18 Dec

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LessonNyne

May we have a dedicated Stream Thread for this coming Live Stream? I really do think people would enjoy being able to chat, and post comments and thoughts here as the Stream is taking place.

Please, and Thank you!

I think we’d be interested in this as well. :)


13 Dec

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Patzzer

It was amazing. Definetely sold me on the game as loot was the only thing missing for me to pull the trigger. Thanks!

Woot! Glad you enjoyed it.

Special thanks to u/benirvo and u/darokaz for making it all happen today.

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CheburekiKid

Stream will finally cover loot, progression and gear:


GMT: 9pm

PST: 1pm

EST: 4pm

CET: 10pm

Watch here: https://www.twitch.tv/anthemgame

EDIT: VOD can be watched here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/348651403

Can’t wait to see what you all think. :)

08 Dec

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Hollowbody57

Will the mouse+keyboard controls be tweaked in future builds? Right now flight is a nightmare and the aiming just feels weird. I don't know if it's mouse acceleration combined with the different X-Y sensitivities or if it's emulating a controller or what, but they're really, really rough in it's current state. Not quite unplayable, but pretty close.

Yes, the KB+M controls are still being tuned.

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Pivzor

The mouse controls feels rather weird at the moment. The vertical vs horizontal sensitivity is way off for me.

Other than that I'm liking it so far.

The ideal control type for this alpha build is a controller. Thanks for the feedback though!

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by KridenTagg

Good afternoon! I just checked my EA Playtesting site and now it's saying no other play tests available. Does that mean I was removed from my previously accepted play test or was everything just wiped?

Hint: Just try again at the next session. You still can, technically.

Consider that to be more of an RSVP system.

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Kgoto

Will we need to do anything on our end (client side) for the next session (update) or are these changes all server side?

Server side. Nothing on your end.

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by N6D4

Also can't connect to forums. Hard to report stuff when there is nowhere to do so lol

Have you tried again? I know they were working on the forum traffic issue as well...

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Musely




◈ Can I sign up for this?

Registration is closed at this time. There may be another technical test in the future but no solid plans at this time.

◈ Who/how many people got in?

At this time, it's not known. This alpha was originally supposed to be limited to a certain amount of people who were emailed, but one of the people who were given the link posted it on Reddit where it was subsequently picked up by the press.

◈ Did I get into the alpha?

Check your emails. Emails have been sent out to people who have been approved as well as people who have not been approved. Also, check your respective client. For example, if you're on PC, check Origin in your game library. You may have a preload waiting fo...

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The servers are going to be coming down until the next session. The team is aware that many of you were having connectivity issues at various times or throughout. We are sorry about any frustration that caused, as we know people are excited to give it a try.

The team is making some adjustments to things on that end and bringing the servers back up for the next session (which is from 12:00pm - 3:00pm PST / 3:00pm - 6:00pm EST.) As a notice, if you were accepted into this alpha, you can still try to playtest in other sessions as well.

Thank you all.

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by spamenigma

Given up also, 2hours of my weekend is has been more than enough to waste. The two other methods they tell people to look at for info need sorting!

No tweets and a 404 error on the status page. At least communicate with people during this!

I thought that was what I was doing?

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RegrettableDeed

The little bit of the game that I got to play was SUPER fun! I'm just excited that I was able to get my hands on it even for a minute. Like you said, this is why you do these tests! No reason to be sad, but also no reason to give up trying to get in. Now, excuse me while I press 'f' and 'enter' for the next hour.

Now that's dedication. I'm super happy you've enjoyed what you played so far.

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


Unfortunately, I don't think that is possible. I understand the frustration and letdown of not being able to play. I do apologize for that frustration and would totally understand if you wanted to stop trying to connect. Just letting you know the team is working on it and this is part of the reason for the stress testing.

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Yazidguile

Totally understandable :)

But anyway, i think i tried for at least 1h30min now with no sucess, i guess i contributed enough for the first session, signing off and will try again on the next.

And i mean, just a comment but it would be REALLY NICE if at least the forums are working.

I agree. ;)

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Musely




◈ Can I sign up for this?

Registration is closed at this time. There may be another technical test in the future but no solid plans at this time.

◈ Who/how many people got in?

At this time, it's not known. This alpha was originally supposed to be limited to a certain amount of people who were emailed, but one of the people who were given the link posted it on Reddit where it was subsequently picked up by the press.

◈ Did I get into the alpha?

Check your emails. Emails have been sent out to people who have been approved as well as people who have not been approved. Also, check your respective client. For example, if you're on PC, check Origin in your game library. You may have a preload waiting fo...

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First off... Huge THANK YOU to all of you who signed up to play in the Anthem closed alpha test.

We are aware of a number of you who haven’t been able to connect to the game servers or our AHQ forums and working to get you all in as fast as possible. These issues are actually the reason we do stress tests like this during Alpha. We thank you for your patience, and I would encourage you to keep trying to connect.

Thanks again.

07 Dec

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MissedAirstrike

Quick question: why are we testing on older code? Wouldn't you want to integrate all the fixes you've made so we can worry about bugs you haven't fixed? Or is the new code not fully polished yet and this is the last "official" release?

I wouldn't worry too much about what to report and what not. It's all welcomed.

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by The_Kingsmen

Do the best you can to make this game as great as it can be, but leave the reveals to the Development and PR Teams. Whether you were accepted or not, a non-disclosure agreement was signed and it's important that it's followed to a T. Other people on this forum may not want to be spoiled, and the staff at BioWare definitely don't want their hard work shown off until it's perfect.

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA), also known as a confidentiality agreement (CA), confidential disclosure agreement (CDA), proprietary information agreement (PIA) or secrecy agreement (SA), is a legal contract between at least two parties) that outlines confidential ...

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REMINDER: I know it's been said a bunch of times, but this is a technical test. They're going to be pulling the plug, kicking the tires, flipping the switches, etc... all while you may or may not be in the middle of an activity. It's also worth noting that although feedback is greatly appreciated, this is also older code. Some of the bugs you encounter very well might already be fixed.

We hope you enjoy it if you got in, but just my friendly reminder about this being a technical test with some older alpha code.

Godspeed, Freelancers.

04 Dec

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by iGameYT

u/BenIrvo, u/UNTdrew and the rest of the Anthem team have done an amazing job with transparency and communication in the community. Im excited to see what the future holds for this game and how the world comes to life when we finally drop in.

I personally can’t wait for you all to drop in. I look forward to forming some bonds and taking on some Scars together!

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ezioaudi420

UPDATE: they came, they heard, they listened. A FREE DEMO WILL BE OUT FEB 1ST. WOOHOO!!!! https://twitter.com/GambleMike/status/1070882031888809984

  1. PEOPLE ARE CHEAP AND UNWILLING TO LET EA TAKE THEIR MONEY AGAIN. Pre-ordering cost $5, EA Access is $4.99/month, and Origin Access is 14.99/month. What do they all have in common? You need to pay one of these prices to play a demo of a game THAT YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN BUY. Now if you didn't like EA (as many of us do) you are already hesitant of anything having to do with them. So EA adding a pay wall for a DEMO reinforces all of the negative stereotypes you have of their games. The point of a demo is for players to try out a small slice of a game to see if they want to make a full purchase. But if you're forcing me to pay for a TRIAL when I already don't trust your company's money grabbing ways in the first place.. then I'm probably not gonna go for it. N...
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Thanks for the feedback, as always! We might not always have an answer for you but just wanted you to know we’re always reading. :)

02 Dec

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AuraofMana

Got a closed alpha invite email today, asking me to confirm and get in (because it's first come, first serve). Tried getting to the website and it asks me to wait for 15 minutes because there are 150 people in the line.

Not only did I have to wait 15 minutes, it rejected my queue number when it was my turn and it's now telling me to wait an hour: https://imgur.com/a/b0pVp9v

I am not waiting an hour for this.

EA, fix your shit.

The right people are continuing to look into this, but my advise is just to keep trying on the site if you don’t get through at first.

Sorry for the difficulty getting through. It’s been a very popular link.