Its not always linear and not always logically caused as you would think.

The devs began working on it as soon as the issue was identified.


Hello guys

The devs are aware of the issue and are working on a fix already. It will be resolved as soon as possible.

Thanks for your understanding.


A final decision has not been made yet on the vehicle.


This has absolutely nothing to do with this topic. Please don't necro an already closed and answered off topic discussion, to just start another off topic one.

You have been round long enough to know how this thread and forum work, and where to submit reports or questions.


As far as I'm aware, its never been the case for a missile to have so far been removed from an aircraft thus far to artificially lower its BR. Again, if its efficiency drops after the changes has taken place, consideration will then be given to the options available.

27 Nov


If the changes result in any noticeable and meaningful differences in its performance efficiency wise, it will be checked out in the next BR pass. The change hasn't even taken place yet.