Originally posted by crystal8194
showing 4k60fps months ago where you'd need 2x 1080Ti to achieve it, but not supporting it at launch and not giving any information if it ever will be...
it's like Navhkrin said, it was frustration because of the general state of the game and all the issues the "demo" had. nothing against you, my bad. I just want this game to be good so badly!
btw I also got downvoted for this post :P
Fair enough. Sometimes I just can't communicate specifics. I'm sorry if that is frustrating.
I would love everyone to know that we really do care about the community and your experience. From the get-go, I think the team has been transparent about what would and wouldn't be in the game. (Especially through Mark and the rest of the producer's AMAAAA's on Twitter.)
I get that you might not always like the answer, but I think it's better than the alternative. I also understand not everyone has been here since the beginning, which creates some gaps in information.