

21 Jul


Originally posted by Kripthmaul

Let me save my ideology PLEASE

We're working on this!

EDIT: We did this!


You're right, we're going to add this in an update soon.

It's coming, but it won't be immediate - this is a new feature that needs proper testing and UI work.


Originally posted by CSPAG

Bought DLC on rimworldgame.com now can't get a steam key, says:

"Apologies, we are temporarily out of steam keys. Please try again tomorrow."

What can I do? Is this normal

Sorry about that. This was a temporary (<30 minutes) problem related to the massive load on the server around release. It was never out of keys and you can redeem any time at https://rimworldgame.com/getmygame


Originally posted by Exquisite_Biscuits

Why do my blind colonists get the darkness debuff??

It has always worked like this. Many blind people have some light perception. But it makes less sense now so we're going to remove it in a hotfix soon.


Sorry that's happening.

It's be great if you could come post your log file in the bug reporting Discord. We'll work on it! https://discord.gg/mdfgVN4W


As it is now, different worlds are fully separate - different continents, colonists, faction, etc, and ideoligions.

We're getting requests about this pretty consistently though so we're planning on adding it in an update not too long from now. That said, it won't be super soon because this is an entirely new feature which needs a bunch of work to be stable and polished.

The way to go now is just to save your game on starting and load that if you die.


It's always been like that. You can make arguments about blind versus legally blind, etc. But yeah it is a bit odd. We're patching it out.


Attack and destroy them! But it takes some effort.

Similar to destructible rocks from StarCraft II.
We're gonna make this clearer.

20 Jul


I believe there should be one with a question mark who you can r-click.

If not, we may have something to fix and we might beg you for your savegame with this situation live. Any chance you could join the Discord server to tell us about it?


We're working on this but having trouble reproducing this situation.

If anyone has steps we can use to reproduce it, please post them!


Originally posted by pheanox

Alright, thanks. You are not supposed to remove either of those roles, and in the next hotfix that won't be possible, so the issue should be settled next hotfix.

Actually the fix is live now, you can restart Steam to get it.

Or just don't remove those roles until then :)


Originally posted by xxnipxx

Yes, I have 3 of the 4 available to my colony.

Do you have both a leader and moral guide role?


This can happen if Steam mis-writes files. Solve it by using the file manager to manually delete all the RimWorld install files from your Steam folder (in the steamapps/common folder). Then make Steam re-download.

A full thread of what to try in these cases:
