

18 Jul


Originally posted by Dodger_Rej3ct

They seem independent of each other.

They're totally independent. You have neither, either, or both.

We go by the principle that regardless of your configuration there should never be anything that appears disabled or missing in the game. (There are even patches to item descriptions that remove the mention of their expansion-related functionality if the expansion isn't present.)


Originally posted by Frydendahl

I'm wondering a bit, what's the advantage/disadvantages of using these trees? Do they limit nearby construction like the anima tree? They seem to sprout orange grass for the dryads to eat, so it that sense they take up a large amount of space, but why wouldn't I always want to have a few hauler trees?

Pruning the tree takes time. And, they are more effective if you give them some space (but not as much as the anima tree - you just can't pack them in like workshops).

17 Jul

16 Jul

14 Jul


Look I'm not a duck farmer. How was I supposed to know this isn't how you transport ducks.

It's fine - just ship it.

13 Jul


Originally posted by froznwind

This is just my opinion but problem is the auto-slaughter automation is counting early pregnancies. They are normally hidden from the player but the automation is protecting the early-pregnant animals. With female tame animals nearly always being pregnant in Rimworld, it makes it impossible for the automation to slaughter enough females to maintain a stable population.

Very good point.


Originally posted by Rhodri_Kraakman


Writing naming content is one of the most fun parts of this job.

12 Jul


Originally posted by InfiniteImagination

It's not a bug, though! The code is behaving exactly as documented. (I guess I should've also added this to my initial post, but here it is: https://i.imgur.com/74CS9yz.png) The window literally tells you that it doesn't count non-adult or reproducing animals. My point is that the result of this design is that the automatic population control system is unhelpful and ineffective, but it seemed worth starting a discussion in case others had found otherwise.

I apprecaite that you started the discussion. I'm going to look into this.

This is why we do a beta!

11 Jul


Originally posted by 514484

Colonists with social roles will want a change of appearance to suit their position. They may ask for elegant capes, creepy visage masks, solemn hoods, painful torture crowns, or anything else to set themselves apart according to their traditions.

I hope you can set that yourself, I want armor on every single colonist. Or maybe you get alternative armor shapes like the samurai helmet.

You can customize every aspect if the initial randomized ones aren't to your liking.