15 Feb


Hello Freelancers,

It's exciting to see many of you finally playing the game through Early Access. With that in mind, would love to feature your best javelin customizations, highlight clips, exciting moments and more on our official channels. If this interests you, please submit your creations so we can celebrate you and the community!

All you have to do:

  1. Go here https://www.ea.com/games/anthem/about/fan-art-kit
  2. Scroll to the bottom and select "Upload" under "Submit C...
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09 Feb


This is awesome! Well done. :)

01 Feb

31 Jan


Originally posted by RiseOfBacon

Thanks for the confirmation!

Will we be getting any Patch Notes / info regarding todays Demo update to 1.01?

Patch notes are basically: General fixes to improve stability, such as a number of fixes to the 95% load screen issue. There were no game changes applied.


Just to make sure everyone is clear, the below image is the correct dates for our Open Demo.

Latest Info & Updates:

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Hi! This was a typo that I've confirmed has been fixed (or should be shortly).

Sorry for the confusion everyone! The Open Demo is still Feb. 1 - 3.

More info on demos: https://www.ea.com/games/anthem/news/anthem-vip-demo-live

28 Jan


Originally posted by crystal8194

showing 4k60fps months ago where you'd need 2x 1080Ti to achieve it, but not supporting it at launch and not giving any information if it ever will be...

it's like Navhkrin said, it was frustration because of the general state of the game and all the issues the "demo" had. nothing against you, my bad. I just want this game to be good so badly!

btw I also got downvoted for this post :P

Fair enough. Sometimes I just can't communicate specifics. I'm sorry if that is frustrating.

I would love everyone to know that we really do care about the community and your experience. From the get-go, I think the team has been transparent about what would and wouldn't be in the game. (Especially through Mark and the rest of the producer's AMAAAA's on Twitter.)

I get that you might not always like the answer, but I think it's better than the alternative. I also understand not everyone has been here since the beginning, which creates some gaps in information.

27 Jan


I’m getting downvoted here... which is fine. You have a right to do that. But why? I’m literally being transparent and telling you facts.

26 Jan


FYI: SLI is not supported with Anthem at launch, or in the VIP demo.


Originally posted by Yojenkz

Add absurd rubberbanding during freeplay.

Also add that when it stops happening, you get spammed with “connection issue; an unknown error occurred” until the game finally boots you back to an infinite loading screen.

Thanks for the feedback. We're also trying to track specific issues, so do you mind reporting the specifics to us at help.ea.com? Will help us help you.

18 Jan


Thanks for this! It’s now the background on my iPhone! 📱

14 Jan


Originally posted by iGameYT

u/UNTDrew you have any info on when Wal-Mart will be releasing the codes?

We don’t control the retailer distribution of the codes. I would advise reaching out to them directly.

12 Jan

01 Jan


This. Is. Incredible.

Thank you for sharing!

30 Dec


Originally posted by iGameYT

Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and Holiday week. Many of the devs are taking a long-needed break, but that doesn't stop them from continuing to answer your questions.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Tap fire those socials for more info and updates:

You can find all the weekly updates archived at www.fort-tarsis.com. Follow this rad duo on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FortTarsisHub

Weekly Update Archive: ...

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These are awesome recaps and I appreciate the work that goes into them.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I really do love the community building up around Anthem.

28 Dec




These are so cool!

27 Dec


Originally posted by gimel182

The game still not available for pre order from Amazon. anyone know the reason?

Hey, thanks for following up.

If you (or any players) are attempting to pre-order the game on Amazon, you’ll want to reach out to them directly to find out why you aren’t able to do so (as well as why your pre order was canceled.)

In the meantime, you can still pre-order at various retailer sites or at https://www.ea.com/games/anthem/buy

I hope this helps. I’m sorry I cannot help further with the Amazon side of things.

25 Dec


So so cool. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to our reddit community as well!

Special shoutout to /u/Musely and the rest of the mods. 😊

Looking forward to an exciting 2019.

18 Dec


Awesome work! Looks like a movie poster for a Michael Bay movie. ;)