

28 Mar

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ciężko mi coś doradzić, bo zwyczajnie nie spotkałem się z czymś takim.

Pozostaje poprosić o wrzucenie buga tutaj

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Jeśli dobrze zrozumiałem pytanie:

Takie coś oznacza, że każdy Twój działonowy (czy jak się nazywa gunner w PL wersji) ma umiejętności na poziomie 10.

Nie ma znaczenia, ilu ich masz w czołgu.

To nie strzelcy (AI) w samolocie, gdzie masz osobny pasek, który musisz zapełniać, w zależności od tego, ilu ich chcesz mieć w pełni korzystających ze skilla.

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Próbowałeś wyczyścić cache gry?

Nie przypominam sobie, żeby mi się kiedykolwiek zdarzył reset zapalnika na bombach. A zauważyłbym to, bo w większości bitew wykorzystuję CAS.

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Nie wiem skąd sobie to wziąłeś, ale nie ma czegoś takiego. Kto niby Ci tak napisał? Podaj mi proszę linka do posta, bo jest to bzdura.

Bo taka mechanika nie istnieje.

Maszyny powinny się renderować zawsze, kiedy powinieneś je widzieć. Jeśli jest inaczej - bug i możesz raportować tutaj:

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Pz.IV E, Pz.IV F1, Pz.IV F2, Pz.IV G, Pz.IV H, Pz.IV J, Pz.Bef.Wg.IV J — an erroneous element of a strip on the damage indicator has been removed.

Z.1007 bis series 3 — a bug with a double displaying of received damage on the indicator has been fixed.

He 111 H-3 — a bug that caused unresearched aircraft to be displayed in the hangar with boxes on parachutes has been fixed.

Now unresearched aircraft will be displayed in the hangar without suspended weaponry.

Fiat G.91 pre-serie — a bug with the incorrect number of machine guns in the vehicle card has been fixed. It previously displayed 8 machine guns instead of 4 (report).

F-8E — a bug where the pylon was missing for missiles in the suspended weaponry setup “Aim-9D + 2000 pounds MK84 bomb”, has been fixed (report).

MiG-23MLA — the icon for the GSH-23L cannons in the suspende...

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    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Pz.IV E, Pz.IV F1, Pz.IV F2, Pz.IV G, Pz.IV H, Pz.IV J, Pz.Bef.Wg.IV J — an erroneous element of a strip on the damage indicator has been removed.

Z.1007 bis series 3 — a bug with a double displaying of received damage on the indicator has been fixed.

He 111 H-3 — a bug that caused unresearched aircraft to be displayed in the hangar with boxes on parachutes has been fixed.

Now unresearched aircraft will be displayed in the hangar without suspended weaponry.

Fiat G.91 pre-serie — a bug with the incorrect number of machine guns in the vehicle card has been fixed. It previously displayed 8 machine guns instead of 4 (report).

F-8E — a bug where the pylon was missing for missiles in the suspended weaponry setup “Aim-9D + 2000 pounds MK84 bomb”, has been fixed (report).

MiG-23MLA — the icon for the GSH-23L cannons in the suspende...

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25 Mar

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please be sure you do not download additional UHD texture packs.

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Welcome to this week’s most notable moments on Thunder Show! For today’s episode, we’ve collected a mix of the weirdest and craziest stuff our players do — whether intentionally or not. We’ll see an anti-aircraft mortar, an air-to-air bomb, a crafty flying boat, a missile double, and a daring BMD sortie. Let’s go!

So, what do you do if something incredible happens in your battle that deserves to appear in Thunder Show?

While in the game, go to “Community > Replays” and find the replay.

Press the “Rename” button and give it a memorable name.

Open the Replays folder in the game folder: search for the file with the name you have just given it.

Attach the file to an email and send it to thundersho...

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    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

What you see = not what other people see.

If placed historically, decals are almost not visible in standard RB/SB battle. From where you took your 80%? You check every tank in last 100 battles you played? Doubt.

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With the Winds of Change update, the game uses a new rendering system.
Its advantage is an extended range of "smoothness" textures,
allowing for a more natural reproduction of smooth and rough materials. The improvements will have a particularly strong effect when using strong roughness.

In connection with this, there have been changes in the technology for creating camouflage.
In the texture normal (_n, _n_dmg) the red channel, which used to be responsible for smoothness of the texture, now stores inverted roughness.

The transition of old camouflages to the new renderer.

The old smoothness channel is converted to the new inverted roughness by the formula:

inverted roughness = 1 - (1-0.7*smoothness)^3

By the same formula, will be automatically translated camouflages made before update "Winds of Change"!

... Read more
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Thank you for all your feedback!

We are just launched tests on Live server.

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We are starting to test a new game mode in War Thunder! In the opendev of the “Wind of Change” update, you were able to try helicopter battles. We have improved the mode based on your feedback and want to invite you to try it out again on the live server.

(AB) [PvE] Helicopter Battles are available in the “Event” tab.

Depending on the BR of your helicopter preset, a game session will be created in one of the encounter options:

7.0 BR — 9.3 BR

9.7 BR and higher

Game mode features

In this game mode your team (human players) must advance the front line by destroying enemy bases and other ground targets scattered across the map. You can respawn unlimited times in this game mode, where each respawn will cost you Silver Lions.

The economy in this game mode isn’t final; we can change it in the process of testing as well as improve the mode itself.

Changes ...

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    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are starting to test a new game mode in War Thunder! In the opendev of the “Wind of Change” update, you were able to try helicopter battles. We have improved the mode based on your feedback and want to invite you to try it out again on the live server.

(AB) [PvE] Helicopter Battles are available in the “Event” tab.

Depending on the BR of your helicopter preset, a game session will be created in one of the encounter options:

7.0 BR — 9.3 BR

9.7 BR and higher

Game mode features

In this game mode your team (human players) must advance the front line by destroying enemy bases and other ground targets scattered across the map. You can respawn unlimited times in this game mode, where each respawn will cost you Silver Lions.

The economy in this game mode isn’t final; we can change it in the process of testing as well as improve the mode itself.

Changes ...

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24 Mar

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

From changelog:

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

That was an issue that lasted ~1h and is already fixed.

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct


Simply copy files from Dev Server to your original WT directory. Then open launcher and do check files.

This instruction is not intended for Steam game client.

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

War Thunder is multiplayer game, it requires all players to have latest, up to date game. There is no option to join server on old game version, sorry.

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Fix is on server. Restarting game should fix the issue.