

02 Mar


Originally posted by patoarmado

Hello Tynan, thanks for the cool DLC!

After playing a lot of this weekend, here are two very specifics pieces of feedback concerning throne rooms:

  • Somehow, silver tiles do not count as "fine" tiles. Not sure if that is intended, but if it is, it would be nice to have "fine" versions of the silver and gold tiles.

  • A Knight requires a Harp, but does not accept a Harpsichord or Piano, even though higher levels accept those. Feels a bit weird that the requirement is "exactly this" and not "this or better"

Not related to the throne room, but I also found a really weird bug that when my colonist became a noble, their heir was defined as a pawn that was not one of the colonists. I found out later that the designated heir was actually an ancient soldier sleeping in my ancient danger.

Great feedback. The silver/gold tile thing is already on our list of things to fix.

I'll think about the harp thing; it could be simple or maybe not.

Inheritance is a bit random sometimes; that doesn't sound broken but it is odd. I suspect it'll get refined.

Thanks for playing!