

16 Sep


Plans change. It you (I don't mean you personally, of course, it is an abstraction) don't update the plans for your game which are several years old, you are either a prophet, or dumb.
Our "no subs ever" gently turned in "we don't work on them atm" very long time ago, actually. And still, we had a lot of things to do. Now, a year ago, in terms of our technical and production capabilities, was a good time to start working on them, so we did.

The only problem I see here is "never subs" which was our position back then. Because "never say never"


I am not sure where "trumpeting" is. Yes, we would like to reflect the DD historical role, and ideally, avoid giving depth charges to the ships that did not carry them - ideally, I say, because if absolutely needed for the sake of game balance, we can live with that.

As for the speeds - all speeds in the game are scaled, including shell travel time. And the ships sizes are scaled (twice bigger than IRL compared to shooting ranges), so with all due respect, this is not hypocrisy, this is "we want to minimize the historical inaccuracy when possible, but game balance goes first". The OP seems like an attempt to pick on phrasing.

P.S. "Scale the speed" does not mean "totally discount historical accuracy". I can give you hundreds of examples where it is totally discounted in the game, but it is not here.


21 Jun


Nothing to be sorry about, it is your opinion we respect. You will not even be detonated more often in the game because of it, I promise

Let me just say that most of our budget goes to the playerbase in form of rewards in this case, and close the topic. I have no right to go into details, as there is 3rd party involved here.

As for recruitment, if only it was so easy. Unfortunately throwing money at at the screen (or in this case at HR) does not magically give you all professionals you need. We have open positions all the time, but it is hard to fill many of them (or to train a specialist internally). Even for my team, and we are not doing rocket science, I had to look for 3-4 months to fill a slot, and on most occasions so far I ended up with using recommendation from someone I know. Even though we're one of the very best places in the industry in our region.

And even if we had to make a choice for some reason, Amazon event bud...

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20 Jun



1. Obviously the details of this cooperation are not to be disclosed, but this is more of mutual project, which gives us an additional flow of new players, while providing our veterans with some cool stuff, and we're happy that Amazon is on board and helping us to make this happen. We also have similar cooperation with PayPal on EU and with Yandex on CIS.

2. It is not the question of choice. I think it should be explained in more detail.

Our main value is our audience. The audience leaves with time, as it happens in absolutely any game, and the audience flows in as new players and returning players. We're very happy that our game has very good core playerbase, a lot of most active players are with us since Beta. Obviously for the game to thrive and evolve for years, there should also be inflow of fresh blood. Thus, if we look from this perspective, we should:

1. Work on retaining current players (so they stay in ...

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07 Jun


There are a...anchorholes in any part (port!) of the world. Most times I observe, Russian people are quite friendly actually. The thing here is that we don't really show excessive emotions. For example, here in US people tell me "How are you?" while they mean "Hi". In Russia, if a person says "How are you?", most likely he really wants to know how are you. And if he's smiling, he IS happy - not trying to be friendly There are different nuances here and there. But from my experience from travelling across US, to China, to Europe - most people have same values, same hopes and fears, and don't have real reasons to dislike each other. But there is always bad apple here and there. I'm sorry for your bad experience.


Well take this in return:


Russian community is great, but has one challenging trait - these guys LOVE to get personal. Although, as for communities as a whole, our experiences seem to differ, but just to be clear: I mostly engaged in EN-language communities throughout my gaming life.

Dear friend, what did I just spend 4 minutes of my life on? I find it disturbing and strangely satisfying at the same time....


Actually, from my long experience with a lot of online and game communities, WoWS is the best, most mature and reasonable. Really.

I am not stamping anyone's voice or something. I don't tell you what to think. I don't ask you to change your views or do research or anything. I just ask you to chill out and stop bringing this up here. It is our rules. You accept the rules or you don't use Forums. You break the rules, you get banned. And the rules are not about criticizing the game or discussing navy history. They mostly restrict things that are not related to the game and things that Wargaming as game development studio has nothing to do with. It is done not to shut anyone's voice, but just to get rid of heavily loaded things that we don't have any interest in, as well as most of our players. Some things that are acceptable in a small community or some independent platforms are not necessarily okay for an official Forums, of the game, which is published by ...

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I appreciate the American education and input on things happening overseas, but I believe you should still go to some relevant platform or club to discuss political history. There are quite a few of them. As for discussing what politically related things are or not are in the game, this discussion is not happening. We're not in position to engage in this debate, and trying to fuel it will result in ban. The game and forum is about navy, ships (and weeb stuff sometimes). Thank you.


@HorrorRoach sorry, but I will have to moderate your post, as it is highly political and goes beyond humor. Please let's not dive into this topic, as there are special groups and places for such discussions. Thank you!


Guys, we don't have any strict rules of not mentioning other games, because we don't want to over moderate and want to give you as much space for discussion as possible. But overall, this is WoWS forums, and if you want to discuss other modern games, it makes all sense in the world to go to the respective communities. As a team, we're interested in hearing your feedback and experience in OUR game. If you make a valid point or question like "hey, do you like how X implemented in Z game", we will do our best to treat it loyally, as it can be useful and constructive. However, if a discussion of any other game will become a central topic or will go into advertising/promoting area, we will do some moderation to set the discussion back on track. It is not the case where we can have a perfect mathematically precise rule (as I said, we don't want to have just a restrictive no), so each case will be treated and evaluated individually.


Yes, comrade, да! By grinding RU BB line you are reinforcing the virtual navy of vitrual in-game RU nation. But fear not! If your color is not red, get into this good old Montana and citadel the hell out of these pixel commies with your 16-inch democracy dispensers!

On a serious note: what this question is about?

06 Jun


Good tips here. And if you follow them and learn other things, you will be able to do this (this is just a joke RU player made long time ago, but IMO it is brilliantly satisfying):

31 May


The question is definition of "gain". If stats-wise Hak makes considerable battle contribution by absolute and relative damage and spotting, and has good WR in the groupr, why plane losses matter? Kaga has a lot of plane losses, too, but she is still strong, because she can send many waves. It's just a feature of a ship - weaker planes, but more of them. Still gets the job done. On the contrary, Saipan has fewer planes, but they are stronger individually. Gets the job done as well.


Mouse is calling it a bug, because my team member told her it's a bug. He was not entirely correct, nor her was wrong. And I'm sorry for miscommunication that happened. It is how mechanic works (guns start not loaded) and it was not considered a problem (because as I said above, DPS timer does not reset, so it basically matters only for the 1st damage tick).

However, as we strongly consider tweaking the DPS mechanics to be give more consistent results, it may be treated as a bug in some of the possible tweaks. But, for example (it IS just an example) if we introduce faster tick rates for all AA guns across the board, the fact they have to load first will not matter at all.

So in the end, the real question will not be in this exact nuance, but in the result. We do want to make AA results more consistent, and there are several potential ways to achieve it.



She is spread and popular enough to judge her on stats. If she falls behind, we will gladly buff her, as any other ship


Thanks, Mouse, this is an excellent article. I've just addressed a somewhat similar (not about this exact component, but about DPS AA consistency) write up on Reddit here, and I think my response will make sense here as well:

Also, it's worth mentioning @LittleWhiteMouse (apologies if I missed that) that the DPS application timer is not being reset. For example, if AA group applies DPS once per 5 seconds, and a plane squadron dips in for 4 seconds, next time any target enters this range, it will take damage in 1 second, not in 5. It is a nuance of the mechanic, which is rather important. But, as I said, we will strongly consider tweaking it, to make DPS AA more consistent.


29 May


Thank God you do not work in our financial department.

If you think that for the game which is 4 years old and is the main project of our studio, it makes sense to make Tons Of Cash© (on the least popular class in the game, btw) for 1 month at the cost of pissing off everyone for a year, you....kinda don't understand how it works.

Also what's up with unbalanced Russian BB? Any proof that we consistently release lines OP and then nerf it? I kinda fail to see such trends, in many cases, actually, we had to buff new ship lines after a while. Our goal is always make the balance as good as possible, given some limitations of test process.

Finally, "large number of players" did not quit outright or ran to Co-Op. Any "large" number is, well, largely visible, and a lot of developers, from dev team to management, care a lot about player numbers. Or, to put it more diectly, have the audience as one of the most important evaluation metrics. I mea...

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It's a one way to look at things.
Another way is this: we have tons of content locked to specific "seasons", so each 2-3 months there is an "update arc" with a lot of cool stuff to get. Those who "wait for Warspite", miss all this, or will find this content much harder to get.

Also, I am not sure that having a reward for new/returning players is "shoveling" and not having exactly the same is "shafting". Maybe it's the cultural things and I do not translate it properly, but I just imagine coming to, let's say, some food delivery, and saying they "shafted" me for not giving me 1st time deal after having 100 meals there..but again, I may be reading too much into it. With all due respect.



Yes, sorry, I meant exactly "DPS when rippling", not max theoretical DPS.

I hate to say it, dude, but I think I personally brought this feature request from Reddit last year and never thought it may have any negative consequences for anyone...

I think it's very subjective topic, so let's see how feedback goes on this change further on.


I am thinking about it honestly - making a big CV-rework after action report. But in all fairness, I need more time to formulate it all, and also I would like to see some things currently in development to be done first. Then we will see. But yeah, you pretty much read my mind here - I think such insight might be interesting for some players. Still, it won't help those who simply do not like the changes, because..well, they just don't like them (as unfortunately it is not possible to suit everyone).