Thanks. Forwarded.
Thanks. Forwarded.
Could you link me to the report for that issue please?
Apart from these reports, nothing has been reported in that regard (that mentions the expenditure of Sidewinders being a causation):
Unless I am missing the topic somewhere, perhaps worded differently.
The dev team is currently working to address some of the more serious issues with the vehicles aiming. Given the nature and complexities both the GR.7 and Q-5L have with some of their systems, coupled with being the first two camera platforms in game, there are a number of technical complications both in coding and practical wise that can arise with such systems.
Overall however, there has been 33 externally reported resolved reports on the vehicle so far. More reports have been fixed and resolved than remain open.
Thank you for the feedback. This has now been passed onto the developers for review
When its ready to be shown
When we have one, we will be sure to announce it clearly. Its always separate from BR however. Which is the focus right now.
Its not really the subject of this topic, so I would rather not generate a whole discussion on it.
The initial changes are determined by statistics, of which feedback is also taken into account. If something is marginal, then it is open to reconsideration. When things are however massively over or under the efficiency of their current BR the changes are more solidly necessary. We also include suggested changes from the feedback into the final list of every update. There are always multiple that come directly from the feedback.
As per the comment at the time, the change is planned once Rank VI is expanded a little more.
As always, BR topics are pre-moderated as posts are approved as feedback is collected and passed. Please have patience and bare with us. 2-3 new pages can pop up in less than an hour.
This please guys.
This is not a BR discussion topic. Please use the official thread. Posts on BRs here have and will be removed.
We don't plan to replace the M4A4 SA 50 in the French tree currently, that hasn't changed.
The Shot Kal, Magach 3, Vautour IIA and F-84F have all been since introduced to the Israeli tree.
Im not sure if that could look any faker if it tried )))
I love these direct assumptions people make from things I never said in that way ))
I did not say the second a tank goes into service it would be immediately open for consideration to the game.
It has already been answered as you can see in the comments. They were also all mostly wiki or unsupported sites.
Nobody has submitted a valid report with material showing the current version is incorrect. So there is no news of any changes as nothing is currently believed to be incorrect.
This was all previously explained and outlined here:
The vehicle violates nothing at all. Sufficient information was available to model and introduce the vehicle, otherwise it simply would not have been introduced.
As always, our dev team are closely monitoring the efficiency of new vehicles when they are added and will make any necessary balance changes to any new vehciles (BRs etc) when the next balance patch comes unless there is an abnormality statistically that requires more urgent changes.
There has never been a rule against adding vehicles that are test or experimental vehicles, even if they are current. There are many examples of them throughout the game in every nation (experimental/prototypical).
There are also plenty of examples of vehicles introduced to the game in / around the same time as they were in reality, such as the Leopard 2PL.
The developers are checking out the matter currently.
Its very possible that when you have a targeting pod fitted, the DMT will be disabled, as the two conflict. But this is not final at the moment.