

27 Dec


Oh, those are event specials. They are scripted and not part of the normal special count. Unless those are counted towards the 5 cap as well? I don’t think so though. Same with thr arena fight at the start of Rightous Stand. I’ve passed the special cap there as well.

Btw, they all spawn in at the back of the room. Behind the door that opens to the bubble. So in that final event, try and kite around the ending door. All the specials will drop there and you can kill them instantly.


Interesting. I wonder how short the timers are? Cause most of my Cata games have them coming nonstop. I remember a game on fort budweiser where we triggered a boss at the starting bridge. I couldn’t even help with the boss as I was on WS longbow(anti special role) and the specials spawned nonstop the whole fight. Killed 6 of them during the duration

26 Dec


If I remember correctly, Cata doesn’t have a special cap. Unless something has changed, they will just keep spawning, you can make it worse by separating a few meters. Which will cause the Ai to spawn more disablers.

I’ve had games where 2 flamethrowers and a ratling gunner all hop over a wall one after the other. Meanwhile my team is dodging the two storms and gas rat with a gutter runner jumping between them.


I’ve suggested dropping her base ammo down by 50% which would fix that. She got a 100% ammo increase because she was so bad in the WoM beta. 50% should work fine now that she can proc ammo back on every special and elite killed instead of just specials like before with 100% less ammo.


As a WS main, I can assure you she was like this before as well. Most people just didn’t use the right build with ammo on headshot. You could fire your ULT with your bow out and regen 9 ammo, then you had your passive ammo regen as well. It was even wo...

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24 Dec


I always thought of thp like adrenaline in combat. You keep pushing on despite your injuries but when it all calms down, you crash. I think the faster decay helps with that. At the same time, there’s still a big delay on it decaying. You won’t lose thp in any kind of combat, see a single rat, smack it, even gaining the tiniest bit of thp will stop the decay from starting.


Zealot got a huge buff though? They actually increased his thp generation… Not to mention he can keep up his ULT for nearly every single big engage.

19 Dec


I hope not, it was a nice little damage buff.

18 Dec


Just played a few games with Waystalker sword & Dagger. Used thp on crit/headshot, didn’t notice a difference at all…

Love the new map, just kept expecting undead to attack us :frowning: that castle sitting off in the distance looks smexy. Can’t wait to get in there and rescue Geneviève Dieudonné

17 Dec


@Fatshark_Hedge The main man might have them, he’s probably busy with update though.

11 Dec


Exactly. I think people are upset more about the possible reset of Lohners shop. It’s already going to be bare bones, just so we can test. Now, if someone finds an exploit that lets them buy everything in the shop in a few minutes, it’s obviously going to get rolled back. Better all the kinks are worked out now before it goes live to all platforms.

04 Dec


I can see the threads already, “Elf OP,please nerf, unplayable”.



You mean Catrine is actually Geneviève Dieudonné and she’s taking us to Castle Drachenfels where the dwarf dies and my waifu takes up his spot in the Uber 5. :wink:

I’ll move this to general chat now lol


Well, at least he didn’t kill you for playing the elf and throw your grim away before he quit. You’ll meet all kinds of interesting folks on the Internet.


I’ve seen zero info regarding a battle royale mode and how would that even work with V2? :joy:

As far as I know, there is no plan for a cash shop either? Someone correct me if I’m wrong? From what I understand they will have an in game cosmetic store with in game currency and a few cosmetics available to buy via the steam store to support the game and let them put out free DLCs. When people say “cash shop”, I think of MMO type cash shops like League of Legends, paying for 2x exp or simply allowing you to bypass in game currencies to buy what you want outright.

02 Dec


The problem with that is the loading bug, where someone joins on you but let’s the timer run out when picking a class. If they then join another game, they will still be loading into your game forever and you can no longer end the game. The anti grief fixes that by ending the game anyway.


I moved it to bugs so the appropriate staff will see it.


I would actually say this is a bug? I’m pretty sure it’s not intended…

15 Nov


Professional beer drinker. I’m willing to take one for the team and overlook the potential health risks. It’s a tough job, but someone has got to do it.


Is this for fire barrels now as well?

Thank you… QPing Legend fort was brutal. It nearly always ended up with me having to run to the bubble solo with the party dead. Didn’t matter how many times I got them up. Most players can not handle that many zerkers and specials. The respawn point is kinda bad, as you have to climb or jump out. And mos...

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