

22 Jul


Originally posted by Spazgrim

Terrible yield it seems but very interesting, torchlight is enough which would make it viable even for tribal colonies.

Potentially a way to survive toxic fallout?

I'm planning a balance pass on these fwiw.

21 Jul


We will investigate this!


Originally posted by Camellia_Sin

I... wow. Hi Tynan. I'd say "it's YOU," but unless you are having a severe existential crisis, you know that.

I'll take your advice. Thank you for responding, and thank you so much for making an incredible game. I grew up loving video games, but due to Anxiety TM, I gave them up. Most games made me too anxious. RimWorld helped me rediscover this love, and it's something I can play without tripping that anxious switch in my brain. It's been great to rediscover my love of interactive stories through Rimworld.

Thanks again, to you and your wonderful team.

You're welcome - and I'm glad you're enjoying it!


It looks like you're trying to load with a gigantic mod list. So soon after a version release, it's likely that one or more of these mods contains a fatal bug.

Sometimes mods can have incompatibilities between each other that only kill the game if two particular mods are present. These are hard to trace.

My honest recommendation is to be a bit more conservative with the mod list for now until everyone has had time to stabilize their code a bit.


This is going to get added for sure.

It is a new feature though, with a fair amount of complexity, so it won't be *super* fast. But we have a trusted coder (Mulford) dedicated to it.