

20 Jul


Originally posted by TiaPixel

Hi there. Some people are able to play Ideology on Steam, some are not. It seems to be due to a Steam load issue. We're currently working on it, have contacted Steam, and are doing our best to get Ideology up and running for everyone.

This issue is fixed now!


Originally posted by DubhghallSigurd

Edit: Verifying file integrity triggered the download, restarting steam didn't.

Edit2: Game is updated, but it says Ideology isn't installed.

My install hasn't updated to 1.3, and installing the Ideology expansion didn't do anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sorry about that - Downloads should be working as of about 80 minutes ago.


Originally posted by BrunBeast

Gotcha. Seems to work, but what do they do?

Several things.

  1. They look cool.
  2. They tell a bit of an implicit story. Environmental storytelling in the BioShock sense, but much lower key.
  3. They block space that you can free up later through effort. It's a form of progression. Similar to destructible rocks from StarCraft II. So the map changes over time.

This should be alleviating - anyone who can report please do reply or let us know if we have more to do.


Hey if you usually play on Steam you can just redeem your copy on Steam as well. It'll be easier.

Just got to rimworldgame.com/getmygame and you should be able to get it on your Steam account there.


Originally posted by TynanSylvester

We're working on this but as far as I can tell it's a Steam-side issue.

Some players get the files, some dont. I confirmed the files are there the in depot.

Tweeted here on it as well: https://twitter.com/TynanSylvester/status/1417543126609182724

Steam's rep has been contacted as well.

Okay this should be fixed now! Sorry about all that.


We're working on this but as far as I can tell it's a Steam-side issue.

Some players get the files, some dont. I confirmed the files are there the in depot.

Tweeted here on it as well: https://twitter.com/TynanSylvester/status/1417543126609182724

Steam's rep has been contacted as well.


We are on this right now. Site is struggling under unprecedented load.

Sorry - trying to get this as smooth as possible but there are a lot of moving parts here!


We will address this. Maybe not in the release build but in a hotfix soon after. Thanks for spreading awareness!

19 Jul

18 Jul


Originally posted by Wenthloy

I'm pretty sure dryads and stuff are to balance going the nature-lover route and making it competitive with industrialist society. The dryads from what I see help with things that can be difficult if you are one with nature (like producing wood so you don't have to cut down trees) so I think that these are supposed to be benefits to being anti-industry. Without them it would be shooting yourself to play as druidic nature-lovers because you would lose out on stuff that would be so much easier and faster if you were industrial

Great analysis. This is a big part of it. Without something to juice it up, going the nature-worship path felt too limited. I am fine with different beliefs being harder or easier, but they should all feel rich and interesting in their own way.


Originally posted by Ferreira1

Awesome! But at the same time... kinda not? It feels like a very specific thing to build a colony around. Hopefully (and I think this is the case) there are other mechanics like the trees for different types of colonies.

If this is standalone and is THE way to get some gatherer drones for example, it's... kinda weird imo in the sense it might be basically mandatory in every colony.

It is very specific - just one more piece of the expansion for players who choose this particular play path. I expect most games will see little to no Gauranlen tree use.

That's really the structure of Ideology. It gives a bunch of new directions to play in.


Originally posted by Bewjlicious

As for savegames, saves from 1.2 (and before) will load on 1.3 (assuming no mods break anything). In addition, non-Ideology savegames will load with Ideology. (However, if you do this you won’t be able to customize or randomize your belief system on startup, since the game is already started.)

I want to keep playing my current save, but I'm not quite sure what's meant by belief systems. I'm super hyped and want to just play my new game. Will I still be able to enjoy aspects of the new DLC once it's released?

So you'll be able to load your current save, but you'll just continue playing with the belief system that is the implicit default in 1.2. Your colonists aren't going to switch to be pain-worshipping tree-connnectors or anything like that.

Bascially you can continue your game, and a ton of new stuff will unlock, but you miss the part of Ideology where you can customize your belief system at game start.

(You can of course use devtools to edit your belief system if you want anyway).